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wtshtf, and why i belive you will not have the chance to fight back.

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posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 03:51 PM
according to my personal dreams and premonitions, this is how things will go down.
i have no doubt whatsoever that when the time comes, out military and law officers will move into urban areas to round up those who disagree with policy, and also for the purpose of disarming the american public.
my vision is the problem, i see them using all the high tech weaponry available.
crank up a dial, and push a button, and all the humans in entire urban areas are deemed incapacitated, knocked out cold. they move in, handcuff you, take your weapons, and by the time you come too, it'll be to late to fight back.
a veteran friend told me that this is basically how we took control of areas like falluja during the surge.
entire blocks of people were crying for the help of allah, did not know what was hitting them.
by the time they came too, the military already rounded up the suspected insurgents.
to think that this weaponry is available, yet will not be used on the american people is foolish.
in no way am i recommending giving up your guns and ammo, i am only warning that the majority of you will never get the chance to use your weaponry, and are in a way wasting time thinking that what is too come will be some sort of civil war where you're going to have a chance to fight back.

[edit on 2-8-2010 by rubbertramp]

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by rubbertramp

But you will have time to make your peace. There will be a short delay before they cross check your DNA for organ removal for transplant.

After that they will have to prep the recipients of your useable organs. Then you will see the guillotine.

That's all you can reasonably hope for, is time to make your peace.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by rubbertramp

Well crap, if they have this ability, why is the war dragging on this long?

You would have thought they could have wrapped the whole mess up by now with a "stun a whole block of people for a pretty long time frame" device.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

Because they want it to drag out as long as possible so they can make as much money as possible.

I thought that was obvious by now.

This premonition seems plausible and that's the scariest part.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
reply to post by rubbertramp

Well crap, if they have this ability, why is the war dragging on this long?

You would have thought they could have wrapped the whole mess up by now with a "stun a whole block of people for a pretty long time frame" device.

The reason for this is because they have to do it while the people are still conscientiously unaware. Because if the people wake up too soon, then they will have a massive problem on their hands. I think they're trying to do what the Nazi's did, except they don't want to connect the dots.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 04:52 PM
TPTB don't even need this type of capibility, even if it does exist.

Katrina was the test. Police and National Guard confiscated firearms, rounded up civilans into camps without a single person fighting back. NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON RESISTED, NOT ONE ! NONE!, NO ONE RESISTED.

Civil War in this country at this time is never going to happen.

You along with ALL of your neighbors will hand over your gun and get on the train to the FEMA Camp. NOT ONE OF YOU WILL RESIST.

It is just not in you to desire freedom over death, You will choose slavey and prison over death, That is just how it is.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
reply to post by rubbertramp

Well crap, if they have this ability, why is the war dragging on this long?

You would have thought they could have wrapped the whole mess up by now with a "stun a whole block of people for a pretty long time frame" device.

Politics, and money my good friend! They could end it at any time but they dont. Then they get to implament other technologies, and trappings. then before you know it, they have all thier ducks in a row ready for a swift mass take over.. What I believe is that you wont have time to fight back from your dwelling, but rather you will only have time to flee. Then regroup into a rebel force to fight back. But then you think about all of the UCAV's, Satallites, and other goodies they will use to track us down with, and the rebel forces will be dealt with quickly.........

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 04:57 PM
i have no doubt there are many posts here regarding the high tech weaponry i speak of. but just in case some don't get the gist of this here are a couple of examples.

wiki on long range acoustic devices.

a good 'wired mag' article with lots of links.

wired mag.

so, can anyone put up an argument about how our government would not use this weaponry on the civilian public?
they already have for use of crowd control.

i always wonder what they are not telling us about, let alone, what happens when the volume is cranked up on these machines?

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by brokedown

katrina was nothing.
i used to think that the major warning sign would be when we hear the msm tell us the troops are coming home.
it would take a lot of man power to instigate martial law.
since these visions of people in the streets, on their knees, hands over ears, or clutching chest, have been shown to me, i now realize this country could be locked down with little man power.
the wars will expand, and it will not take the entire military on american soil to lock down this country.
it will be possible to do both.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 05:07 PM
I just love people's personal premonitions about how things are gonna 'go down' in the future. These kinds of threads give me a good hearty laugh that helps me make it through the day. Oh, it's really gonna happen that way? Wow! I had no idea. Heck, let's just all give up right now and march ourselves to the nearest detention facility to save the government the hassle of rounding us up.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 05:15 PM
mmm, yummy and finely aged doom... ahh i love it; thanks for the feargasm!

Sure they can pull out the big guns on the civilians, and sure there are a lot of evil bastards out there in the governing elite, but c'mon, the universe have never let this type of negative event come to COMPLETE fruition in the past... Sure Hitler wanted to wipe out the Jews and take over the world... The world was scared for a hot minute... look what happened to him and the Nazis.... Napoleon... Stalin... None succeeded.. nobody has ever succeeded completely.. There are too many caves, forests, and places in this vast country to go and hide out or flee to...

Nothing is going to happen; we're not going to war with Iran, we're not going to become a police state and be rounded up, it is simply impossible; even with cool acoustic torture devices (What about deaf people BTW?)

There is no way people will let it all play out this way... Yes people would stand up and choose death over slavery... We're not all sheeple in the USA, although some are... and others are black sheeple

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by The Patriot

i see it as the exact opposite.
i think it's very healthy to discuss possible scenarios, maybe consider something that hadn't crossed our minds.
is it not american to consider possible option if it ever does come down to the possibility of tshtf?

love it though, patriot, your avatar is a great example of me telling you that you may never get the chance to fire that shotgun.
i'm not sure which you'll be though, the guy coming too and realizing he's handcuffed, or the guy with the boot on his chest with rifle pointed in his face.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 05:30 PM

Please, your words betray your ignorance of me. I may be that government agent who kicks in your door, or that neighbor you run to for protection. Either way, you'll be screwed.

[edit on 2-8-2010 by The Patriot]

[edit on 2-8-2010 by The Patriot]

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by rubbertramp

No need for hi-tec weapons when all you have to do is contaminate the city's water supply.. That alone would incapacitate most people within the city very quickly. By the time anyone knew what hit them it would be too late to do much about it.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by Terces_Pot_Evoba

Nothing is going to happen; we're not going to war with Iran, we're not going to become a police state and be rounded up, it is simply impossible; even with cool acoustic torture devices (What about deaf people BTW?)

and we'll all live happily ever after, as long as we follow the yellow brick road.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by ISHAMAGI
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

Because they want it to drag out as long as possible so they can make as much money as possible.

I thought that was obvious by now.

This premonition seems plausible and that's the scariest part.
What good is having money if you already can control everyone?

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 05:36 PM
speaking of allah, your vision is already happening... in the middle east

america polices the world!

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 05:37 PM

What good is having money if you already can control everyone?

it's sort of like the quote from the matrix ( i forget which one )

"what do people with power want? MORE POWER"

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by rubbertramp
reply to post by Terces_Pot_Evoba

Nothing is going to happen; we're not going to war with Iran, we're not going to become a police state and be rounded up, it is simply impossible; even with cool acoustic torture devices (What about deaf people BTW?)

and we'll all live happily ever after, as long as we follow the yellow brick road.

with all the doom on here, it seems like some people's yellow brick road is the one where this negative stuff comes to fruition...

dude.. get outside and enjoy your life... we are fortunate to have all the things we have, we're not in a 3rd world country and you probably eat at least one filling meal a day... you've got the necessities and that is all you need to enjoy life... i acknowledge and respect your right to go through the "what ifs," but ask yourself this... without the internet and television; what would any of this matter to you?

and on that note... don't you think the gov't would kill the internet first before they did any of this?? and still... what about the deaf people who would be unaffected and have an advantage over the incapacitated hearing people?

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by Terces_Pot_Evoba

dude.. get outside and enjoy your life... we are fortunate to have all the things we have, we're not in a 3rd world country and you probably eat at least one filling meal a day... you've got the necessities and that is all you need to enjoy life... i acknowledge and respect your right to go through the "what ifs," but ask yourself this... without the internet and television; what would any of this matter to you?

sorry, but it seems you have judged me by the color of one post. search my handle, you may get a clue.
i rarely have internet, i live completely off the grid, in the woods and desert almost year round. in my opinion i'm freer than almost every other american.
i do get your point, and actually live my life the way i choose, 100%, so far.
the 'get out and enjoy life' truly made me smile.
as long as there's a smile on your face while you go to your corporate job and spend the rest of your life paying for the things you thought you needed, life will be good for you.
see, it's easy to make assumptions about people.

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