reply to post by intrepid
We live in a society where it takes two people working to put a roof over their heads and food on the table.
Most people live paycheck to paycheck. Some people now have to hold two jobs here in America because salaries aren't what they use to be.
Daycare will care for your little darlings until they are around 8-9.
Then, right when they are at the age where they really need supervison, they are left to fend for themselves.
Most kids come home from school to a empty house. When I was young, I always had someone home.
I would wager that between 3:30 to 5:30 pm is when most young girls get pregnant. (After school and before mom and pop come home).
Two ladies I use to work with have daughters that got pregnant and they were both under 16.
I have three sons and have always stipulated that if you play you pay.
It's not just the girl's responsiblity.
And parents are still fighting sex education, pills and condoms in highschool.
A child not planned, is oftentimes, unwanted and children raised in a one parent household are more prone to becoming adults that have never been
taught how to compromise.
When you are young and your hormones are raging, not already being on the pill or having a condom can mean all the difference. One wrong decision, or
choice can literally screw over the rest of several people's lifes (mother, father, baby).
There were times in my youth, I recall, when literally I felt like a cat in heat, no logic - like T'Pol in Pon farr, except worse. I was lucky, it
was the late 60's and back then someone was always home and keeping strict tabs on where I was going, who I was with and what I was doing and then
checking up on me (dropping by) to make sure everything was kosher. I use to hate that, but I did the same with my three sons as well. Children need
to be supervised.
Some people, and I envy them, are born cool, they never experience a boiling all consuming passion, being in a true heat.
I use to baby sit little ones and as stated before, there use to be 10-12 year olds clustered around my house, just to talk, just to be around an
adult - they're parents were all working, they needed somebody older to just talk to.
It's sad and it's wrong, we've lost going on two generations now of children that when they magically turn 9-10 they are left home alone, with
cable tv and internet access that would make some porno stars blush.
Most 12 year olds today know more about how adult things work than when I was 18 and ready to go to college.
My 9 year old grand daughter has seen more garbage in her life than I did at 18. I'm lucky she is level headed and sadly, just still a baby, we are
having to start to instruct her about how some bad choices could ruin her life.
America's youth is being dumbed down, left all alone and having to enter an adult world before they're ready.
I shutter to think when they and their children are grown, the type of society we are going to have.
Any young adults out there reading this, Plan your life out. Don't leave the important stuff up to chance, because chance will kick you in the butt
If your hot, get condoms or make sure one of you is on the pill. Don't play the just this one time game.
Every baby deserves to come into this world with a loving mother and father, and some financial stability.
My husband's family is aristocratic English, very cold, very logical - but and here's the thing.
His neices and nephews all got to know their significant others, got college educations and are waiting, saving money for buying a house and making
sure their marriages are secure before starting to bring children into the picture.
Bottom line, they are happy, have money and live in nice homes because they were able to logically plan out their lives and control their passion.
(Some of them just aren't passionate I think).
It's a shame what it takes to survive in this society now days.
I hear in other countries, like France and Sweden, they are more family oriented. Parents are allowed more leave time to be with their kids.
Where I work at, my cube partner is on the phone probably a total of three hours a day trying to get a handle on her son and daughter.
Only the elite can now afford to have children and raise them correctly.
One last word.
I am the paternal grandmother and I love my grand daughter with all my heart and soul.
Every child should know both sets of grandparents.
We come from two sets of grandparents, it's not just the mother that has the child.
I see a lot of my son and me in my grand daughter. She says things out loud that I think all the time. Her brain works more like mine than her
I notice a popular trend now for girls to have a baby, not keep in touch with the father (or his parents) and the baby/child grows up only knowing the
maternal grand parents.
Many young ladies now just want to have the "mommy experience" and not commit to being a family.
This is totally selfish, sad and wrong.
I would suggest schools remain open until 6:00 pm and have study and physical sports centers, with additional teachers paid very good salaries to
compensate them.
Our youth is our legacy and if we just keep turning our back on them, the majority will fester and rot.
[edit on 1-8-2010 by ofhumandescent]