posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 09:55 PM
Sorry if this topic has already made it here. Too many threads that i really care to count.
Anyways.... I heard today that there is a group planning to start construction of a mosque at ground zero. Has anyone else heard about this?
Ive heard nothing, and apparently this has been a plan in the making for some time. I even heard that there will be lawsuits against it and for it. I
forgot what radio station I heard it on. I was flipping through the AM dial and heard it.
Now im not trying to be racist at all but this had me absolutley outraged.
Its like a giant *SNIP* to the victims and families of 9/11. I cant believe anyone would have the balls to even do something like this. I am
completley against it. The people in charge of this project need to have their heads examined.
I mean considering the 9/11 highjackers were all of muslim faith its just wrong. I wish I could express fully how I felt but I would be banned from
ATS. lol. Please give me your feedback.
[edit on 31-7-2010 by alien]