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The Limits of Faith

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posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 05:39 PM
Faith is the idea of having trust in a person or thing in a generic sense . . . . Though in a cosmic and what is understood as a religious sense it extends to belief in some future phenomenon. In that regard the expected phenomenon could occur today, a decade from now, or hundreds or thousands of years in the future.

This is how this type of faith has played out in the panorama of spiritual beliefs known to humans so far. Indeed, the expected events foretold in the lore of the major religions in a macrocosmic sense [God will destroy the world one day] and microcosmic sense [God will bless you personally soon] has been operating on the mind and heart of humans for thousands of years of religious faith.

This idea of faith that enters the heart of people with the promises inherent in the future phenomenon that will be enacted by God, has since the birth of religion, made many of the adherents impatient and sometimes anxious, or doubting that the phenomenon in question will ever happen in a timely manner . . . or worse than that sometimes obliges the believers to take it upon themselves to enact the prophetic themselves. Also the average believer often in the throes of psychological and emotional attachment to the dogma of belief, can be easily swayed to believe and do things way outside of the moral code of the religion in question; as seen today by the advent of Islamic terrorism, and religious groups in Christianity [abortion killers] and other kinds of violent anti-Christian responses to what they deem evil.

Therefore it seems axiomatic that in a personal sense and a cosmic sense faith not only has limits to any positive nutrient to the individual or collective, but in many regards has a negative effect on individuals and society. As regards the individual, well, the very notion of believing in some future extraordinary events outside of human experience can and has been psychologically debilitating to many. [Though as a caveat to that it should be mentioned that the promise in religious science, such as in certain forms of Buddhism, that the individual’s efforts are rewarded according to ordinary phenomena and not magical gifts from God seems a reasonable premise in faith]. The mentality in question that is problematic seems to operate around the time it takes the promises of faith to enact. Indeed is it reasonable for a Christian, Muslim, or Jew to still believe in these cosmic saviors coming one day in the future to straighten things out or destroy the world to save it? Or is it reasonable for a sick person who has prayed for years for healing to a sky-God and never gotten a response to continue their belief in such a God?
When does faith become a ridiculous caricature of wishful and magical thinking that will and does perpetuate ignorance and psychological damage?

These are important question for the faithful, because any nutrient faith offers society and the individual, may be offset by extending faith where it no longer has any value to the world or individual. Indeed, we may have in this era reached the limits of faith.

posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 06:50 PM
Religious faith becomes ridiculous after the folowing points are researched and understood by a believer:

1. That the scientific community offers FACTS and EVIDENCE that disproves their ancient fairy tale stories.

2. Historical information is available to reveal that religion is simply a copy of predating myths, legends, fables, and superstitions that originated from the personification of the heavens above (ie: Sun, Moon, Venus, etc).

If one still believes in their religion after researching REAL Scientific and historical information, then that is the point they are being ridiculous.

posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by SunIsSon
Religious faith becomes ridiculous after the folowing points are researched and understood by a believer:

1. That the scientific community offers FACTS and EVIDENCE that disproves their ancient fairy tale stories.

2. Historical information is available to reveal that religion is simply a copy of predating myths, legends, fables, and superstitions that originated from the personification of the heavens above (ie: Sun, Moon, Venus, etc).

If one still believes in their religion after researching REAL Scientific and historical information, then that is the point they are being ridiculous.

cool story bro

posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 06:58 PM
People usually tend to stick to their religion because of pride. People think that the worlds problems are because of politics and religion but they are both on in the same, pride. Most of the time it has nothing to do with faith.

Religious people who claim to have faith are no better off than someone trying to shoot a target in the dark. Just as an someone trying to disprove some sort of god is no better off than someone who is trying to prove that we are here by randomness.

We are all in a state of ignorance, its just that some people aren't willing to admit it.

posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by SunIsSon

The problem is that the faithful aren’t as astute as you in scientific lore therefore what you say may not apply to them.

You merely write them off as ridiculous.

The problem with your attitude is that religious faith whether we like it or not is still very widespread despite the insights of modern science. That tells us that the human has some kind of need that even science can’t understand or fulfill

posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by inforeal

only if you assume faith to be synonomous with belief, but that would be a mistake. children believe in santa. faith as used by those who know what it means refers to acting out ones intentions. faith is the measure of ones will. resting your faith in god refers to the prayer "thy will be done".... your hole arguement is about a misconception the "faithful" have howerever you yourself are unaware you share in it too.

[edit on 31-7-2010 by notsympl]

posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by inforeal
reply to post by SunIsSon

The problem is that the faithful aren’t as astute as you in scientific lore therefore what you say may not apply to them.

You merely write them off as ridiculous.

The problem with your attitude is that religious faith whether we like it or not is still very widespread despite the insights of modern science. That tells us that the human has some kind of need that even science can’t understand or fulfill

Fear is one of the great tools of control.

Fear of the unknown, fear of death and several others leave ppl
searching for answers.

The quest for answers went down two different path, maybe more,
but the two that are most well know is science and religion.

They often find themselves at odds with one another with
occasionally finding advocates for both.

Science has found a lot of flaws in religion and religion has made
itself a tool of evil many times troughout the years.

This is often due to men twisting religion to fit their own needs
such as the Spanish genocide in central America.

And a similar genocide in North America, and various indigenous
populations around the world.

Religion at the point of a sword is not what the "good book" had in mind.

So for me the path that yields the most results I will tend to mostly
believe and that is science.

Why I say mostly believe is because even science is used by men
to promote agendas that are based in lies, untruths and deceptions.

Case and point the Hadley CRU emails showing they are frauds.

Religion and Science can and will BOTH be used as tools to dupe
the masses into forms of slavery thru deceit like the central
bank monetary system.

It is up to the ppl to ferret out those who would further enslave us.

I say further enslave because that is what fractional reserve banking is.

Compound Inflationary Usury...

Then they took it a bridge too far with the derivatives perhaps
just by greed or by design and it has started to fall apart.

Keep a good eye on the next deception, and nothing presented
by those known to perform deception should be taken on ....


[edit on 31-7-2010 by Ex_MislTech]

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