posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 02:33 PM
OK - you finally got my attention too. Here's how it happened: I purposefully search for threads using the Google search tool rather than easier
routes just to keep up with the latest Google kinks. This thread became impossible to pull up that way. Discovery brought the information that the
reason it was so buried and obscured was because of the smiley face appearing twice in this thread and because of the words "watchmen, smiley and
FYI since 2003 (roughly) the crescent moon in the attitude of a smile has been appearing at lattitudes as far north as Washington state, Philadelphia
and the U.K. It is an intermittent phenomena so that several months or 3 can pass with no sighting like this and then a month or 2 with this
attitude. The reason this is unusual is because before 2003 as far back in recorded history as one can reasonably go, this attiude of a crescent as a
smile appeared only at or near the equator. In fact, there are a number of sites for school children which answer questions like "does the moon look
the same all over the world?" The answer is no, it doesn't, that is not until 2003. (Perhaps earlier - that's where I first noticed it.
All kidding and horseing around with signs and charts and astronomy programs, the moon and Saturn and Mars and Venus should appear together in the
western sky shortly after sunset after the new moon on the 10th and be visible to the naked eye as a crescent by the 13th. At that time this
configuration will oppose Uranus and what is being called Jupiter. These will not be visible at the same time and Uranus, of course, will not be
visible to the naked eye at all (even Herschel was unable to pull that off.)
The elite, Illuminati, powers that be etc. etc. have known that this orbital or rotational perturbation exists and take great pains to keep it from
becoming the knowledge of the common man. It is, however, an easily observable phenomenon which is readily verifiable. I'm off now to review the
mural of the Denver airport and to study up on this watchmen thing. Thanks for the breadcrumbs - sorry I was late to wake.