Im probably just on a wild-goose chase here, but in the pornmovie that was falsely labeled as the insurance-file (why would anyone upload a pornmovie
without viruses/trojans/we and pretend its the insurance-file?)
You'll see certain things, animals to be frank. In the first frames you'll get a glimpse of the girls earrings, which looks like dolphins, the next
thing you see is when she flashes her boobs, showing her two tatoos which look like somekinda paws, which in turn kinda looks like w's *2. And her
necklace, has the letter F.
WWF in other words
At 08.08 in the movie she holds her hand as to forming the zodiacsign of the Scorpio.
And...he does her doggy-style. You can also see a cross in the background.
Summing up, you get;
dolphin wwf dog scorpio cross
A quick googling puts the third result with all of these words in it, to;
The name itself, "Cryptozoology" and when searching for the word "insurance" on the blog is more then weird, one page with
Uncle Sam wants you..." is sort of a bash on
USA namewise, I found another page under the "Stories you have missed" that said something about Australian and US connections, which was about
This could be nothing, and I could of just have been watching too much hollywood-movies...
This is prettymuch all I got, I managed to get SSL working under my win$ (and im still not sure what im doing), but i used it to "decrypt" the
insurance-file with both the ONION and the ROUTER password with blowfish (ROUTER gives an error when trying with aes256 decrypting]. What I do with
the 2 new files I dont have a clue about, possibly they could be keyfiles for truecrypt ? Tried openening them with several programs but to no