posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 09:52 AM
It's driving me insane this server connection problem, I've tried it like 10 times straight..then my computer froze
I tried it yesturday and today...pleeaasseeee hurry up my good friends of SETI...
I actually had a dream the night before the server problem that I was flying in space and I went to the pleiadies and found this massive
satalitte...and the sattalitte was actually stoping signals being found by SETI for some reason, because //here is what I felt, not what i
heard\\((they believe that the human race is just not ready yet...because of everything happening around us, but soon it will take the reflection
Other than that...lets hope the server is back on again!
[edit on 18/6/04 by PhoenixSGC]