posted on Mar, 13 2003 @ 05:38 PM
but did you just gleem over the parts about the grandfather and great-grandfather commiting acts of treason against the USA?
I don't know what your family history looks like but if aiding and abetting fascist and communist is an acceptable behavior to you then maybe you are
not the great Americans you all claim to be?
My father fought in Korea, my grandfathers both fought in WW1, one of my great grandfathers was a Roughrider with Teddy Roosevelt, and a few more
generations back you can find several of my relatives fighting for the North in the Civil War.
So if you find me to fall into one of your categories like a
"crystal-gazing leftist" or making "a typical leftist exaggeration" then so be it but never question my patriotism or the love I have for my
The rightwingers that have seemingly assumed control of the ATS board seem to think that any other American or Euro points of view that vary from your
own are unacceptable simply because we don't fall into lock step or goosestep with shrubs ideas. To you I say get over it, through out your life you
are going to find people who do not agree with you, that does not make them wrong or evil, just diferent!!
I'm quite sure the founders of the ATS board would not be happy to see the direction it has gone in over the past 2 years.
[Edited on 13-3-2003 by USMC Harrier]