posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 05:58 PM
here's my thoughts...
Dear killers,
You should have known that what you were doing was quite risky, and now you are paying for your ignorance. I, as one who loves the ocean, am apalled
by your gross negligence on this. The things were called "fail safe", but, you can not depend entirely on a label! If one person were to speak up on
the fact that you were venturing into very risky territory, and that if this failed and the blowout preventers woud not stop, you would not be where
you are now. But, then again, they would have been fired would they not?
You waited so long to finally go out and take responsibility for this and NOW, now you are trying to be innocent. But, for how long did volunteers and
Gulf residents have to clean up after your mess??? How long did they have to push for you to claim responsibility? How many animals have you killed,
how many taken out before they even hatched?! And the dispersants don't get rid of the oil, just mix it with the water more! Now sponges, whales,
fish, MARINE LIFE, will have to pay for your mistake!
You have lost business over this, and that is probably the only reason you are trying to apologize now, to get your money back! I fell no remorse for
Have a nice day!