The initial excavations in the west bank of Sefidrud River in Gilan province resulted in the discovery of some stone tools belonging to the
Palaeolithic period, dated back to 400,000 years ago.
Discovery of 400,000-year-old Stone Tools in Gilan,IRAN
4800-Year-Old Artificial Eyeball Discovered in Burnt City
LONDON, (CAIS) -- Archaeologists in Burnt City announced unprecedented discovery of an artificial eyeball, dated to 4800 years ago, in this historic
Precursors to Animation
First Animation
Five images sequence from a vase found in Iran.Evidence of artistic interest in depicting figures in motion can be seen as early as the still drawings
of Palaeolithic cave paintings, where animals are depicted with multiple sets of legs in superimposed positions, clearly attempting to convey the
perception of motion.[1] Other examples include a 5,200-year old earthen bowl found in Iran in Shahr-i Sokhta.The Persian bowl has five images painted
along the sides, showing phases of a goat leaping up to nip at a tree.
Iranian Animation
The First Declaration of Human Rights
Cyrus’s Declaration
"I am Cyrus, the king of the world, great king, legitimate king … son of Cambyses … whose rule Bel and Nebo loved and whom they wanted as king to
please their hearts.
"When I entered Babylon as a friend and established the seat of government in the place of the ruler under jubilation and rejoicing, Marduk, the
great lord (induced) the magnanimous inhabitants of Babylon (Din Tir) (to love me) and I daily endeavored to praise him. My numerous troops walked
around in Babylon in peace, I did not allow anybody to terrorize (any of the people) of the country of Sumer and Akkad. I strove for peace in Babylon
(Ka Dingir ra) and in all his (other) sacred cities. As to the inhabitants of Babylon (who) against the will of the gods (had/were … I abolished)
the corvee (yoke) which was against their (social standing). I brought relief to their dilapidated housing, putting an end to their main complaints.
Marduk, the great lord, was well pleased with my deeds and sent friendly blessing to myself, Cyrus, the King, who reveres him, to Cambyses, my son, as
well as to all my troops, and we all (praised) his great (name) joyously, standing before him in peace … I returned to (these) sacred cities on the
other side of the Tigris, the sanctuaries of which have been ruins for a long time, the images which (used) to live therein and established for them
permanent sanctuaries. I (also) gathered all their (former) inhabitants and returned (to them) their habitations. Furthermore, I resettled upon the
command of Marduk, the great lord, all the gods of Sumer and Akkad who Nabonidus has brought to Babylon (su sa na) to the anger of the lord of the
gods unharmed in their chapels, the places which make them happy.
The little Parthian jar found in ancient Western Iranian territories of the Greater Iran (nowadays Iraq), suggests that Volta didn't invent the
battery, but rather reinvented it.
List of medieval and pre-modern]pre-modern_Persian_doctors
Please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks
[edit on 30-7-2010 by Prof. Twister]