posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 03:30 PM
And what Vnezony fails to realize is that naturopathic and homeopathic medicines are most common in the US and western european countries. Most other
countries use some western medicine, but a lot of third world do rely on traditional tribal medicine. What a lot of people fail to realize is that
homeopathic medicine was invented by Dr. Hannemann, a german i believe, has extensive research behind it, and is not used in africa, S. america, or
asia. A lot of people also dont realize what naturopathic medicine is, they just lump all natural or herbal, or traditional medicine together and
call it "naturopathic" and think you can learn it from a magazine or online. Naturopathic medicine is a system of balancing the body and providing
all the nutrients it is SUPPOSED to have so it can heal itself, and often this is SUPPORTED by herbs, vitamins, pharma, whathaveyou. But it is an
extensive and rigorous education that is backed by science, and is much more "evidence based" medicine than much of what the pharma companies put
out. Further, the naturopathic community has never been found complicit in hiding the dangers of their meds from public scrutiny in order to garner
more profits, which big pharma is regularly found guilty of.