posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 10:40 PM
Hi everyone. I've known about ATS for some time, but I was kind of overwhelmed by the entire ATS experience. Lively debates and you have to be on
your "P's and Q's" before posting. Seems a bit formal in an informal sort of way. I guess that intimidated me with thoughts like "What about that
one time I mess up and post wrong info. and ruin all my credibility?" Anyway, I was looking through some articles and decided to have a look at a
post and felt that I'd like to participate and figured that I'd take the plunge.
Some things about me. I'm open minded, though I once I think I'm right, I tend to "know" I'm right. That is a fault that I try to work on and
have pull back on the reigns from time to time. I've never have seen a UFO or experienced anything like that. I also have worked in Aerospace for
about a decade. First military, then the government as a civilian and now I work for a defense contractor. Unfortunately, there isn't anything
especially cool and secret that I've seen. About the only thing that I've experienced that is paranormal was that I grew up in a haunted house. A
bit of interesting history behind it and I think an interesting story.
As for politics, I tend to be conservative and I do not align myself with any party. I've voted for representatives in both and on local proposals
that sometimes differ from traditional Republican ideals. I believe that Democrats and Republicans are a major factor with what's wrong with the
United States and unfortunately, we only have ourselves to blame for it. I'm one of those guys that writes their House Rep. and Senator and vote, but
for the most part that's it.
I love to debate and sometimes I'll debate on a side that I may not really agree with just to not only make others think, but to make myself think. I
believe that seeing reality and scenarios from different perspectives is important for enlightenment. So I hope to see everyone around and not to
become a thorn in someone from ATS' side.