posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 08:59 PM
Originally posted by nagabonar
- Only United can the world end all wars on this world
- Only United can the world use more funds for the research of essential technologies to reach the stars and to fight diseases, diverted from military
budgets, because of the end of wars.
- Only in a United world without borders, can one have the freedom to choose to travel and live wherever one desires
- Only in a United world will poverty and misery end
- Only United can the world stand the test against any alien invasion
- Wrong. When all governments are united, that means the world dictatorship can genocide any group they want without anyone being wise enough to
figure it out or make it stop. Basically it allows the ruling global dictatorship to have wars where there is just 1 army massacring the civilians and
keeping it all secret.
- Wrong. Military budgets will now be put into the global army budget. You know to put down rebellions of people who want to declare themselves
independent of the global dictatorship??? So there will still be a global military.
- Wrong. There will be no freedom to travel, because the world will be divided into ZONES, and you will need tons of paperwork to pass from Zone to
Zone. This will become a totally closed prison style global society where traveling is brought to a minimum. (Traveling causes pollution you
- Wrong. In a united world poverty and misery will become the norm. Rather than a worldwide paradise that is in your fantasies, we will see a
worldwide GHETTO state. Where everyone becomes lower class peasants to slave for the global mega corporation.
-Wrong. Aliens that can travel to Earth will have such advanced weaponry that we will be eradicated immediately despite any thing we try to do,
unified or not. You can not win a war when you cannot attack the invaders home base, and it will end up being a bombing campaign where the aliens
simply bomb us into extinction from their space ships above.
Sorry to play devil's advocate there. Just wanted to let you know that your pie in the sky fantasies about a one world government are misleading you
down a path into a very dark and dangerous place. There are tons of ways a world government can go wrong.
There is a billion ways a world government can turn into a nightmare. And there is like zero ways that it can turn into a utopia.
You do realize that ALL Utopian dreams quickly turn into Dystopian nightmares??