posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 08:40 PM
Because UFOs don't crash. UFOs are not internal combustion engines subject to earth's gravity.
If a UFO leaves around bits and pieces of debris that might look like a crash, that's because they want you to know they are there. Somewhere. They
could leave a paper bag of burning dog feces. But the humor would most likely be lost on the humorless Pentagon bigwigs.
Anyway, back around 1930, Charles Lindbergh and the Guggenheim family set up Robert Goddard to perform rocket science projects on a ranch outside of
Roswell. During that time, Germany's Werner Von Braun was learning rocket science secrets from Goddard....who was learning rocket science secrets
from an other worldly source.
The problem Goddard faced was that the U.S. was putting all their extra money into the atomic bomb. While the Nazis were putting their money into von
Braun's Peenemunde operation.
It was more than coincidence that the Manhattan Project was being developed a couple hours drive up the road from Roswell, in White Sands.
Through the war years, Roswell was a site for a German POW camp. Some five thousand German soldiers from Rommel's Afrika Corps lived and worked in
Roswell's POW camp. There were no fences. The German POWs came and went to work in the Roswell farms and orchards and such
Why did they allow German soldiers to wander so freely in Roswell where Goddard was doing his rocket experiments, and the atomic bomb was being
developed up the road in White Sands? Because it was a good cover for an exchange of information between American/Jewish scientists and physicists,
with Goddard's crew of scientists and physicists.
Anyway, there was an exchange of technological information via aliens and Goddard and von Braun........but UFOs just don't crash. They are not
subjected to earth's gravitational pull like an earth built airplane.
[edit on 30-7-2010 by fred call]