posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 09:09 PM
Thanks a bunch for the post, but sadly, no it's not the right one. The one that I am looking for is completely grounded in the here and now as far
as tech and conspiracy go and only in the ancient as far as the title of the post suggests...I remember that the companies website that he linked to
was a mauve or similar color. I'd really appreciate it if you could hit up some buds about this though, it's fairly mission critical as I have a
bunch of "influential" military buddies that if I could just show them the article, will go haywire over it. I'm trying to spread this stuff
through the ranks of the military so we can force someone at gunpoint to look into the matter. We can't go around wondering whether or not we have
such an intricate surveillance system that could VERY easily be tied into mind control...even a question like that is unacceptable in a society such
as our with tools specifically in place to prevent such horse crap, guns included.