posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 01:30 AM
I think they should put a limit on the amount of consecutive terms politicians (Sentors, Representatives,
Alan Greenspan, etc...) are able to
have (not just the president). I kind of liked Bill Clinton's idea with a new type of term law (an amendment to the 22nd amendment, lol) for the
president. I think it went like this: No more then two consecutive terms at once.
What does that mean? Just like it says it does: that a person can be president for only two consecutive terms at once. But, that same person could
come back and try again another 4 years later.
At present, the constitutional amendment, enacted after Franklin Roosevelt was elected to four terms, limits presidential service to two terms
in a person's lifetime. But many state or local term limit measures instead limit the number of consecutive terms a person may serve.
I doubt President Clinton will ever get the amendment passed (and I think the 22nd amendment is a good thing), but, I think that amendment should hold
true for all politicians. Alan Greenspan should in no way be able to hold that position for 5 consecutive terms (and it might not have been 5
consecutive terms, still... even 3 is too much). Just like Strom Thurmond and the rest of the political goons should not be able to hold their
positions as long as they do (especially Supreme Court judges). New blood is a good thing. The US is technically run by a few "elite" political
families, and it is just sickening.
Out with the old and in with the new.
[edit on 6-20-2004 by EmbryonicEssence]