posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 10:07 AM
Hey everyone! I wasn't sure exactly where to put this thread, because it is simply an advice thread. Ok, so I have been talking to this guy for
awhile, and he is a great guy! I am EXTREMELY drawn to him! I have literally never been this into someone. It's not just a matter of wanting to know
him, I feel like I need to know him. If you have read any previous threads of mine, you know that I am an empath of sorts, and I do not get a bad vibe
from him. It's more of a confused vibe, because he is an atheist and I am a hardcore Christian. I don't think I'm holier than thou or anything, but
I will stand up for what I believe in a heartbeat! Well his atheism oddly really doesn't bother me, but I am curious as to how you all think this
will work out. If you read my past thread, Heaven Sent?, you will see why I am asking for advice. Being that I am the way that I am, yet I am
attracted to the complete opposite. I mean, do you think I should avoid this whole situation, or try and get closer to him? By the way, I am not
saying atheism is evil, it is simply anti-me, so please don't come in here ranting and raving about things. I am simply asking for some advice.
Thanks guys!