Getting paranoid over Plastics.
Look I’m not a modern day Howard Hughes, I don’t wash my hands several times a day worrying about toxins, and bacteria. I am a simple man,
working daily in a retail job. Though lately I have read more than one article on the “dangers of plastics”. As far as I am concerned, the oil
industry (which provides the base substance of plastic), has not only been in control of my own country (the U.S.A), but virtually every country on
the planet, for a very long time. The thought that basic plastic may be extremely toxic to us is:
1. Not only under-heard, and dismissed, but completely disputed, regardless of the facts.
2. Ignored because of the consequences. We are no longer able to imagine a life without plastic.
This journey, started many years ago, when I started looking at the best ways to store food and water, over a long period of time. No, not for any
specific event: “12/21/2012”, “the collapse of our economy”, “Solar flares knocking out our electricity”. No, although I believe all of
these are very possible, I wanted to conserve water and food for ANY and all unknowns.
The first thing I learned, Is 1: Do not store your water or food in plastics. That in fact over time, the plastics will emit toxic chemicals into
your food and water, and to use glass if you are storing for the long term.
Then I learned something else: Do not refill plastic bottles with water.
“What? I’ve been doing this for years.” Before I go to sleep I have been refilling my same plastic bottle with water from the “purified water
source”, and drinking at night as necessary. “Are you telling me this can be bad for me?”
As a “Water purification specialist”, I am very familiar with toxic chemicals and the ways they can enter the human body:
1. Ingestion: Talked about but will go further.
2. Inhalation: Have you ever smelled “new plastic”? Why is there a toxic odor? Could this be harming you physically? I don’t know.
3. Absorption: Actually absorbing the toxic chemicals through the skin. The most interesting of all and will come in near the end .
The trigger for posting this tonight,:
My fiancé and I were watching TV and an Oral-B tooth brush commercial came on. She said, “yep, that’s the one I use”. I jokingly said
“yeah, well I make my own out of wood and horse hair bristles.” We both laughed and that was the end. Though, I at that point started to think
about tooth-brushes. It is in fact a piece of plastic, we stick in out mouths and then agitate on a daily basis. How long before the toxic chemicals
start leaching out? Immediately? One week? Three weeks? Does it really matter?
At that point started thinking about the big three:
The third, immediately drew my attention. Absorption. How many times do I touch plastic on a daily basis?
My steering wheel
Virtually everything in my car
90% of everything I touch at work
90% of everything I touch at home
This computer.
When you start thinking about it, it get’s crazy.
As I’ve stated, even if this is true, we have gone way over the edge. There is no way back. Although I would like to know the truth.
If you have time, read the following:
At that point, look at the overall cancer increase from 1929 till now.
People like to say that this increase is based on, lifestyle, diet, and many other factors. Yet this is never one that is discussed.
As far as I’m Concerned this is a Eugenicists dream. For all those who don’t know what Eugenics is, I’m not going to post links here. I have
found it is far more revealing if you do your own research. Yet, PLEASE, look it up.
I look forward to your responses.
Thank you-