posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 02:59 PM
in 1986 the us trained osama bin laden backed by the british as an officer trained to defend his homeland from the russians ,when the battle at the
gaza strip wound down we were thanked monetarily as well as morally ,by laden and his people ,when asked to retract our forces we did not instead we
decided as we always do to stick around and keep the peice ,and if you follow the timeline of events in terrorist activity by osama's radical groups
actions we see a definite pattern of warnings before tragedy such as the uss cole, the bombing of the embassy in kuwate, and the many others that
precceded 911 attack ,but all were warnings that democracy can be appreciated when wanted . but when forced on a people who do not want it ,we should
heed the warnings ,and stop pushing. remember democracy in america is really only a form of socialism with a pretty democratic face.