posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 05:56 AM
Originally posted by SUICIDEHK45
The conspiracy here is why would the nations of Syria, Israel, and Jordan would let such a religious place turn into such a filthy river.
Check out the Ganges River sometime. It's sacred to the Hindu religion, as you may know. I'm no expert in water quality, but I'm guessing its at
the very least no better.
Same goes for water (holy or not) in most of the rest of the third world, to varying degrees.
Heck, even in developed countries the water is full of all kinds of heavy metals, dissolved medicines people have flushed down the toilet, and other
nasty stuff people don't know about.
Fresh water quality and quantity is a serious issue around the whole world and very soon there will be true "water wars." The nations you mentioned
are a tinderbox waiting to explode, not only for religious and political reasons but also because of the dwindling water supply and its worsening
water quality. Another place to watch is India/Pakistan. All the main rivers that (nuclear-armed) Pakistan needs to survive originate in India. If
India decides it needs to dam those rivers to feed its own people or grow its out world.
Not sure this has much to do with religion per se...more to do with a thirsty planet that is only dimly aware of how badly it mismanges its fresh
water. There is room for improvement and efficiency change, but a lot less wiggle room than most people assume.