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How this Crisis Will Play Out - 2010 and beyond

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posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 01:27 AM
I'm back again. Has anyone been keeping up on the Food Safety Act (Bill) at all? Two weeks ago, they were supposed to take the vote, and decided to push it off until after the November elections. The reason? Because they know they have the vote, and they want to make sure certain Senate members are voted in during the November elections. (Don't want to rock the boat before hand).

The Food safety act prohibits anyone from growing a garden or having any livestock or chickens, unless liscensed by the state, thus making it illegal and punishable by law.

I think the timing of this is real interesting because fresh food prices are clearly rising, and we are looking at an inevitable dollar crash (by design) at some point. Like they say, "He who controls the food, rules the world".

Seriously, the timing couldn't be worse for us (the people) and better for TPTB

Here is the propaganda news that got this Bill on the table to begin with. They always present a tragedy before taking away more rights of the people:

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by nlouise

In that way they have supremacy off the food supplies
and also the prices.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 08:34 PM
II Am Back. I apologize for my long delay in coming back.

I had to leave my ISP and get aother one. Of course, it wasn't easy or fast to do; I had to take my time to choose what was best.

I started watching the news from Mexico, where I live; we're at a stage that what happens in the US, happens in unison as well in Mexico. I learned that Project Mexico and the Merida Initiative are being set in place and that's the reason for so much bloodshed in many cities around my country. Luckily, the city where I live is still peaceful, though theft is on the rise, and economy is on the low, though according to polticians, the recession ended last year.

I wonder what you guys have tought on how to ride the ugly circumstances we're being led to live.

i think Mexico will be part of the US and i don't think this is the right place to live

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by Wide Vision 2010

Welcome back.

I`m sticking with northern Canada. The more I watch the news, the more happy I am to be way up here. Peaceful, quiet. Northwestern Canada feels right. There should at least be decent water for a long time.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by nlouise

Thank you for posting such a valuable information.

I couldn't have explained it in such a detailed manner, if I tried.

edit on 18-10-2010 by Wide Vision 2010 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:19 AM
Is there anything in this thread about 2012? The discussion seems to be anything goes.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by nlouise
I'm back again. Has anyone been keeping up on the Food Safety Act (Bill) at all? Two weeks ago, they were supposed to take the vote, and decided to push it off until after the November elections. The reason? Because they know they have the vote, and they want to make sure certain Senate members are voted in during the November elections. (Don't want to rock the boat before hand).

The Food safety act prohibits anyone from growing a garden or having any livestock or chickens, unless liscensed by the state, thus making it illegal and punishable by law.

I think the timing of this is real interesting because fresh food prices are clearly rising, and we are looking at an inevitable dollar crash (by design) at some point. Like they say, "He who controls the food, rules the world".

Seriously, the timing couldn't be worse for us (the people) and better for TPTB

Here is the propaganda news that got this Bill on the table to begin with. They always present a tragedy before taking away more rights of the people:

S-510 Food Safety Bill = Economic Collapse!

If you arent quite sure yet about where you stand on the S510 food safety Bill.. the following statements and information on the bill may help you SEE.. The Bill will take away your home grown food, your neighbors garden and the corner farm stand. Please this is very important…

“If accepted [S 510] would preclude the public’s right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes. It will become the most offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and consumption of food and agricultural products of one’s choice. It will be unconstitutional and contrary to natural law or, if you like, the will of God.”

edit on 18-10-2010 by Wide Vision 2010 because: To add an important paragraph

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by stereologist
Is there anything in this thread about 2012? The discussion seems to be anything goes.

This is a thread about the end times, not about 2012; however, mods classified it as 2012.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by snowspirit
reply to post by Wide Vision 2010

Welcome back.

I`m sticking with northern Canada. The more I watch the news, the more happy I am to be way up here. Peaceful, quiet. Northwestern Canada feels right. There should at least be decent water for a long time.

Thank you. I am glad Northern Canada is looking good.

I am less than 90 miles downwind from San Diego, California. San Diego has a nuclear plant, a large naval base, missiles and I am sure it is a military objective of any enemy of the US. I don't think this is the right place to be, at all.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by Wide Vision 2010

None of the 2012 end of times scenarios seem to be panning out. The claims of more earthquakes, potential pole shifts, new planets, second suns, galactic energy flows, CMEs, solar flares, meteorite impacts, torsion waves, ...

None of that is panning out. So what makes the claims here so special? Is there a short list of predictions?

I recall a while back that there had been some predictions in this thread. How did they turn out?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 04:18 PM
Welcome back Wide-Vision, I hope you read the posts that have been posted since you went offline.
I am curious about your thoughts what we allready posted earlier.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by stereologist

As I said, this thread is not about 2012. Of course, there will be earthquakes, CME, meteorite impacts, and more trouble with nature, but as we enter Tribulation, that will be visible, and unmistakeable. We´re not there yet, therefore we must prepare ourselves materially, physically, and spiritually for the coming events. Besides, we cannot expect everything to happen in a matter of a few months. It will take years for everything to play out, but we certainly are very near the beginning. Once it begins, there is no turning back, though.

The predictions are still in this thread, and they are here to stay.

edit on 19-10-2010 by Wide Vision 2010 because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-10-2010 by Wide Vision 2010 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by DutchBigBoy
Welcome back Wide-Vision, I hope you read the posts that have been posted since you went offline.
I am curious about your thoughts what we allready posted earlier.

I am glad to see you all back. I missed you very much, but I didn´t have internet.

There is a lot of information now, about the collapse, and certainly this is a different situation, mor obvious than we were in, in May of this year. We now see tidbits of the future being exposed in newspapers.

I specially liked this video

It explains my thoughts and feelings about Zionism, Jewhood, God, Aryans, the Kingdom of England, and the Bible.
edit on 19-10-2010 by Wide Vision 2010 because: Posted a video.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 12:15 PM
6 TRILLION, yes, $6,000,000,000,000.00 TAX INCREASE starting January 1st, 2011.

Congress will face a runaway train on taxes and spending when it reconvenes after the elections. The solution is to restrain both—especially to stop the $6 trillion tax increase scheduled to take place on Jan. 1—in order to restore business confidence and help job growth.

Bank of America reports $7,300,000,000.00 loss.

In recent days, Bank of America shares have been hammered as investors worried about the impact of legal challenges to home foreclosures. After halting foreclosures across the country, Bank of America said Monday it was resuming the process in 23 states where court approval is required for a foreclosure to proceed.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 01:01 PM
There are several plants that would be very beneficial for us to have in our gardens, and in some inconspicuous places around our homes.

I have planted potatoes around me, so in case I need them, I know where to go and collect them. I have planted bamboo, since the green shoots are edible. Some of my planted plants are even 1 kilometer away from me, so not all of them are in my home, but are near me. You get the picture. Some of them are in apartment buildings' gardens, where nobody will notice or mess with them, or on the street, between the curb and the sidewalks.

If you plant a few plants in a park near you, who would notice? Try to find places where to cultivate what you, your family and friends will need, like this tree:

Imagine a tree in your backyard that will meet all your nutritional needs, take care of you medicinally, and purify your water for you. This tree actually exists. For centuries, the natives of northern India and many parts of Africa have known of the many benefits of Moringa oleifera. Its uses are as unique as the names it is known by, such as clarifier tree, horseradish tree and drumstick tree (referring to the large drumstick shaped pods) and in East Africa it is called "mother's best friend”. Virtually every part of the tree can be used. Native only to the foothills of the Himalayas, it is now widely cultivated in Africa, Central and South America, Sri Lanka, India, Malaysia and the Philippines. This tree, though little known in the Western world, is nutritional dynamite. There are literally hundreds of uses for this tree.

The immature pods are the most valued and widely used of all the tree parts. The pods are extremely nutritious, containing all the essential amino acids along with many vitamins and other nutrients. The immature pod can be eaten raw or prepared like green peas or green beans, while the mature pods are usually fried and possess a peanut-like flavor. The pods also yield 38 - 40% of non-drying, edible oil known as Ben Oil. This oil is clear, sweet and odorless, and never becomes rancid. Overall, its nutritional value most closely resembles olive oil. The leaves are eaten as greens, in salads, in vegetable curries, as pickles and for seasoning. The flowers, which must be cooked, are eaten either mixed with other foods or fried in batter and have been shown to be rich in potassium and calcium.

Leaves can be eaten fresh, cooked, or stored as dried powder for many months without refrigeration, and without loss of nutritional value. Moringa is especially promising as a food source in the tropics because the tree is in full leaf at the end of the dry season when other foods are typically scarce. Analyses of the leaf composition have revealed them to have significant quantities of vitamins A, B and C, calcium, iron and protein.

Scientific research confirms that these humble leaves are a powerhouse of nutritional value. Gram for gram, Moringa leaves contain: SEVEN times the vitamin C in oranges, FOUR times the Calcium in milk, FOUR times the vitamin A in carrots, TWO times the protein in milk and THREE times the Potassium in bananas.

The Moringa tree has great use medicinally both as preventative and treatment.

This tree is truly a “miracle” tree offering hope; nutritionally, medicinally and economically to devastatingly poor 3rd world countries. It has just recently begun being used as a supplement in a juice form and in powdered leaf tablets.

edit on 19-10-2010 by Wide Vision 2010 because: Added some written info on Moringa.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 01:05 PM
To get back to one of your earliest post, you mentioned that oilleak from BP would be stopped in oktober.
IMO it is allready stopped for several months now, yet they are still spraying corexit everywhere. even on land.
So it hasn't stopped or they are making people deliberate ill with that toxin.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by DutchBigBoy
To get back to one of your earliest post, you mentioned that oilleak from BP would be stopped in oktober.
IMO it is allready stopped for several months now, yet they are still spraying corexit everywhere. even on land.
So it hasn't stopped or they are making people deliberate ill with that toxin.

There is still small quantities of oil leaking from various fissures on the sea floor, however they are less copious that at the beginning. There is still a danger that the fissures grow and more oil leaks, again.

Corexit has helped sink the oil to the bottom, where we cannot see it. However, marine life will suffer greatly since the Northern portion of the Gulf of Mexico and eventually lower portions of the Bahamas will be filled with oil traveling underneath. That oil will surface again. This is not the end of it, yet. Give it time. Corexit will stop being used, and 6 months after, you will see the start of oil floting to the surface. Oil, then, will be seen in North and Western Europe, especially Great Britain, Portugal and Spain's coasts, a few months after.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 01:26 PM
Even worse is its haulted the Gulf Stream, which was done deliberately. This entire thing was not an accident. They are trying to bring in super storms, inundations and even ice age for parts of the world. The entire bloodline harvest, NWO, depopulate the world agenda, and always make it look like a natural event, like nature, like earth responding to human abuse, not their elite extortion and abuse, no not that.

They have made a huge hole in the shield and will most likely be using HAARP or scalar type weaponry to create an abnormal CME/perhaps the sun's plasma raining fire on all of us. This is the S group, the ones that wanted Hitler to win the war.

The whole thing, is also tied into their staturnitst religious end time mumbo jumbo, brainwashing, propaganda. We need to wake up ASAP, and actually form councils of citizens to speak up, play hard ball wtih our leaders, and have a list of terms, nonnegotiable and procure complete disclosure of all hidden technologies and conpsiracies, perhaps offer immunity if they wish to step down, and ban the banks and corporate heads, and redistribute peacefully and hand the reins of power back to the citizens, OR arrests.

We don't have a lot of time here, we need to start working for councils and active watchdog citizens now.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Got any proof that the Gulf Stream is slowing down? I don't care if you can show any connection to the Gulf incident. Just show me the evidence of a slow down and we can go from there.

So you claim there is a shield. Can you provide any evidence for the existence of this shield? Can you show us any evidence at all the solar particles can rain down fire on us?

The rest of the claims are so dubious that they aren't even worth addressing.

Do you have any evidence at all to support any of these claims?

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by stereologist

I've posted it. For some reason a few skeptics think physicist's and their opinions are equal.
There's a whole thread on it acutally. And not only did that Italian phyicist show that BP was the most probable suspect, but the ocean currents plunged in temperature off of easter europe and millions of fish died. Russia had severe summer, and the Gulf Stream haulted in the Scandinavian countries.

Now I really think you can do your own search for that thread or even just google Italian physicist Gulf Stream and BP or something. And ahead of time, I'm be tipping you off here; I believe his data and him, NOT you!

And something you skeptics might want to chew on for a change, we the citizens don't have to prove anything. We just have to pay attention and suspect something to know, our paid employees need to answer a lot of questions and disclose, all their data transparently because if we even SUSPECT something they're under major review.

And I more than suspect it.

Edit to add: I see the only role a skeptic plays is to further discussions by making threads longer and for some more interesting, but as far as their mainstream attempts to block truths, NADA, not listening to them. The need for full disclosure and counsels demanding complete transparency and arrests if necessary is way overdue.
edit on 19-10-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

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