reply to post by cajajo
HA! Hilarious, from your "lightwatcher" ink. They just say anything, drop any innuendo, no matter how wit, in the piece you
The evidence is all around us. For example; this past week Boeing Aircraft received an enormous initial order from the Pentagon for 100 Boeing 767
tanker planes, to begin replacing the Air Force's aging fleet of KC-135s, the most commonly seen chemtrail spray plane. The final order will exceed
500 planes. There has been no mention of the usage of these aircraft.
This shows how "up-to-date" their 'information' is!!
Haven't you seen all of the FULL PAGE ADS in the newspapers. lately? Boeing and Airbus (EADS) are
still competing over the new USAF
Tanker contract, to replace the (very old) KC-135s.
AND, NO!!! It will NOT ultimately "exceed 500 planes"!
This is more sensationilst garbage from the people who WANT this "chemtrail" fear-mongering to continue.
Check their so-called "facts", before you fall for any more of their BS.
BTW....this may deserve its own thread someday, but a radio story this AM was about the ACTUAL cause of climarte change, and is CO2.
Additional levels, in ppm, of CO2 concentrations, worldwide, because WE humans burn fossil fuels.
No amount of "blocking the sunlight" ( as if!
) strategies are going to be effective, not as long as the CO2 levels persist, and there is
(controversial, to be sure) evidence that those levels are nearing a "tipping point".
I would tend to guess, all other things being equal...merely planting MORE green foliage would help a lot, to be a way to "sink" the CO2, as the
plants eat it up. Far likely to be easier, more cost effective, and more efficient than some pie-in-the-sky baloney "plans" that the "chemtrail"
clowns keep spouting and wringing their hands about.....