reply to post by theregonnakillme
Could you please share with the board how Obama has not or is not
fulfilling his campaign promises. This man ran on change. Change of
the health care system, change in the financial system, change of business
as usual in America. I'm not one who really put a lot of my energy into
politics left/right and from the looks of it many others don't either.
However it seems to me that Obama has stuck to his campaign promise
of change and that is truly what got most people upset. Many have called
him a puppet being controlled by the puppet master. That make no sense
at all either because it is the big industries that he is literally crushing at
every turn. Again this Country was left in a mess when GWB was in office.
a complete mess. Remember how gas prices was going crazy under Bush
50-75-1.00 jumps in prices and without any cause. This has not happen
with this Admin why is that? Was that done to line the pockets of the oil
elite like GWB himself. We have had 2 oil spills in the last 3-4 months
oil prices has hit great numbers and the most increases we have seen
is 4-10-15 cents. I agree that something is wrong with this Government
however I am not blind to a particular parties crap either. What most
people fail to remember is that the government is not the government
the people of these United States of America is the government and until
you open your eyes and understand that you will forever live in fear of
your rights being taking away. You are a Human Being you by being here
have the right life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Fear nothing
absolutely nothing except the creator that created you.