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Simple experiment to prove there is an aether

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posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 09:21 AM
It seems most of my more controversial posts are removed, debunked or ignored and that's cool, I know as a mad scientist/integrationist my mixing of metaphors comes off cranky. At some point though, the debunkers are only validating my trip because their arguments (against free energy and scalar interferometry etc...) are quite lame.

So this post is for them. You can't debunk this because it is an untested theory, nothing more. The premise of my theory may be subject to debate, but the experiment itself is airtight.

Simple experiment to prove Aether exists and governs all other Absolutes & Constants, and is synonymous with:

Higgs Field
Zero Point Field
Dark Energy
Cosmological Constant

The existence of the aether is more than a question of an accurate physics model. Our very perception of reality depends on it; it is no less than a universal precept.

If there is no aether then essentially there is no God, Big Bang – Heat Death (entropic cosmology) is dominant and consequently there is no hope, either spiritually or physically.

If, on the other hand, there IS an aether then there is God, plasma – steady state (negentropic cosmology) is dominant and there is hope – in all manner of otherwise metaphysical realities, from immortality of the soul to free energy.

The Michelson-Morley experiment used an optical interferometer and assumed that the aether interacts in a certain way with the photonic/optical fields/states/dimensions.

The important question in regards to the existence of the aether is not whether it interacts in the photonic/optical fields/states/dimensions, but rather, how it interacts with what it allegedly hosts – electromagnetic waves.

The experiment I designed is based on the following premises:

0 – Negentropy and entropy are ultimately the same thing; the prior is associated with the whole, the latter, the parts.

1 – Special Relativity has no bearing on the existence of the aether because it assumes the observer and observed are ultimately not the same and deals only with the photonic/optical fields/states/dimensions - as far as Michelson-Morley is concerned. If the aether exists then the observer and observed ultimately emanate from the same source therefore making the speed of light a measure of inertial mass/spin of the observer, which is variable with quantum phase shifting.

2 – The aether is not the lowest energy field/state/dimension but it is still a ground state – for the superluminal and hyper spatial fields/states/dimensions.

3 – The aether is in fact a superpositioning of the true and false vacuums, scalar and vector spaces, superluminal and subluminal, black hole and white hole respectively. The prior is based on foam agitation/sphere packing rules and decays into asymmetry, the latter is based on foam coarsening/sphere bridging rules and decays into inertial mass/spin. Together they interact (decaying into each other) to produce All-That-Is – Observer and Observed, both are epiphenomenal and emergent.

4 – Each aspect of the composite aether is equally entropic and symmetrical even though one is absolute order and the other absolute chaos. Negentropy - in the form of asymmetrical novelty in linear time/local space/inertial mass is the result of their interaction.

5 - As the Higgs Field, the aether produces twin particles first, or they are hierarchally, integrationally (reverse reductionism) prior to their classical individual fermionic states because they are more symmetrical. The Bosonic/Scalar aspect is relatively decaying into the Fermionic/Vector aspect at a greater rate to the subluminal observer. To a quantum phase shifted observer the opposite is true.

People who say that there is no aether must assume that the thermal affects of a scalar interferometer – HAARP – are entirely based on atomic/molecular agitation (exothermic entropy) or coarsening (endothermic negentropy).

They say there can be no “Phase-Conjugate Pumping” of the aether because it does not exist.

They say destructive interference, therefore, is truly a canceling out, forgetting that that violates conservation law.

Just as a scalar interferometer produces an interaction of electromagnetic fields with air particles it is also interacting with the aether which occupies the same space and provides the surface area and inertial mass/spin for the particles in the first place.

My experiment is nothing more than a scalar interferometer whose scalar bottle or zone of interference is located in a totally exhausted metal sphere. The sphere is to be ‘injected” with a scalar bottle in both endothermic and exothermic modes.

If there is no aether, then nothing will happen to the sphere, there will be no measurable difference from an injected and non-injected state.

However, if there is aether then the sphere will:

In exothermic mode the aether would spontaneously emit cooper pairs which would decay into electrons and then be forced back into cooper pairs in the lattice of the sphere.
It would become anionic, and then a plasmon, then quantum phase shift.

(Note: I propose that the Joe Cell is an aether sink which renders an engine block into a plasmonic electron pump - the engine is powered by the implosion created when free electrons, emitted from the lattice of the engine block, collapse in the spark of the spark plug)

In endothermic mode the aether would spontaneously absorb electrons from the lattice of the sphere, it would become cationic, and then radioactive, then undergo the Hutchinson Effect.

….The outcome of this experiment will determine the fate of mankind because the,


paradigm will forever end the notion that entropy rules.

With entropy defeated humanity can throw off the scarcity, competition and domination we’ve known for so long and adopt a reality based instead on abundance, symbiosis, and stewardship.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Kalki11
Simple experiment to prove Aether exists and governs all other Absolutes & Constants, and is synonymous with:

Higgs Field
Zero Point Field
Dark Energy
Cosmological Constant

Hey man, I'd prefer the wording Simple Experiment to find if Aether exists. That way you would have more of an implication of scientific impartiality, your title implies you're wanting to find it - which doesn't necessarily indicate a balanced research ethic.

No offence meant.

I kept that quote full and I'd also ask if you could give more information on the 4 areas you say it (might be) synonymous with. I'm no scientist and got a little lost after the first paragraph, it sounds really interesting and I'd like to learn/know more.


posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by Kalki11
At some point though, the debunkers are only validating my trip because their arguments (against free energy and scalar interferometry etc...) are quite lame.

That, Sire, sounds a tiny bit delusional.

So this post is for them. You can't debunk this because it is an untested theory, nothing more.

The premise of my theory may be subject to debate, but the experiment itself is airtight.

Simple experiment to prove Aether exists and governs all other Absolutes & Constants, and is synonymous with:

Higgs Field
Zero Point Field
Dark Energy
Cosmological Constant

There are different vacuum states for different fields, e.g. QCD vacuum state is not the same as Higgs vaccum state, so piling them up in one paragraph is quite wrong to begin with. In addition the "Cosmological Constant" is a number and not a field, so again creating such a potpourri of terms may sound cool but is in fact quite meaningless.

If there is no aether then essentially there is no God

Find it quite preposterous.

If, on the other hand, there IS an aether then there is God, plasma – steady state (negentropic cosmology) is dominant and there is hope – in all manner of otherwise metaphysical realities, from immortality of the soul to free energy.

How does plasma relate to immortality of soul?

If the aether exists then the observer and observed ultimately emanate from the same source therefore making the speed of light a measure of inertial mass/spin of the observer, which is variable with quantum phase shifting.

Please explain how the observer acquires spin and what phase is variable, and under what conditions.

2 – The aether is not the lowest energy field/state/dimension but it is still a ground state – for the superluminal and hyper spatial fields/states/dimensions.

Fields, state and dimensions are all separate mathematical categories. You mixing them in one sentence so often shows just how disoriented you are.

5 - As the Higgs Field, the aether produces twin particles first, or they are hierarchally, integrationally (reverse reductionism) prior to their classical individual fermionic states because they are more symmetrical.

"Aether producing twin particles"??? Prior to "classical fermionic states?

The Bosonic/Scalar

What does "Bosonic" have to do with "Scalar"? Hint: nothing.

My experiment is nothing more than a scalar interferometer whose scalar bottle or zone of interference is located in a totally exhausted metal sphere.

I don't blame the metal sphere -- I understand that anyone can be totally exhausted by such pile of nonsense.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 10:49 AM
I dont want to sound uneducated, but... can someone put some of this in layman's terms? I want to make sure that I have the correct understanding of what the OP is actually saying. Thinking I understand could lead me to draw the wrong conclusions.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

I know many find your posts like this irritating as did I at first but I must say I now find them rather entertaining lol.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by Y2KJMan

Aether is a 'medium' that fills all space.
The medium transfers light and radio as sound waves.
As defined by Tesla due to his work and observations the
'medium' he concluded was an insulated liquid that held
electrical negative and positive carriers.
Being the first to send out electrons from metal, something
requiring a very high E field or voltage, Tesla might be trusted
in knowing a thing or two about the natural world.
Far far better than the almost exact opposite in science that
we have been told.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by Y2KJMan
I dont want to sound uneducated, but... can someone put some of this in layman's terms?

I think the opposite -- you already have shown yourself an educated person by demanding a modicum of common sense and comprehensible presentation, as opposed to hodge-podge found in the OP.

I want to make sure that I have the correct understanding of what the OP is actually saying.

That is impossible. The OP is a case of Glossolalia:

Don't bother. Zero content there (certified by me).

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

Yes the aether experts have tons of material to give us the
direction away from Tesla, the source of true science for today.

For a lot of words they might as well recommend the wordy
Tesla. Except there is even more to what Tesla explains that
the super educated will never even recognize.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
Except there is even more to what Tesla explains that
the super educated will never even recognize.

...but you apparently do, using some supernatural faculties of yours?

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by Kalki11

Find out where memories go and come from.

That will prove the aether exists.


posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
Except there is even more to what Tesla explains that
the super educated will never even recognize.

...but you apparently do, using some supernatural faculties of yours?

Surly you jest.
I have not seen the locked up material.
The rest is never talked about.
So who is going to teach the poor earthlings.
The Illuminati.
Heavens no.
Only William R. Lyne seems to have read Tesla without needing
spiritual guidance and apparently does not speak lies.
Anything better on the ether let me know as the OP did.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by zroth
reply to post by Kalki11

Find out where memories go and come from.

That will prove the aether exists.


The aether is also the Akashic Record or Book of Life, the non-volatile memory of space.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by Kalki11

The Aether is also the fabled Air Biscuit, the flatus which emerges from the nether regions of the Gods. Unseen, unfelt, it drifts through time and space, proving that even the Gods consume Taco Bell late at night when nothing else is open.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 09:43 AM

The debunkers are only good if they refrain from insults, otherwise it comes off like the debunker has some beef, as if ego is involved. A good debunker is a good scientist, one seriously concerned about the truth, and will offer constructive criticism.

"I don't blame the metal sphere -- I understand that anyone can be totally exhausted by such pile of nonsense. "

What if I had used the word evacuated instead?

My experiment/theory predicts the aether exists, so I have the liberty to argue that it does, and the implications. What scientist/physicist does not have his/her pet theory/camp? Science is neutral on paper, but in the hallways it's nothing but bias. Fortunately I'm self-taught, biased only by truth.

Your questions are valid and require more time than I have here at the library so I'll just give you the blanket answer.

I - as an integrationist - view All-That-Is, as ONE or Monotheistic heirarchally speaking, from our dimension. The classical materialists think our world of linear time/local space/inertial mass is aggregated from the aether as the lowest energy state and invoke renormalization to cope with infinite energy, both are done to accomodate math.

The empirical experiment I designed is designed to show that the aether is also the highest energy state, that you can use infinity mathematically by calling it ONE and working entirely with fractions from there - origin ratios.

Our world of linear time/local space/inertial mass is then seen top down, bifurcating out of the one in a continuous branefall through seven phase states.

a human being can be quantum phase shifted with the mass engine I invented, it creates a mesoscopic blackhole based on Haramein and Chapline math - Schawarzchild Proton and Dark Energy Stars.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by Kalki11
The debunkers are only good if they refrain from insults

I was going very gentle on you, and you construe my post as an insult? That's pretty rich of you, after you say that debunkers are lame and their purpose in life is, by virtue of their lameness, to highlight the ultimate truth that Your Exalted Self is willing to donate to this world. Read your own OP.

A good debunker is a good scientist, one seriously concerned about the truth, and will offer constructive criticism.

I mentioned the QCD vacuum and you offered squat in the way of explaining your own assertion about vacuum, so it doesn't seem like you need "constructive criticism".

"I don't blame the metal sphere -- I understand that anyone can be totally exhausted by such pile of nonsense. "

What if I had used the word evacuated instead?

If you suggest you could always improve your English usage, that may indeed be true.

What scientist/physicist does not have his/her pet theory/camp?

Many don't actually... But wait, are you calling yourself a scientist?

I - as an integrationist - view All-That-Is, as ONE or Monotheistic heirarchally speaking, from our dimension.

That doesn't make much sense, now does it.

a human being can be quantum phase shifted with the mass engine I invented, it creates a mesoscopic blackhole based on Haramein and Chapline math - Schawarzchild Proton and Dark Energy Stars.

That is really a steaming pile of cr@p, don't you think? You invented a mass engine?

Somebody please move this to "skunkworks".

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 11:37 AM
I think the problem stems from people educating themselves with layman descriptions of complex theories and making the mistaken assumption that such descriptions encompass the theory entirely. That would go towards explaining why every man and his dog these days is "debunking" well-established theories and proposing pick'n'mix solutions from various laymen sources.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by buddhasystem

I can't tell you exactly what my predicted results will mean to each and every equation/theory out there...

Lame, as in no feet to stand on.

Chromodynamics fits in with all other 3 based systems

Chapline + Haramein = Math
Me = experiment

I have no math myself. I'm not a scientist but will apply the scientific method when needed. You don't need math anyway when you have eidetic imagery to show relationships in physics - quantum and classical and both simultaneously.

I am relegated to thought experiments that can be real experiments, inventions included.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 11:15 AM
I don't think it's as simple as that. If you don't know the math behind QP you don't really know QP.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 09:35 AM
And if you don't have an experiment to gauge mathematical models then that's all they are.

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