posted on Aug, 4 2017 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to:
Even NDE's (near death experiencers) are not afraid to die. We are more than a blip on a screen indicating life. We are eternal and everlasting energy
and when you know this you fear nothing.
I had a few moments at work almost 3 months ago where I was 100% sure that myself, and the 3 other guys I was with were dead. Everything felt
surreal, almost like a dream, or I was watching this happen to myself from somewhere else, if that makes sense. I wasn't afraid, I was sad. I
accepted this is how it ends, and I remember feeling almost an overwhelming sadness. I thought, this is it, this is the last thing I'll ever do, and
it was a very somber, sad, moment. Once I realized we were safe the feeling of sadness became bliss, with a mixture of excitement. Over the next
couple days, the sadness returned, staring down your own mortality twists your brain up a little bit, but that feeling too passed, and life got back
to normal.
Ironically, that experience has led me into these sorts of subjects, and even gave me the push to join ATS after lurking and reading this site for the
last decade. I recently have began meditating. I believe we are more than what we think or what we've been taught we are. I don't know if my NDE
made me start feeling and thinking this way or if it was bound to happen anyways, but I feel like there's something to meditation and myself being a
spiritual being. If nothing else this journey has allowed me to open my mind and put me in a much better place inside my head.
To the OP, thank you for this thread, I found it very interesting. It's a hard concept to wrap my head around as is most of the stuff I read on
meditation, but I'm slowly getting better, and I believe this thread helped.
edit on 4-8-2017 by GordonCole because: (no reason given)
edit on 4-8-2017 by GordonCole because: (no reason