posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 07:55 AM
In the instance that longevity and so forth were bestowed upon me, on the understanding that I could never return to Earth... no. If they said, "you
will live till the very universe in which you live collapses upon itself but you may not return home"... yeah sure. No question.
Heres why I make that distinction. My family here on Earth (thats friends included) are just as much a part of me, as my brain, liver and other
organs are. Just as important as my right arm. To give any of those things up, I would have to be renumerated with so much interest it would make the
heads of lesser gods spin with envy. I would want time enough to investigate every even slightly interesting thing in the universe ... the small
percentage that one could cover over a few hundred years is not enough, considering the sacrifice of never feeling the rain on my skin as I stare from
a familiar shore, into the wind I have grown to love the feel of over the years. Without rewards such as cannot be truely imagined, I could not pay
that price.
However, if I was asked to go on an intergallactic joyride and the alien told me "sure bub, get you back in a month or two" I would JUMP on the
chance. The oppertunity to study , learn , and witness the functions of a star system without computer aid , and without the interferance of an
atmosphere would be a wild ride, heck, just being outside the atmosphere of earth would be a rush, but being outside the atmosphere in a craft which
opperates physics in a way that most humans cannot comprehend would be quite literaly my childhood fantasy made real... You can bet that I would learn
a lot from such a trip and would use any really useful information to the benifit of the human race, when I returned!
Win win!