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I am asking the Awakened for assistance! Im ready for the next step.

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posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by ExPostFacto
reply to post by anglodemonicmatrix

Whether you know it or not you may have affected the life of someone else while trying to wake others up. That spreads like wild fire. If it were not for people before me, I might not have awoken. Others had to challenge my reality for me to wake up.

There is a phrase in the bible that says something to the affect that Jesus came not to unite but to split us apart and turn us against each other. In another verse, a person must be either hot or cold but if we are in the middle we will get spit out. I feel like we must keep challenging the status quo to wake as many up as we can. I owe it to those who came before me, that were ridiculed for their beliefs, but that which I learned from. Don't give up now...the time is ripe.

Thank you for your inspiring post! I will forever keep this information and use it. It's so damn confusing to think that everything we have ever known or been taught is a lie. I do now know where the phrase "reborn" comes from. I think it is my new birth month.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by Yummy Freelunch

Well I dont pledge allegiance to either the crown,the crown temple,federal state or local government nor would I fight for any of them,if my country were invaded I might join the resistance but thats about it.I currently choose to pay this nations taxes and charges because its convenient to be here but should this country degenerate Id have no problem selling up and going to Thailand or where-ever.The system destroyed me to the point I have permanent schizophrenia from 8 years of psychotronic,spiritual and microwave harrassment torture but I had income protection insurance,the system stuffed me over so it can pay for me till the day I die.A word of advice if you ever find a book called 'A course in miracles'-dont bother with it,it'll cost you your job,your career,your health and your sanity and quite possibly your life.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by Yummy Freelunch

It's great to see someone with the courage to ask questions without care or consequence. The truth is finding a way to be heard!

As is the way of all things, the answers to your questions will be provided, as long as you know what to look for - though it seems some answers have already been found.

You said it best yourself - we ARE 'god'.

You said you looked yourself in the mirror and asked who was in the reflection - it is the One, the Great I Am - everything - a spark of the Everything that has come to Earth for a third density experience.

You came here to learn and experience, and to 'refine' your individual spark, or soul. Consider the Earth a classroom, you are the student and you are trying to pass the grade.

Absorb and explore this experience in whatever way feels right. Show love and respect to others around you - they are your brothers and sisters, and for our sacred Mother Earth too, who sacrifices herself for this experience.

You'll get lots of information from lots of different sources, so use your intuition or gut feeling to gauge what is truth to you. You can't go wrong!

You're flying dream, sounds like you can initiate astral projection from your dream state - read up on it if you are unfamiliar. It's a way of escaping the third density vehicle for a journey of your choosing.

Also remember, dreams are a form of communication from your Higher Self, so consider this possibility when trying to decipher your dreams. But know that dreams are communications spoken in a symbolic archetypal language - so deeper meaning is there to be found.

Best of luck on your path Freelunch

[edit on 25-7-2010 by srsen]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by anglodemonicmatrix
reply to post by Yummy Freelunch

Well I dont pledge allegiance to either the crown,the crown temple,federal state or local government nor would I fight for any of them,if my country were invaded I might join the resistance but thats about it.I currently choose to pay this nations taxes and charges because its convenient to be here but should this country degenerate Id have no problem selling up and going to Thailand or where-ever.The system destroyed me to the point I have permanent schizophrenia from 8 years of psychotronic,spiritual and microwave harrassment torture but I had income protection insurance,the system stuffed me over so it can pay for me till the day I die.A word of advice if you ever find a book called 'A course in miracles'-dont bother with it,it'll cost you your job,your career,your health and your sanity and quite possibly your life.

I am very sorry to hear of this, anglodemonicmatrix.
This is exactly what I'm talking about.. the lies have stolen what and who you are.
But I know you can break free of it at least from the chains around your self. It will be harder to break free of the physical , since we do have to eat, and have shelter.
If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by Yummy Freelunch

You will need to first balance your Ying and Yang. This can best be achieved by a genuine desire of both hemispheres to want to be one with something.

If you can find something they both find an appeal to be one with then you can bring them into balance and alignment.

Once you achieve that state then it's time to hum, and it's important for it to be gutural.

Try to relax and let your subconcious choose the note.

Each individual has a perfect note locked inside them that is actually the vibration frequency you run on.

If you have your Ying and Yang in balance as one, and then can resonate that note, it will bring the third part of your mind, and indeed your entire body and being into perfect alignment for the first time since you were born and that mean doctor slapped you and put you out of alignment.

Each fibre of your being will be able to feel and communicate with each other part of your being and you will have entered the universal stream.

Disney nor Six Flags have such an intense ride and as you access the astral plane and your connection to the universe conciously it does become a very intense ride.

Try not to panic, and to remember what it is you hope to accomplish.

There are in fact no words that can accurately describe what you will experience but the best way I can is to imagine a light bulb right before it burns out how for a brief instant it shines much more brightly than it ever has.

Every cell in your body will feel like that. You will percieve a strand of silver that connects you to the entire universe and feel the power of the entire universe coursing through you as a conduit for it.

Ultimately you will have to make a decision to either stay here in this dimension and reality or to go to the other side and back to whence you came.

They have no pizza there, you might want to grab a slice first!

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 11:54 PM
Awakening is not humanly possible. In fact it does not even exist. Awakening, in the usual terms means coming to an understanding of something, usually an understanding of why everything is. This is a fallacy, no one on earth has ever been awakened. It simply does not happen. The Enlightenment Fallacy states that human reason and science can, unmask the whole of reality. Thus having an understanding of all things. The human body is at its core, flawed and thus any search for enlightenment is sought for in vain, because true enlightenment comes from perfection. No human is perfect; therefore, awakening is not possible. The concept of the enlightened comes from a 'secret' and that secret is knowledge. When you begin to think of how much we do not know and how vast that lack of understanding is, one can see that enlightenment is false. However, the closest anyone of us can get is an understanding of ourselves. And answering the age old question: Who am I? Once you answer that you are the closest that any one has ever been. No one I know can answer that question. I sure as hell can not. That question is the heart of everything.

Not trying to be a downer, but I am being a realist. That is my understanding of enlightenment. I hope you did not take what I said to come off as negative or aggressive, I was trying to be clear and to the point. I hope I was my friend

[edit on Jul 25th 2010 by TheMythLives]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 11:55 PM
Hi, the next step is to push the limits on your consciousness and really seek, really ask who you are, why are you here? I have a few threads, the first two are on waking to source, and manifesting eden and they are full of the kind of music that brings you into right brain, also dolphins and whales, for frequency. Also meditation and sungazing. Mediation should not follow any directions, I just wrote up what I call freeform for a friend, because that is zenmind and gateway type experience potential.

Also, Skyfloatings contact mp3 thread, its very good.

But finding yourself first or Higher Self. Raising frequency, reverse engineering any difficutlies in your life to look for clues or signs of things to work through. Raising frequency, and sending Love & Light to all, but denouncing gently firmly and sending it on its way, this puts you in good hands, your Higher Self, so that while seeking answers you are doing so with love.

and this one is good:

Sometimes it could be a simple video where you are surprised at the ending. This one surprised me for I had not contemplated infinity and quickly reached in with my feelers and was in contact with Higher Self.

I went to the end of the video and I think the second time, I just reached in.

Its going with a connect between right and left hemisphere and reaching in. The answers are within.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by Yummy Freelunch

Hi Yummy Freelunch. Its always a pleasure to see you starting a new thread on something interesting. Your a very energetic person. You like the outdoors, you love nature and you have excellent computer and art skills. You have some wonderful sons and you are easy going. You are very intelligent and you are on top of things.

So..... your feeling like your wading hip deep in mud trying to find out what life's all about? Having second thoughts? Pondering? Looking back on life and wondering what the future is all about?

The future is all about the information age, and you are as big a part of it as you wish to be. You realize that the Internet has brought out secrets that would never be heard of before the advent of the Internet. You've become aware that our government isn't "For the People" anymore, its become a government of "For the Corporation".

AWARENESS and is the word or "Theme" I think you are trying to put forth.

Awareness of what is happening and how all of us can see where our futures as a whole is headed because of improper, unchallenged leadership of our country (countries).

Awareness of what needs to be changed so that all may live in Peace and Harmony.

Awareness of our mighty military force that we have let get out of control, that needs to be put into check and reduced.

Awareness that our government is over spending in many areas and not in other areas.

Awareness that religion has become big business, and needs to be treated as such.

Awarness and togetherness needs to be spread in order to keep these viruses under control before they get carried away and destroy all that we have enjoyed in the past, and what we want future generations to enjoy in the future.

We are what we have become.

Luckily we always have a second chance. Hopefully we can all unite and succeed at our endevour of saving our planet Earth and creating a better world for future mankind than what we live in now.

Hope, awareness and working together can do Miracles.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Forgive my ignorance, but just how do you know what your yin and yang can agree on?

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by Yummy Freelunch

Thanks for your thoughts yes I do know who and what I am but its the quiet life for me for now you get to a point where you no longer think of revenge you just wish to put things behind you and forget them plus Im not inclined to make a smell of myself at the moment as I live with my elderly parents and do not wish to expose them to the psycopaths and sociopaths of this planets 'principalities and powers',my love for them is a powerful restraining force.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by TheMythLives

Awakening and Enlightenment are terms used to describe a series of events in a persons life where they finally get that they are more than they have been told. They realize they are free and able to affect the world. For each person the process is different, but there are general milestones that occur.

To say there is no such thing, is to say you have not been through it. The process is so profound, you will know something is drastically different. You will also understand almost without knowing many things. You will not question those things either, as they come from a part of you you will trust.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by TheMythLives
Awakening is not humanly possible. In fact it does not even exist. Awakening, in the usual terms means coming to an understanding of something, usually an understanding of why everything is. This is a fallacy, no one on earth has ever been awakened. It simply does not happen. The Enlightenment Fallacy states that human reason and science can, unmask the whole of reality. Thus having an understanding of all things. The human body is at its core, flawed and thus any search for enlightenment is sought for in vain, because true enlightenment comes from perfection. No human is perfect; therefore, awakening is not possible. The concept of the enlightened comes from a 'secret' and that secret is knowledge. When you begin to think of how much we do not know and how vast that lack of understanding is, one can see that enlightenment is false. However, the closest anyone of us can get is an understanding of ourselves. And answering the age old question: Who am I? Once you answer that you are the closest that any one has ever been. No one I know can answer that question. I sure as hell can not. That question is the heart of everything.

Not trying to be a downer, but I am being a realist. That is my understanding of enlightenment. I hope you did not take what I said to come off as negative or aggressive, I was trying to be clear and to the point. I hope I was my friend

[edit on Jul 25th 2010 by TheMythLives]

Thank you TML, and I understand exactly what you are saying. To me, the knowledge that I have gleamed over the years has changed who I am to the point I no longer recognize the person I was...if that makes sense.
THAT to me, is an Awakening. I know we will never know all of the knowledge there is to know..and once you THINK you are done in this world.
I know these fleshly bodies are imperfect, they are fragile and useless anywhere but this planet. And even then, they die easily. Of course, we are "perfect" beings inside ourselves..if perfection is the immortality and ability to create our own lives. God..i just confused

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by TheMythLives

Awakening/enlightenment is not the same thing as perfection

Not saying you are right or wrong, just offering another perspective
I think I would call myself awakened/enlightened, but I am not anything near perfect - but i don't have to be, in my opinion

You said yourself that awakening is "coming to an understanding of something, usually an understanding of why everything is" - there is no one Truth - there is only what is truth to you.

Do I think I have some kind of idea of why everything is, yeah I do - but it's my truth and yours would likely be completely different but still as true!

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
Hi, the next step is to push the limits on your consciousness and really seek, really ask who you are, why are you here? I have a few threads, the first two are on waking to source, and manifesting eden and they are full of the kind of music that brings you into right brain, also dolphins and whales, for frequency. Also meditation and sungazing. Mediation should not follow any directions, I just wrote up what I call freeform for a friend, because that is zenmind and gateway type experience potential.

Also, Skyfloatings contact mp3 thread, its very good.

But finding yourself first or Higher Self. Raising frequency, reverse engineering any difficutlies in your life to look for clues or signs of things to work through. Raising frequency, and sending Love & Light to all, but denouncing gently firmly and sending it on its way, this puts you in good hands, your Higher Self, so that while seeking answers you are doing so with love.

and this one is good:

Sometimes it could be a simple video where you are surprised at the ending. This one surprised me for I had not contemplated infinity and quickly reached in with my feelers and was in contact with Higher Self.

I went to the end of the video and I think the second time, I just reached in.

Its going with a connect between right and left hemisphere and reaching in. The answers are within.

Thank you so much for your inspiring post!!! I will read each of these threads and watch this video...I want to do it slowly and absorb it..
I will keep in mind all that you have suggested..

Strange, but Ive always been drawn to the sound of dolphins and whales, the sounds make me cry..

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
reply to post by Yummy Freelunch

Hi Yummy Freelunch. Its always a pleasure to see you starting a new thread on something interesting. Your a very energetic person. You like the outdoors, you love nature and you have excellent computer and art skills. You have some wonderful sons and you are easy going. You are very intelligent and you are on top of things.

So..... your feeling like your wading hip deep in mud trying to find out what life's all about? Having second thoughts? Pondering? Looking back on life and wondering what the future is all about?

The future is all about the information age, and you are as big a part of it as you wish to be. You realize that the Internet has brought out secrets that would never be heard of before the advent of the Internet. You've become aware that our government isn't "For the People" anymore, its become a government of "For the Corporation".

AWARENESS and is the word or "Theme" I think you are trying to put forth.

Awareness of what is happening and how all of us can see where our futures as a whole is headed because of improper, unchallenged leadership of our country (countries).

Awareness of what needs to be changed so that all may live in Peace and Harmony.

Awareness of our mighty military force that we have let get out of control, that needs to be put into check and reduced.

Awareness that our government is over spending in many areas and not in other areas.

Awareness that religion has become big business, and needs to be treated as such.

Awarness and togetherness needs to be spread in order to keep these viruses under control before they get carried away and destroy all that we have enjoyed in the past, and what we want future generations to enjoy in the future.

We are what we have become.

Luckily we always have a second chance. Hopefully we can all unite and succeed at our endevour of saving our planet Earth and creating a better world for future mankind than what we live in now.

Hope, awareness and working together can do Miracles.

Hello, Friend!
Its good to see you here, it's been awhile

THank you also, for the kind words

Yes..I think I've grown as a fetus to the point of birth, so to speak.

Its akin to a light going on in the refrigerator..and my door was opened..the light came on.

So..I feel silly as a human asking..what is the next step..and that is what Ive done.. I feel you are right, working together! Im very grateful for this opportunity to share and gather information from you, and others like you

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by Yummy Freelunch

If you listen to them and set intentions, I remember who I am, and am so happy, and grateful. Thank you Family of Light, Divine, whatever you want to add. And keep it while listening. You are feeling the rememberance. They speak a cosmic langauge, and we know them. And family are incarnated as well, love ones.

When I was listening, (bear in mind I spent hours nearly everyday, in meditation, freeform, but alot of it was listening to the songs I have on those threads, especially the hemisync, and binaurals, some era (language is something in those songs) and vangelis, and lots of whales and dolphins, for months. Well, I was in a very high vibration and I heard the dolphin and something strongly stirred and I knew inside that I understood, just some surface veil and words tumbled out, "yes, yes yes, I hear you. You will be free. We are here now, I am here now!"

That was a paradigm shift. I'm not saying it would take half a year of meditating, everyone is different, but there's no shortcuts. Although dolphin and whales are a bit of one, they speak a language our souls know.

[edit on 26-7-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by anglodemonicmatrix
reply to post by Yummy Freelunch

Thanks for your thoughts yes I do know who and what I am but its the quiet life for me for now you get to a point where you no longer think of revenge you just wish to put things behind you and forget them plus Im not inclined to make a smell of myself at the moment as I live with my elderly parents and do not wish to expose them to the psycopaths and sociopaths of this planets 'principalities and powers',my love for them is a powerful restraining force.

It must be very "freeing" knowing who you are.
I also live a very quiet life and I'm very grateful for that. I dont want revenge, either..I couldnt think of who I would want to take revenge on!

There is no fault, that I can see.
The way things are is because the hierarchy is wrong. But I dont know who or what is at fault, so a feeling of revenge would be wrongly directed, if that makes any sense.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by tgidkp

if i were you, i would start looking at the places in your life where you hear your inner voice making some type of excuse for this or that behavior. there is something hiding behind that excuse, and your're probably not going to like what you find.

This is the perfect answer to your question.

Look in the mirror and really see who is looking back.....and then accept that person as that is the real her or not....

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by ExPostFacto

To say there is no such thing, is to say you have not been through it.

Personally, I believe you are wrong. And I am not trying to be mean or anything. Enlightenment or Awakening is, IN MY OPINION, a concept used to make people feel special and to give them a sense of belonging. Again, please understand I am not trying to come off as a moron. But lets see things from a point in time. The world accepts no one and we do not accept the world, because we are not from the world, but rather from a different dimension. It does not take one, if enlightenment existed, to see things for what they really are. Do I believe we are all connected? Yes, I do. For every action that someone causes it inevitably affects every single person and thing in the universe. But the true idea of enlightenment is just that... an idea.

reply to post by srsen

Interesting concept. And with all respect, what you just defined too me is also flawed. If I believed with all my heart that the world was flat would I be awakened? I doubt it, because modern science tells us this is wrong. I would not want someone 'enlightened' to preach that the world was flat. That would not be good. Personally, I doubt it, because enlightenment is built up upon 'secret' knowledge that is based upon all the truth's of the universe and metaphysical realm. Did I make sense there? Both are incomprehensible to the mind. Can we imagine what lies on the other side? Absolutely! But can we know for sure? No, and that is why awakening cannot happen. In my opinion of course.

[edit on Jul 26th 2010 by TheMythLives]

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Do you know why dolphins and whales are able to speak the "soul language"?

I have always felt they were wise and not at all what humans perceive them as.

You have some very good information, and seem to be wise in your own self, and I thank you for sharing

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