posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 06:34 PM
I began seeing "Mastery" numbers in the early 90's. This was about the same time I was allowing 'Spirit' into my life. Previous to this I did
not want to believe in God.
Recently, over the past two years, it has been non-stop. This week has been exceptional in that it has not been just a few times but all day long.
Different clocks and different rooms, different media all expressing "Mastery" numbers.
I personally know the number 11 as illumination. It is a message. It means the forefront or center stage. It also means fire, electricity, and
11:11 represents the coming together of the two suns. It may represent the moment of transition, the place before the event, when the the sun changes
from one sun to another; transitory, forefront, illumination, messages, Light.
The 11 acts as a mirror. When you look into the 11 a reflection of the true self is exposed. Maybe we are looking into the mirror and the reflection
shows us that we are the Message, the other 11 is us. We are the change and we are the carriers of the Message outward.
All I can say is that if you are seeing and experiencing "Mastery" numbers then you are on the correct path and the message to you would be one of
validation on your behalf. Perhaps I need validating all day long! LOL