Common Sense:
Would 'you' want your neighbor to be an illegal immigrant living next door to you? They clearly breached your immigration laws so therefor do not
respect your laws or yourselves. This should be what's called a Red Flag. Not really, just common sense.
Sometimes folks in other countries leave for a Reason. They always do. Often the reason is they need to flee, you know hide out. Many have
extensive criminal backgrounds. I know, sometimes I have to hire them time to time on the 'farm' and take my chances. They often learn to respect
me for my honesty. I don't usually have to look over my back neither. They know I'm straight. I just wouldn't advise getting close to some of
these folks. One of my caretakers, which I knew to be a God fearing man, even wrote a large cross on the door and took good care of his child and
loved his wife.....dearly. Another man began sleeping with his wife when my caretaker started working on the farm. I just hired this caretaker man
for the job only 6 months prior. When he chose the job, his wife chose to mess around since she refused to live in the jungle. How would one make
sense of this? I would 'assume' his Soul/Spirit will be jusdged with "INTENT" more than anything else. It took TWO to tangle with the Angle.
They both paid the price, as per design? Could be. 'You' be the judge.
Imagine that. My caretaker killed a man who was sleeping with his wife after confronting him at a bar under the influence. They searched my land for
days. We spotted him at dusk 4 days later coming back to get his things out of the caretaker house (Organic Farm). He took off never to be seen
again or not? Not sure, I 'hear' all kinds of stories over there that turn out NOT to be true. One fellow told another I was growing smoke (pot).
No thanks, that's the one legal way the govt. can steall your land. I would never do this. Besides the smoke is cheap and fresh over there anyhow,
why risk it. If one is going to smoke something natural from the ground so be it. They should be allowed to grow enough their own use. It is their
natural right. Only liquor and pharmaceutical companies continue to lobby paid off politicians to keep it illegal. Meanwhy, these folks are thrown
in jail while the violent and hopfully 'crazy' folks are let free early or are set out on bond pending trial, no more room in the prisons. If there
is a problem, don't be afraid to FIX IT. It is thE way it is because of some of the folks Alex Jones speaks of. They're not too happy right now.
The feel like they're in their own self imposed prison. Hmmmmm, they are. They become very disconnected from the 'folks' therefor choose to
disregard their existance all together to their 'own' dismay. Seems fUtal for a strategy of 'happiness'. It just doesn't work folks. Just
another fools game. Light always wins folks. Always. [lil psyop, couldn't.....or didn't want to resist.] My own grammar seem to work better.
Thank you though I 'could' be wrong. could just call me strange.
It is truly neither here nor there anyhow.
I'll salute you though I'll bear no flag.
It wouldn't work very well with your neighbor.
Just a recent 'human' divide and conquer scheme.
It worked out pretty well for the worse.
We all have a choice.
We will make many more tomorrow.
They will all add up to something in the end.
A garden or a sewage?
Your choice.
Regardless, you will all suffer the consequences.....or Reap them; your choice.....
There is always a Reason for something, though not often a good one, 'these' days. The truth will always get to the matter. Sometimes the truth
conceals it, under the assumption of another about.....whatever they assume the benefit would be for NOT telling the truth.
Really people, stop living a lie and just be real for a change.
It works for all parties.
I like to go to parties, I just don't join them.
If I did, I would feel I was selling out to a group.
I wouldn't do such a thing.
It doesn't 'work' in one's End.
Just be yourself and do no harm unto another and respect each others' 'finite' path in the flesh and admire creation while respecting it at the
same time. If you respect nature, it will feed you. If you nuture it, it will make you prosper. Natural resources are always more valuable than any
other commodity because they are the source inputs to everything. Most of the worlds natural resources are in what's called TPTB's hands. It's
not working out too well for neither parties. Personal Sovereignty works because it Is.....what you make of it? That appears to be the status quo.
A very dangerous one. Love works. Love your neighbor, even if it's for selfish reasons, you benefit in the end. This is common Sense though look
up for guidance time to time. It works as well. My heart will always be True unto U. U are a part of Me.
I have to respond to the 'public' every where I go.
I would choose a 'peaceful' one based on freedom, liberty, respect for one's self and their neighbor. Hey it works folks. My childhood was/is
evident, though hit a few rough patches along the way. It's a 'tough' world out there and I ask lots of questions when I find they apply to
'Me', as I should. I would expect the same of yourselves, right? Get my vibe?
It's real)))))
[edit on 25-7-2010 by Perseus Apex]