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RAP: Tim Turner of Restore America Plan is now the Interim President of New Republic of United State

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posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by cupocoffee

But if they have the support of high level people in the military, and from other governments around the world, as they claim to, then suddenly it wouldn't be quite so funny would it?
If a frog had wings it wouldn't bump its ass a hoppin'.....

Originally posted by cupocoffee
Many people in the forums have been hoping and crying out for this exact thing for years, and now that's it actually happening all people can do is laugh and complain? Sheesh!
People have been crying for an unelected dictator to replace an elected president, and have been doing so for years?

If so, they should open those "FEMA death camps" for mass psych evaluations.

[edit on 25-7-2010 by Emilyh]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by cupocoffee

Originally posted by SaturnFX
hmm...I dont remember voting in anyone by that name...pretty sure I wasn't drunk.

Sure, a lot of gullible people voted in Obama but if you have a corrupt president and illegal de facto corporate government which violate the constitution at will, isn't it your constitutional duty to remove them from power? Seems to me like these RAP guys' logic is sound even if they're lacking in proof right now

A lot of people voted against a 'hundred year war' and a guy who slept with a lobbyist who remembers that Beach Boy song Barbara Ann somewhat differently than it was intended.

It's more like the voters were guided, corralled.

Someone mentioned 'good cop bad cop' as being the strategy behind the clinton/soetoro stance on israel.

Good call on that. 'Good cop bad cop' has applications all the way to the top. The confusion technique of hypnosis...I'm so confused...

eventually the metal fatigues...

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by Emilyh
People have been crying for an unelected dictator to replace an elected president, and have been doing so for years?

If an elected president is guilty of treason and the military has hard evidence of such, then that president should be impeached, should he not? Whether he was even born in the US or not.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by cupocoffee

Originally posted by Emilyh
People have been crying for an unelected dictator to replace an elected president, and have been doing so for years?

If an elected president is guilty of treason and the military has hard evidence of such, then that president should be impeached, should he not? Whether he was even born in the US or not.

Impeachment is a constitutional process that has nothing to do with random people gathering and "impeaching" the government. The president can be impeached by congress only.

So if you have compelling evidence that "Obama has commited treason" then tell your congressman about it, if the evidence is convincing then I doubt that he wouldn't put it before congress, no matter how corrupt they are. If there was a case for impeachment he already would be impeached since he has enough enemies in congress... Remember the clinton thing? The Repucblicans aren't exactly shy with bringing forward impeachment even when it has no basis... Yet.. none is talking about impeaching Obama... Maybe they don't have the "secret proof of treason"...

They don't have evidence of an act of treason all they have is a general notion that Obama is a traitor... None of them were concerned the last 8 years of course... They didn't declare the gov. illegitimate up to now.. I wonder why that is...

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by NichirasuKenshin
So if you have compelling evidence that "Obama has commited treason" then tell your congressman about it, if the evidence is convincing then I doubt that he wouldn't put it before congress, no matter how corrupt they are. If there was a case for impeachment he already would be impeached since he has enough enemies in congress... Remember the clinton thing? The Repucblicans aren't exactly shy with bringing forward impeachment even when it has no basis... Yet.. none is talking about impeaching Obama... Maybe they don't have the "secret proof of treason"...

UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that a secret U.S. Military Grand Jury operating outside of Washington, D.C. has indicted current, alleged President Barack Obama, along with current dysfunctional U.S. Secretary of State, [snip] Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, as well as former illegal White House occupant George W. BushFRAUD, former President William Jefferson Clinton and Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate mafia boss, George Herbert Walker Bush aka daddy.

The charges deal with HIGH TREASON, with the specific charge that this gang of filth was directly involved in the EMBEZZLEMENT and THEFT of TRILLIONS of dollars of U.S. TREASURY funds aka the American People's money.

The secret U.S. Military Grand Jury, which also includes none other than current Obama National Security Advisor General James Jones and civilian, former Bush Administration Treasury Secretary John Snow, has direct evidence that the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate LOOTED joint U.S.-Chinese CIA proprietary accounts utilizing Alan Greenspan's criminal U.S. Federal Reserve, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and the noted Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate brokerage firm and bank, Goldman Sachs.


posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:38 PM

Note: A show down is clearly brewing now between the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate-Eric Holder operated U.S. Justice Department and those still left in the Justice Department that are still loyal to former Assistant Attorney General James Comey, as well as the aforementioned forces in the U.S. Military determined to return the United States to its Constitutional Rule of Law.

emphasis mine

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by cupocoffee
That's hilarious. How on earth you could take the contents of that blog seriously is mind boggling. It refers to a former president as "daddy", calls Hilary "Rodenhurst", claims Obama is the "alleged" president, list goes on and on and on and on and....

It's hack writing at the lowest common denominator. The standards(even on these conspiracy sites) continue to plummet.

I cant believe anyone would reference such an "article" in a rebuttal to a logical post.

has direct evidence that the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate LOOTED joint U.S.-Chinese CIA proprietary accounts

Thanks for the laugh.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by Emilyh
That's hilarious. How on earth you could take the contents of that blog seriously is mind boggling.

Ha ha ha. Yes, very funny. Except it's corroborated by Christopher Story and Fulford and these RAP people and Tim Turner and the CNN video and lots of other sources.

Well, believe whatever you want. But if there's any truth to what all these sources are saying, then there's some extremely interesting stuff going on behind the scenes. Screw you guys, I for one am going to do a dance of joy in the streets when Bush and Daddy Bush are finally brought to justice.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 02:29 PM
The Letter - Restore America Plan

The Restore America Plan is a bold achievable strategy for behind-the-scenes peaceful reconstruction of the de jure institutions of government without controversy, violence or civil war. After consultation with high ranking members of the United States armed forces, the Plan is in the process of assembling the Guardians of the Free Republics and reinhabiting the De jure Grand Juries to:

•Restore and reinhabit the de jure institutions of lawful government.
•Terminate illicit corporations posing as legitimate governments, in particular the territorial jurisdiction United States Federal Corporation (corp. ref. 28 U.S.C. 3002) posing as the de jure United States of America.
•Terminate all presumed powers of attorney to such corporations.
•End the foreclosure nightmare (for borrowing against ones own credit).
•End tax prosecutions for resisting the transfer of private wealth to foreign banking cartels such as I.R.S. (former Puerto Rico Bureau of Taxation).
•End street assaults against the sovereign People for failing to exhibit a State-issued confession of subject-class citizenship.
•End all prosecutions which lack an injured party.
•End admiralty prosecutions for kidnapping and other heinous crimes against mankind as commercial crimes against the corporate State under a contrived corporate color-of-law venue (corp. ref. 27 C.F.R. 72.11).
•Terminate the intrusion of corporations posing as the state into every aspect of the Peoples lives.
•End the use of covert contracts such as Form 1040, car registrations, birth certificate applications, and bank signature cards which confess the signer to be a legal fiction subject of the United States Federal Corporation (U.S. person) that has waved his/her rights in favor of state-issued privileges.
•End the use of deeds which classify the People as tenants on their own land, thereby transferring control to incorporated County registrars and tax assessors.
•End the perversion of marriage into a commercial system of state-issued privileges through the so-called marriage license whereby incorporated courts presume the right to trespass on families and kidnap children.
•End the hijacking of automobile ownership through DMV registrations which covertly exchange the divine rights of travel and ownership for the state-issued privileges of driving and title.
•In place of all of the above, substitute sovereign identification, diplomatic immunity and sovereign passports to facilitate safe passage throughout the world free from corporate State molestation and terror.
•Restore the Peoples money and wealth from the banking institutions, war profiteers, and international loan sharks.
•Instantly vest all mortgages, auto loans and personal business loans issued by members of the Fed. The state shall hold no paper on, or debts against, the sovereign People, directly or through its agencies and licensed banking institutions.
•Instantly end all non-consensual and unlawful taxation including all taxes on the sacred rights of labor and privacy.
•Empower and inspire the sovereign People to righteousness through such renewed abundance.
•Issue orders to the military and police powers to enforce the Peoples divine rights of birth.
•Reabsorb all de facto actors into lawful de jure capacity.
•End the perverse act of requiring the People to pray to courts as is now required under corporate rules and traditions.
•Restore the de jure judicial institutions including the district court of the United States and the one supreme Court.
•Quietly mirror the strategies of 1933 thereby using their (our) institutions, military and public officials to undo eighty years of subterfuge without provoking alarm, controversy or armed conflict.
•Return the military and law enforcement institutions to proper and lawful de jure sovereign authority from the clutches of corporate actors.
•Forgive all corporate actors who repent for their State-sponsored crimes against mankind. Remove the recidivists from office.
•Do all of the above, and more, peacefully, discreetly, quietly and honorably, behind the scenes, without public proclamations or provocative actions against a general public that is mostly unaware of the hijacking of their free de jure American republics, and their hapless media.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 02:30 PM
So it was corroborated by a group of people who sit in a tree house all day fantasizing about taking control of the U.S. government without elections?

That certainly gives it authenticity....

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by Emilyh

Believe whatever you want Emilyh, but I am not going to play these little kiddie tree house games with you. I'm too busy doing grown-up stuff.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by cupocoffee
reply to post by Emilyh

Believe whatever you want Emilyh, but I am not going to play these little kiddie tree house games with you. I'm too busy doing grown-up stuff.
You mean grown up stuff like posting myspace blogs?

I wish you the best of luck on all your grown up stuff endeavors...

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by Emilyh
You mean grown up stuff like posting myspace blogs?

Yes, and other business.

You don't like myspace blogs, well I might have posted Chris Story's latest report, but rumor has it the poor man got himself kidnapped and had to take it down. But I guess that shouldn't concern us either should it?

Nothing to see here folks, and now back to your daily dose of Lindsey Lohan.....

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 03:17 PM
The part that bugs me out the most:

Originally posted by cupocoffee
There are also two senators for each state and 10 house of representative members for each state.

Do they even understand hwo the house of representatives assign membership? Oh sure, Rhode Island has the same reprentatives as California or New York?

This is complete nonsense written by people who don't even understand the foundations of our country's congressional branch of government.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:34 AM
Fairytales are supposed to start out "Once Upon a Time" . And end with "And they all lived happily ever after.."

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by kozmo

I cry Bovine Extrement on this!


This is a joke, and these people are jokers. Oh well. I guess they can play government if they want to.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Getting rid of the Obama administration, it sure is a big joke alright! No one's taking it seriously at all!

Obama African Birth Certificate!

Barack Obama's presidency is illegal! That's what political insiders are saying after a shocking birth certificate from a hospital in Kenya reveals America's Commander-in-Chief was born in Africa! GLOBE has all the explosive details you can't afford to miss!

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 10:10 AM
This is hilarious. No, not the movement, I'm talking about the comments from people. The self-subservient complaining and mocking is about what I expected. Many of the replies in this topic thus far are tantamount of the old parable "Don't talk the talk if you can't walk the walk."

What we have here is a movement that is working to restore the Constitution of the United States and bring this country back to a Republic - a goal that many of you have all clamored for and begged for, and this is what I see.

"What a joke!"

"I didn't vote for him, screw this!"

"They don't stand a bit of a chance."


What in the *SNIP* is wrong with you people? You want change, you want a better country, you want an end to corruption but when it is staring you in the face, when there is actually a glimmer of hope shining in the distance, what do you do?

You cower away. Return to your pasture. Nothing to see here.

Why don't some of you wake up, stop being so damn selfish, and for once in your lives DO SOMETHING.... or better yet - DON'T STAND IN THE WAY OF THOSE WHO ACTUALLY WANT TO DO SOMETHING!

If you are so connected to the old life that you don't want to see some kind of change - then just leave your comments at home.

And people wonder why I'm a misanthrope. You kind of have no choice when you meet with such irresponsible, deluded people.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 10:21 AM
Reply to post by gwydionblack

At this point we don't know that they'll actually do anything aside from talk about it on a website, what are we supposed to do? Jump for joy and just believe it with no tangible proof its not just a group of guys posting nonsense from a basement somewhere to see how many will fall for it? I'd rather be skeptical now than turn out to be a fool later.

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posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by gwydionblack

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