posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 06:17 PM
There is something that can be done,but everyone who has their "extremist tendencies",will scream socialism,communism,bla bla bla...
Nothing seems to work in the extreme,so it must be somewhere in between.
You will never get those in power to go for it,because they just love slurping up all of that honey for nothin,stop being milked,step away,stop
feeding that which consumes you.
Disregard their rules if those rules keep you from doing good for yourselves or others,and you know they do!.
There is plenty for everyone,nobody should have to be hungry or homeless,or suffer from maladies which are treatable with current medical
I believe that would be called "nullification",but enough of us have to do it to be an overwhelming force which cannot be controlled or diverted
from it's goal.
Steal your freedom back,but don't be selfish about it.
Everything seems to be backwards in this world,why,if there are hard times,do those who can't afford losing more lose the most?.
If an economy is faltering,it would be wise to make sure that the people it depends upon were given all of the tools to help it recover,but it seems
that they always cut services which make it more difficult for the little guys to do anything.
Just some of the idiotic things these melonheads do...
-Raise licensing fees on everything?.
-Cut public transportation and infrastructure maintenance?.
-Let food prices keep skyrocketing?.
-Mandatory health insurance that broke azz people can't afford to buy?.
-Unfair lending practices that are designed to result in foreclosure or repossession?.
-Casino banks which gamble people's savings?.
-Basically freeze wages compared to the cost of living?.
-Umpteen million more silly azz stooopid things we can't afford....
C'mon,they could do better than this,and they would if we all stopped being such a bunch of pushovers and accepting their horsehockey excuses for
doing the wrong thing.
Stop accepting it,stroll off of the grid and support yourselves,they depend on you to depend on them.
There is something better that would work,but most of you have been brainwashed into thinking the same silly thoughts about the way things should
be,because that's what they would have you think,because that's how they take advantage of you all.