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Iran says it has 100 vessels to confront each US warship

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posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by princeofpeace

Research the wargame simulation that the US had to restart because of the sinking the U.S. Fleet. Those boats are a threat. Hopefully we have learned from the simulation and have improved our defenses. They are a threat that needs to be addressed, unproven laser systems don't cut it for me.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by Now_Then
I've served beer in pubs older than your entire nation - nothing will change that.

That's actually impressive. Why don't you have your pub defend its nations OIL and Fuel interests?

Growing pains, only we all get them.

Thanks for the enlightened bit of advise. If this is truly the case then step aside and let us grow and do our business.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by Ben81

America is like a stubborn annoying teenage kid.

Iran told them to F off couple of decades ago, and kicked them out, and the US has hold that grudge against Iran, and the Iranian people for that long, and still continuing.

Get over it. When people tell you to F off, it means they don't like you for a reason, instead of fixing their problems, they continue hostilities with people who tell the US the truth about them.


posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by GuiltyByDesign

Yeah as if A. They havent called on the US for help atleast once or B. Havent gotten struck down by the USA atleast once.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:51 AM
fun... 1 ore 10 soeedboats agains a war vessel .. looks like one man against a tank....:-)
we could be surpriced...
hmm ...can planes be deployd on a carrier when its heading full speed..42knots ??

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by ressiv
fun... 1 ore 10 soeedboats agains a war vessel .. looks like one man against a tank....:-)
we could be surpriced...
hmm ...can planes be deployd on a carrier when its heading full speed..42knots ??

its actualy a thousand of speedboats against the war fleet

the title is 100 speedboats for each warships
how many warships are positionned near Iran .. ? a lot
so its 100 x 10 = 1000 to be swarming those warships
its like 1000 davids against 10 goliaths
the result of this fight can have surprises
we cant downplay the result to any attacks of this magnitude

[edit on 7/25/2010 by Ben81]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 03:27 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Originally posted by Now_Then
I've served beer in pubs older than your entire nation - nothing will change that.

That's actually impressive. Why don't you have your pub defend its nations OIL and Fuel interests?

Growing pains, only we all get them.

Thanks for the enlightened bit of advise. If this is truly the case then step aside and let us grow and do our business.

Is this a game of whose got the biggest d***? The way you describe "your" nations interests shows you've got a certain amount of comprehension about the reason the US is in the ME. What really suprises me is that despite your understanding you still justify the US being down there and killing innocent family's.. oh and a few terrorists as well..

its nations OIL and Fuel interests

Are you serious? Resources found on some other continent can actually be described as "US interests"? Greed anyone? A logical conclusion wich would follow the previous text is that this attitude is solely responsible for ALOT of killing and other inhumane practices... yeah just go ahead and have the US army do their thing... After all yo guys need fuel for your cars, if that comes at the price of some children dying so be it hey?

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 03:48 AM
some funny post in here regarding the us navy battlegroup vs 1000 iranian speedboats,

the iranians are being smart, this is called assymetric warfare, and it works.
some of the less well informed members here think the boats are smaller so they are useless, or they are armed with bb guns even.
one guy even says " its like a man going up against a tank!"

well, give that man a cheap but effective portable anti tank missile launcher and the man vs tank idea doesnt seem so one sided.the israelis found this out in their disastrous 2006 lebanon war.

and its the same tactic the iranians will use against the u.s navy. im afraid that the aircraft carriers and guided missile cruisers are not designed to fight 1000 fast attack missile boats, each carrying 4-6 missiles and torpedoes you multiply those ,missiles by the the large number of boats and you must realise its a very cost effective way of hurting the u.s navy.
they will be swamped and they will ,lose ships. its not as one sided as you think.

remember your expensive us naval ships were designed to fight navies of a comparative design, thats why the iranians have taken this option.
its also a tactic the north koreans have, they have also built up a large force of fast attack missile boats co-incidently

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by hans kammler

Don't forget to mention the small boats can also Carry portable stingers to fight of choppers and jets.

There is a video of this somewhere but i cant find it. Iran shoot at drones with stingers from speeding boats.

Iran has also massed produced the flying watercraft. This craft can fire anti ship missiles. And this watercraft can reach the Gulf of Oman.

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 04:15 AM
reply to post by hans kammler

also there are the new Russian, almost unstoppable Sunburn SS-NX-26 Yakhonts missiles that will fly from the secret Iranian mountain locations...

btw, good analisys, hans...

[edit on 25-7-2010 by donhuangenaro]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by ressiv

Yes, jets can be launched from a carrier doing 40 knots. Its not the speed that counts. Its the wind speed and its direction that counts.

A carrier will use its capable speed to make a lunch more effective.

"Wind speed can delay a launch if the wind is to strong".

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 05:05 AM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
Low power ebb = the PNAC/neocons/Zionists subfaction has lost influence and power...they are being prevented from making a resurgence.

The Zionists have not lost influence and power by any stretch of the imagination. Their lobbyists continue regardless of a change of administration, which is not really a change at all. The necons we like to think as being discredited, but they may well just be re-grouping for "their" man or woman to get in The White House.

PNAC? Well, the century has only just begun! So many geopolitical geostrategical aims yet to achieve!

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
Sucks for Netanyahu that he couldn't get elected when Bush was still in power.

I dread to think what might have happened.

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
Obama is CFR-controlled all the way. Hence the tenseness between him and Netanyahu, and Netanyahu's growing desparation. Netty knows.

Tensions that don't stop the military aid. I hear there is personal dislike between the two, but the occasion where Obama has not met Netty (Great nickname!) was for the world media's convenience for us all to lap up that Obama does not like flotilla activists being killed and Obama does not like settlement expansion. Leading to the dangerous conclusion that Obama disapproves of what Israel does and is a man of backbone.

Personally, I think Obama is quite spineless. If he goes to war with Iran, he will want to do it to appear he was not doing Israel's bidding.

No, it will be all about how Iran is dangerous and a rogue regime and blah blah blah.

In fact, it would suit him for Israel to attack Iran and as Iran responds, striving to hit Israel and US assets (Seeing the US as supporting the attack), Obama would then be given the pretext for a US war on Iran.

To the Corporate elite and TPTB in America, Iran is a threat to the monopoly of the region. It is a nation with much oil, of geopolitical and geostrategical interest in The Great Game, and one which is not under their thumb.

To see it's government toppled and replaced with one that hands out oil contracts would bring rewards and riches.

To see Iran as being on-side with their interests would be seen as a strategic win in the geopolitical and geostrategical great game.

To Israel, it's about maintaining their monopoly of the region, which ties in with the interests of the Corporate elite and TPTB in America.

Iran threatens to be a counterweight to that, one that stands in the way of regional domination.

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
The N. Korean thing is a countermove to the "war drums" on Iran, and the current propaganda and sanctions war the Israelis and U.S, have started waging in the past two or so months...oh and things like the bombing at the mosque. Almost the same exact scenario as 2007, when the other Clinton rode in to save the day by rekindling the six-nation talks with N. Korea, which Bush basically IGNORED for almost 7 years. N. Korea is a minor pawn in this game, with some Chinese-related implications, but nothing major there either. Again, barring an accident or false flag. There is very little doubt in my mind that they were set up with the sinking of that ship.

And the US-South Korean military exercises continue the cycle...leading to North Korea to make a show of strength like a missile test to show it is not weak in the face of the exercies, leading to the US-South Korea to make tough diplomatic language/more military exercises leading to North Korea to make tough diplomatic language/military exercises and so on seemingly justifying the US-South Korean military exercises in the eyes of the world.

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
Obama, will NOT go into Iran barring some sort of rogue move by the Israelis or a false flag where the U.S. is attacked.

He might if he can portray an attack on Iran as nothing to do with Israel.

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
He won't be escalating in Afghanistan either...unless ditto happens on the Pakistani border. That's another tinderbox waiting to explode IMO.

The capture of the US military personnel may well have seen to that.

[edit on 25-7-2010 by Regensturm]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 05:28 AM
I seriously can't believe some of the posts that I've been reading on this thread. Yes, a Zerg-like attack of hundreds or thousands of speed boats attacking a traditional Naval Fleet would be an unwelcoming sight with grave consequences but the US Navy isn't restricted to big ships sailing the seven seas.

Do people not realize that it's not about the defense of the Fleet in a response to an attack but the mitigation involved so that the attacking boats wouldn't get withing a mile of the ships?

You can bet we've got the entire ME (especially in Iran) under continual satellite observation the likes of the Google Earth we use could ever hope to achieve. Any mobilization of forces to any port in Iran will be seen by our Command in damn near real time. If the threat is considered likely, we wouldn't hesitate to send bombers, drones or anything possible to flatten any docks and boats up and down their coastline.

Do people think that the Navy will see these boats and hold their fire "till they see the white of their enemies eye's?" It seems that people still think war is fought in the gentleman's style of Europe of old and have forgotten the lessons learned in the past 100 years along with the advancements in technology.

Say what you want about the Military Industrial Complex in the US (personally not in agreement with it), but when it comes to technologies used for situational awareness in the battlefield, thanks to them there isn't a "fog of war" anymore when it comes to a 1000 missile wielding soldiers on their Scooty Puff Jr.s trying to attack a Naval Fleet interconnected with the Army, Air Force and Marines by land, sea, air and space.

"Shock and Awe" wouldn't begin to describe the world of hurt Iran would endure if they tried pulling a Water World stunt like that.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 06:49 AM
Yes iran has 100 vessels in they president's kitchen the cook uses any of these hundred vessels to cook, and has chopped the snip of that ahmed de jaath, who ever that president of iran is, or may be parking a few north korean vessels and making balance "replicas" of those vessels to use them as scare crows. Used on huge buildings to scare birds, great iranian brains,

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[edit on 7/8/10 by JAK]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by GuiltyByDesign

I would venture a guess that all of those stars were from American posters.

I'm not one for America bashing and I don't wish ill on the general population of the US but your post is typical American drivel. A post denegrating America wouldn't be complete if not for one or two chest-puffing, southern-state induced crap. IE. "Come down to the SOUTH and say that...". This is obviously something that works for you "down south". It sure works with keeping those pesky Mexicans at bay though doesn't it! Heh.

The world wishes ill towards you for your continued actions. I am completely exasperated with my own country for following in your (elephant) footsteps. You guys have always lacked subtlety IMO, it's a shame that trait has soaked through into your geopolitical affairs.

All of this constant posturing against so-called "evil" states should come back to bite you in the ass and I can't say I think it would be a bad idea TBH. Maybe a little home invasion is what it will take to get you guys to wake the _ up.

Edit- Apologies for my aggressive tone. I've just had enough.

[edit on 25-7-2010 by Dookzor]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 08:59 AM

Food for thought on fast attack craft vs. US navy.

I would bet the US navy is taking steps to counter small attack craft.

The Spanish Armada was defeated by small Pinnance ships way back when.......smaller, faster, harder to keep track of.....

I think you'll see the US navy deploy a similar countermeasure tactic.

....Just speculating.

[edit on 25-7-2010 by wdkirk]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 09:05 AM
I dont really care wether the US will be able to counter Iran's strategy or not.
A much more important question we should be asking is "Will or will this not start a new war at the cost of countless HUMAN lives?"

Cant believe the discussion that is taking place here

The US army is gonna kick Iran's but VS Iran will pawn the US armada...

How low can you go... is status truly that important? even at the cost of human lives at both sides of the fence people are still eager to have their point proven and show that "their" country is The strongest .. well huray for y'all

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by faceoff85

If only I could add multiple stars mate. I completely agree.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by faceoff85

Very true.

But ATS and its members have no authority, just opinions. It doesn't matter who knows what or who cares. Because it wont change anything within reality. The show will go on.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by faceoff85

That's the topic at hand.....Iranian fast attack boats vs. US Navy.

What did you expect to see in this thread?

This isn't a "wear you heart on your sleeve" discussion.

Its a tactical discussion.

Go look for a thread on the "Value of Human Life" if you want to discuss that topic.

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