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If you want to be an "insurgent" when you grow up

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posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by FearNoEvil

You mean like the country who helped us gas the people so they could point the atrocity so they could come overthrow our government? Like that time?

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 08:46 AM
The scumbag pro-war ATS defense league is at it again I see.

Good job guys. Yeah, you "won", awesome. Nevermind all that blood, death and suffering. We "won", so stop talking about it until the next war, correct?

Oh, wait, wait. You're not pro-war, you're "against the war", but you only like to brag about "kicking ass", etc. Okay, I understand now, I only misinterpreted what you people were saying... all that lack of integrity and double-speak etc, was getting confused.

I'm good now, though.

[edit on 25-7-2010 by SyphonX]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 09:17 AM

" We came, We saw, We conquered !" Then WE gave it ALL back and rebuilt what was destroyed. ALWAYS! Get over it. It's too bad that you hate us. We don't give a tinkers damn. When the Muslims take over Canada from the inside by their birth rate and institute Sharia, don't come calling us. We'll be busy taking over the world with our Imperialistic mindset and ignore your problems I'm sure. Good luck with their version of 'Hope and Change'! That problem will be entirely yours!


posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by ZindoDoone

" We came, We saw, We conquered !" Then WE gave it ALL back and rebuilt what was destroyed. ALWAYS! Get over it. It's too bad that you hate us. We don't give a tinkers damn. When the Muslims take over Canada from the inside by their birth rate and institute Sharia, don't come calling us. We'll be busy taking over the world with our Imperialistic mindset and ignore your problems I'm sure. Good luck with their version of 'Hope and Change'! That problem will be entirely yours!


super quote,
totally agree mate.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
A $10 bullet could have taken out Saddam. Saddam was sooooooooooo not the issue. That should be crystal clear to everyone by now. Plus he's probably still alive

Yeah right now Saddam, Elvis, and Steve Fosset are relaxing in their top secret hidden paradise, along with the passengers of Flight 93.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by ZindoDoone

You are entitled to your opinion. Some, however, do see it more like this...

We maimed, We killed, We created generations of new hate exactly like the hate that got us there to begin with but tenfold!" Then WE made trillions for the corporate pigs and will stay there forever to protect ALL THEIR interests. Get over it. It's too bad that you hate these facts. We don't give a tinkers damn about the lies that got us there or the 1,000,0000 dead Iraqis, just the 2669 dead Americans and 24 dead Canadians, the WMD someone moved, and the millions in mass graves we never found.

I guess we must agree to disagree.

reply to post by Blazer

With the once again, newly resurrected Osama?

[edit on 7/25/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

What many fail to understand is that the largest percentage of the those deaths were caused by Religious infighting between Sunni [Muslim] and Shia [Muslim] Sectarian violence

As far as this fictitious 1.000.000 Iraqis killed, Here are some statistics on that. Anyone notice how the body count swings wildly anywhere from between only 95,888 to 1,033,00? They can't even get the numbers right.

Casualties of the Iraq War

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Doesn't matter. We CAUSED them by disrupting their government and balance of power.

Of the "millions" of deaths attributed to Saddam Hussien, you will find, if you map them by year and incident exactly how and why they occurred. Focus particularly on the 10 or so years before we went in and tell us how many deaths there were during that period.

I think you might find that most of these millions of deaths were 1.) not millions, 2.) occurred during civil and other wars, and 3.) dramatically tapered off during most of the end Saddam's rule.

As for the Casualties of the Iraq War site, if I'm remembering correctly, their own disclaimer says they only track what is "officially" reported by the government. I take far more stock in the Lancet surveys to reflect the REAL damage done.

But we've been over this many times in the past 7 years, haven't we Slayer?

[edit on 7/25/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:24 PM
Slayer and Mf Luder et al...

I notice you've skipped the hard points I made and instead have degenerated to ad hominid name calling...and straw man arguments.
Good, those are the easiest to illustrate in the eyes of the impartial reader.

“Shut me down?”..heh heh.
Well, that’s a big ten LOL rubberduckie.

They say patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel,.
but of course that refers to the FAUX Patriot that defends Tyranny
and is the opposite of the oath all Americans take and promise to uphold.
Which I defend, because I believe it and the Bill of Rights are the landmark documents of our age.

Defending the slaughter of a people who never deserved to be invaded
is part of a larger anti real US patriot position, so to stand for some of it, you stand for all of it.
Especially because the real Patriots, the “Insurgents”, in the US oppose your position as well.

So here are some hard points.
The violence in Iran is Muslim against Muslim?
I guess you forget the SAS who were caught planting bombs while dressed as Iraqis and the Brits had to go in and destroy their Iraqi police allies' police station to get them back.
Or the insurgent arms that were claimed to be of Iranian manufacture which when produced all turned out to be of Israeli, British , and American manufacture...and being used to kill coalition troops to boot.
could the insurgents be fake as well...many have been shown not to be combatents
lie after lie after lie...
Is this what you defend...?

The USS Liberty incident was real.
Did the US deal?
Scared of a little tiny country like Israel just because they have a couple of nuclear bombs?,
They own your Government except for Ron Paul.
Just ask Paul Craig Roberts Reagan’s Under Secretary of the Treasury..

Did the US deal with the Dancing Israelis?
Nawww, the dual pass port Neocon team goes and attacks an ally like Saddam, who never had any WMDs, and who would be the enemy of the people that are being falsely accused of doing 911 anyhow.

What happened to that passport that was found on the top of the rubble?
The same thing that happened to the myth of the pulling of babies from incubators...
Lie after lie after lie, just like Pearl Harbor and the gulf of Tonkin.
invented fake insurgents
Is this is what you defend...?

And then you have Afghanistan, who who never had anything to do with 911...They even offered you OBL , all you had to do was show some Indictable quality proof good enough to stand in an impartial international court.
Has OBL been indited yet?
The OPIUM trade is now flourishing though...guarded by US troops with those very same gunships you mentioned according the US government....
Is this is what you defend..?

I agree with the US "patriots" like Ron Paul, the only actual conservative, who is a patriot and defender of the constitution that they all took an oath to defend.
You know.... the only man with an actual conservative voting record:.

Statement Opposing the use of Military Force against Iraq[

Using the term “Bleeding Heart Liberal to label people who stand opposed to your opinion and wha are actually conservative is hitlarious, and fallacious.
If a “bleeding heart Liberal” is the opposite of a conservative what does that make people who support this Gunship Tyranny?
You are defending the actions of the the US in slaughtering people the whole world knows never did anything against the US, while the real culprits lead the US around like it has a ring through its nose.
Is this is what you defend...?

The UN are what when the neo cons can't get their way?
The UN is a bunch of pansy liberals when they stand for anything not Neo con.
Remember Colin Powel's 50 lies?
the portable gas factories...
yep... them helichoppers took them out in a hurry
lie after lie after lie...
Is this is what you defend...?

Phone calls to reps showed some 90 percent against the bailout, but you got a bail out.
The biggest robbery of the American people in history.
Obama is suing Arizona for trying to uphold the law and defend her borders, which is supported by the majority because the US soil have been INVADED by 30 million illegal immigrants and not a helicopter in sight?
Hehas stated he won't uphold the law till he gets his amnesty.
This shows the US is a conquered people who's government is a puppet government that does not serve the will of the people. Just like the countries the US has been “nation building” and bringing “democray” to....
Is this is what you defend..?.

The USS Liberty...
Did the helicopters help you there?
No know,
“all your oil wells are belong to 'us' ,” ( not US of A)
The company that all your soldiers died and the insurgents in Iraq died for, just turned the whole Gulf coast population into insurgents with detergents..while the US is paying ten times what gasoline is worth because BP has the North slope capped to keep the price up.
Not to mention Halliburton charging 400 dollar a gallon gas,.
Is this is what you defend...?

Slaughtering people At weddings from a bazillion miles away with drones.
The chicken gunships of “the future being made today” as the Muppet might say.
Is This is what you defend...?

Pat Tillman the poster-boy football hero murdered by the army as the army surgeons admitted ,while Bush lied about his heroic ambush by insurgents...for his intention to tell the American people the truth of the “war” when he came home.
Is this what you defend...?

To support the slaughtering of Patriots who are defending unjust neocon aggression, in foreign countries by people who have also targeted the upholders of the constitution and the bill of rights
in the US, might at some future date if the patriots winout, be considered as the lowest form of treason.

Penalty: it just might what is good for the goose...

like many proven official lies there was some debate as to whether the "saddam"who was hung was the real Saddam...

His whole capture story turned out tbe a lie according to the Kurds who captured him...or have you forgotten...
ahhh that skid of money....

[edit on 25-7-2010 by Danbones]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:35 PM
I just came back to say that even one death in Iraq at our interventionist hands over lies was too many. We could sit here and argue over hundreds of thousands of deaths for years, but the fact is the only thing that matters is what the people who live there believe about how and why their friends and family members died and will live with for generations.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by ZindoDoone

re Sharia law in Canada.

By the time our Zionist neocon government gets around to passing anything it will be the year 8000 ad
and even the muslims don't want it except for the faux zionist shills pretending to be muslims in a pathetic attempt at fear mongering...

You know how most predictions have fared on ATS don't you...?
have any of yours come true in the past?
If they have give my a link..
Or I'll take you as seriously as that alliens will disclose on july the 17th thread.

Get that into ya

The Quebecers would never stand for that kind of law..
beer in convenience stores and dancing french girls are part of the fabric of life there...
Montreal is to much fun
And in Newfoundland they are the salt of the earth..hospitable
Share with ya law is the law of the land there and that won't ever change.

edit fo spedding @ss you suall
[edit on 25-7-2010 by Danbones]

[edit on 25-7-2010 by Danbones]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
Doesn't matter. We CAUSED them by disrupting their government and balance of power.

Absolutely incorrect. We may not have helped the problem, but we most certainly didn't cause it.

Shia versus Sunni

The animosities and scornful labels have been there since the assassination of Ali (r) in the year 661 CE. For a long time thereafter some (Sunni) Umayyads used to take the name of Ali (r) with derision. Caliph Omar bin Abdel Azeez (d 719) put an end to this abhorrent practice. On the other hand, some Shias continue to send tabarra on the names of Abu Bakr (r) and Omar (r) to this day and to show disrespect to the name of Aisha (r ).
The endless dispute is even more astonishing when you consider that it has its basis in history, not in doctrine. The origins of the dispute were forgotten, bitterness was entrenched and became a tool for politics and power. History was later elevated to dogma.

. . .

The subsequent centuries have been a continuous saga of political rivalries between these two groups. The Sunnis have been the dominant political group but on occasions the Shias have challenged the political primacy of the Sunnis. In 945 CE, the Ithna Ashari Buyids briefly occupied Baghdad only to be expelled by the Seljuk Turks. In the tenth and eleventh centuries, the Fatimids, another branch of Shia Islam, successfully challenged the military primary of the Sunni Abbasids in Baghdad and ruled an empire extending from Morocco to Syria from their capital of Cairo.

. . .

The Shia-Sunni split takes its deadly toll even today. In Iraq, not a day goes by when rival Shia-Sunni groups take the lives of hundreds of innocent people. Even assuming there are hidden hands behind this anarchy, the carnage is historic in its magnitude and can only result in the death of a nation. In Pakistan, intermittent attacks on Shia and Sunni mosques and places of congregation continue, hardening the ill will between the two communities.

There are 180k results for "history of Sunni Shia conflict" on google and 300k for just "Sunni Shia conflict". There's absolutely no reason why anyone should believe we started a religious conflict that's been going on for 1400 years.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by Jenna

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
Doesn't matter. We CAUSED them by disrupting their government and balance of power.

Absolutely incorrect. We may not have helped the problem, but we most certainly didn't cause it.

Shia versus Sunni

The animosities and scornful labels have been there since the assassination of Ali (r) in the year 661 CE. For a long time thereafter some (Sunni) Umayyads used to take the name of Ali (r) with derision. Caliph Omar bin Abdel Azeez (d 719) put an end to this abhorrent practice. On the other hand, some Shias continue to send tabarra on the names of Abu Bakr (r) and Omar (r) to this day and to show disrespect to the name of Aisha (r ).
The endless dispute is even more astonishing when you consider that it has its basis in history, not in doctrine. The origins of the dispute were forgotten, bitterness was entrenched and became a tool for politics and power. History was later elevated to dogma.

. . .

The subsequent centuries have been a continuous saga of political rivalries between these two groups. The Sunnis have been the dominant political group but on occasions the Shias have challenged the political primacy of the Sunnis. In 945 CE, the Ithna Ashari Buyids briefly occupied Baghdad only to be expelled by the Seljuk Turks. In the tenth and eleventh centuries, the Fatimids, another branch of Shia Islam, successfully challenged the military primary of the Sunni Abbasids in Baghdad and ruled an empire extending from Morocco to Syria from their capital of Cairo.

. . .

The Shia-Sunni split takes its deadly toll even today. In Iraq, not a day goes by when rival Shia-Sunni groups take the lives of hundreds of innocent people. Even assuming there are hidden hands behind this anarchy, the carnage is historic in its magnitude and can only result in the death of a nation. In Pakistan, intermittent attacks on Shia and Sunni mosques and places of congregation continue, hardening the ill will between the two communities.

There are 180k results for "history of Sunni Shia conflict" on google and 300k for just "Sunni Shia conflict". There's absolutely no reason why anyone should believe we started a religious conflict that's been going on for 1400 years.

Come on Jenna, you KNOW the US REALLY went back in time and caused them to start fighting. Remember - the US is to blame for the world's problems right now. The big, evil free country.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 08:01 PM
Ever wonder why, if Saddam was such a heinous killer over decades, they so quickly convicted and hung him over what was arguably, by the UK and US, the very LEAST of his atrocities? Yeah well I have. And one conclusion one might come to is that they HAD nothing else. Just think about that when you think about when the vast bulk of deaths attributed to him happened. During WARS and civil unrest, also arguably cause by interventionalists. But excuse it however YOU want. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

While youre at it? Look up those mass graves Bush and Blair bitched about and lied to you about. Never found. And oh, by the way, they admitted they lied too. But of course that didn't make it into most people's consciousness. Typical.

[edit on 7/25/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
While youre at it? Look up those mass graves Bush and Blair bitched about and lied to you about. Never found. And oh, by the way, they admitted they lied too. But of course that didn't make it into most people's consciousness. Typical.

You mean these mass graves?

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by jerico65

Sure. But 1.) hardly the number Bush and Blair claimed. And 2.) please realize WHEN those graves were from. Wars kill people, and they had a big one there. So lets not be disingenuous, shall we?

Bush and Blairs LIES had some of you so convinced that this war was necessary you're still trying to rationalize if and apologizing for it today. Kinda sad. Makes you realize why history books get so twisted.

The White House's little lie about this has since been moved or removed. It was here.

[edit on 7/25/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
Sure. But 1.) hardly the number Bush and Blair claimed. And 2.) please realize WHEN those graves were from. Wars kill people, and they had a big one there. So lets not be disingenuous, shall we?

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that mass graves had some sort of freshness date on them. I guess those 400,000 dead people just don't matter.

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
Bush and Blairs LIES had some of you so convinced that this war was necessary you're still trying to rationalize if and apologizing for it today. Kinda sad. Makes you realize why history books get so twisted.

The White House's little lie about this has since been moved or removed. It was here.

No agenda of hate going on with your links. Everyone one of them upstanding journalists just looking for the truth.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 12:24 AM
Personally , what I'd like to say is that I have taken from the video , that when the time comes for Americans to fight the plutocracy our tactics must not be the same as these fodder running around in the open. We must be wise in our coming struggle , infiltration is one way , subversion is another , so is civil disobedience or noncompliance. But fighting an unseen enemy (snug as a bug in a D.U.M.B) who can reach out and touch , your not going to win by running around in the open and getting blown from here to the masey-dixie line , absolutely outsane.

Jus my two cents.


posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by jerico65

No...the agenda of hate is clearly yours. You fell for the lies. Your loss.

[edit on 7/26/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by gem_man
Watch this and marvel at the deadly accuracy of an Apache heliocopter. This shows how sofisticated the toys of war are. Astounding!

Do you masturbate to such displays of military shrivel-dickdom?

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