posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 10:20 PM
I've already brought up the points about the girls ability to (speak, read) whatever the issue is, so I'll just say here, "Good job." You seemed
alot snappier on this episode.
I'd really like to see the ATS news, in any format, continue.
I like the idea of summing up, lets say, the weeks news, in a 10 or fifteen minute episode. Especially if it adds to what the threads already offer.
But I think these new episodes drag things out too long. This is one of the reasons I liked Johnny Anonymous, he was a "just the facts" kind of guy
and his bits were short.
I like looking at the girls more than I like looking at Mr. Anonymous, (Sorry Johnny.) But I think the production and show could benefit from a
snappier format than at present.
I offer the following suggestions in the spirit of success for the show:
1. Shorten the intro. Theme is cool, love surf music, too long.
2. Suck people in with some short stories first, the smaller stories, like Johhny did. Name the major stories your going to talk about "later."
3. Don't tell us what you think, tell us what you know.
4. Be quick about it.
5. Go for ratings, shock us a bit, don't worry about professionalism, this is the COUNTERNEWS. Is it not? Give us some kaboom BLAMMO mixed in with a
little "what the..?."
6. Did I already mention, keep it short?
7. Do 1 long story each, maybe a couple intermediate pieces each.
8. But keep it short.
In addition to this, with our brief reports every week, (or whatever) you could also do "Special Reports" where you go into more depth, like a
magazine show. Maybe even doing interviews and whatnot.
As I said, I'd like to see the show continue. Despite how some of the very mean people on ATS feel about it.
Some of us are perfect Gentlemen.
Good luck ladies and crew.
Edited for punctuation?
[edit on 23-7-2010 by briantaylor]