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Weirdest Dream Last Night - Prophetic? or Am I Just Crazy?

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posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by coastalite

I just woke up to this..............

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by Lil Drummerboy
reply to post by bestideayet
HAve you been following the news of tensions with NK and the rest of the world?

Only as much as the rest of us, although I had no idea they were threatening nuclear retaliation UNTIL this morning, when another poster linked it here.

Now that's very strange... I have no clue what city was hit in my dream, you'd think if I was going to try to tell people, there'd be more information.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by Madara
Hello, I'm new here although I've been lurking for years. I'm an 'experiencer' or whatever you want to call it.

Last night was interesting, the visitors (for lack of better word/description) kept "hitting me" to the point I was very close to being removed from my physical body, kinda of like getting forcefully pushed out of the body. I even had a vision/metal image of me falling to the ground and rolling over in a protective posture. I May even have been close to having a heart attack as both my arms hurt and felt heavy.

That being said, I do not mean to scare people here, on the contrary it made me feel relieved. Screw all the hype and nonsense and ridiculous allegations being made about visitors, etc - What needs to be heavily considered is that our world is a SHAM, humanity has gone AWOL from sanity and if, and that's a big IF, the species is actually considered valuable and desirable to keep around than for certain, "someone" is going to have to step in and handle things. And as the original thread posters dream alleges, yes, everything here is a lie and a big one !

But anyways, Perhaps something is coming, perhaps we are about to get nabbed as humanity may be put "under arrest" :


nabbed, nab·bing, nabs Informal
1. To seize (a fugitive or wrongdoer); arrest.
2. To grab; snatch.

I do not claim to know anything specific but I liked this dream so I decided to join and throw in my 2 cents worth.

When you say an experiencer, what caused you to be this way? And who is visiting you? What language do they speak?

In no way did I invite this dream, and with the dream posting only A DAY OR 2 before North Korea ACTUALLY makes statements on retaliation with a nuke... it just scares me. Because in my dream it was like another 9-11.

I do not want that to happen....

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 11:57 AM
Perhaps ten years ago I had a very specific dream about North Korea launching a war, tearing through South Korea and quickly taking Japan with the assistance of the PRC. In the dream the North Koreans had bombed Portland or Seattle or perhaps both ... and they had blown up oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico ( I know... but it was in the dream so here it is).

Reading your account and seeing what is afoot right this very minute I am turning to prayer and sending my intention for peace. Much to pray over even as I have prayed over this for the last decade.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Pellevoisin
Perhaps ten years ago I had a very specific dream about North Korea launching a war, tearing through South Korea and quickly taking Japan with the assistance of the PRC. In the dream the North Koreans had bombed Portland or Seattle or perhaps both ... and they had blown up oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico ( I know... but it was in the dream so here it is).

Reading your account and seeing what is afoot right this very minute I am turning to prayer and sending my intention for peace. Much to pray over even as I have prayed over this for the last decade.

Portland or Seattle or both? Very scary, that would be huge.

I wish we had leaders who really valued peace. I was watching msnbc and they did a "breaking news" about us playing "War games", and the North Koreans not liking that.

The war games are set for tomorrow.

Why must we TAUNT, beat our chests, etc to show superiority? I truly think we are gaining NOTHING by bullying North Korea. It's really stupid, and in all honesty, we get what we deserve.

It's only a matter of time before the bullied kid retaliates. Looks like that is soon...

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 12:51 PM

I have a feeling the media is trying to NOT make this an issue.

The US is muscle-pumping and showing off in front of North Korea. North Korea already PROMISED a nuclear retaliation. While it may not be an actual nuclear attack, it may just be powering up a new reactor or continuing to make nuclear material, any of these things can lead to an escalation of events, that will end up as WW3.

That is a fact. These are possibilities. Yet look at the picture. The TOP VIDEOS tab has NOTHING but the same old "STAY ASLEEP, NOTHING TO SEE HERE" crap, stuff about beer, etc..

On the same page is a video link, on top, small as can be, almost like a footnote, that reads "N. Korea threatens nuclear response" with a video attached.

Come on. If this doesn't show that we are all being fed what the media wants us to eat.... well WAKE UP.

My dream really has gotten me to the point of being nervous to even think about a future, since, well, what if there isn't one to plan for?

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 01:09 PM
Wow interesting dream.

I have always been interested in dreams, what they are, what they mean and so on.

It's crazy some of the things I have dreamt. I have had a few recurring dreams and one that really freaked me out and still does. I haven't told but a few people about it. I have thought about making a thread but it just really disturbs me..I have had prophetic dreams which is why when I dream some things I wonder if this will be one of those dreams that actually happens.

If I have a dream that I vividly remember I will write it down. I have woken up in the middle of the night and done this with some dreams.

The one I had that bothered me most, bothered me most when I saw the building in my dreams where I live and the uniforms the people had on I saw online or in a thread on ATS. It was a new military gas mask outfit. When I saw these two things in my life it freaked me out to no still does.

When you said you feel like you need to be somewhere else. I know what you mean. I have felt this way most of my life. It's a strange feeling but I feel like I need to be somewhere else just not sure where.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by bestideayet
And also, the big question is, WHY ME? I'm just a guy with HUGE questions, like all of us. Why was I CHOSEN to get this message? Maybe to post it here, and help people... as my girlfriend mentioned...

Two things.

One, Why you?

My name here is Illusionsaregrander, because it sounds like "Delusions of grandeur." It is a reminder to myself that I am not the only one who has had the Death/release/merge into God experience. Or, awakening of any sort.

Many have historically, and many more are having it now.

In the experience itself, for many, there is a deep sense of oneness, of the non-importance of self. The "release" that feels so good, is a release of the idea of specialness of self to move beyond it.

However, when we get back, we are individual again, and the mind/ego/identity "reads" that experience the only way it can, as an individual. And because that is the way the mind/ego/identity must think, there is a tendency to think of itself as "chosen, special, etc."

Its perfectly normal to go there, but dont get stuck there. (Some do)

Two, was the dream sent to you to help others?


My dream chose for me the experience I feared the most to die in. It took my greatest fear, made it real, killed me in that way, and encouraged me to release through it.

Yours MAY HAVE been doing the same thing. It may be prophetic, or, it may just have chosen a deep seated fear to allow you to awaken. The fact that many have similar dreams could be because it is trying to tell us of a real event, or, it could be that many people have very similar greatest fears because of the media we are exposed to.

I notice a fair amount of variation in the details of peoples death/release/merge dreams. Some have aliens, many have mass death, some are more personal fears, the common element is the awakening.

The recollections of awakening have an awful lot in common.

So, just something to think about. In the dream, death was "ok." Maybe we arent being asked to "save" ourselves with foreknowledge, but to release the fear that often drives us to undesirable behaviors as a species.

To "wake up" remember we are more than bodies, and begin to live like philosophers. Our actions based in principle and understanding of this higher truth, not on fear.

Just some thoughts.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 01:44 PM

When you say an experiencer, what caused you to be this way? And who is visiting you? What language do they speak?

That's funny !!

Do you guys actually believe N. Korea is really a threat ??? The only real power N. Korea ever had was the backing of China. But I feel those days are gone. China has moved on from Communism to totalitarian capitalism. It will not revert back to the darkness for N. Korea. If a conflict were to break out N. Korea could put up a much greater fight then the Arab countries but it can be smashed and contained just like Iraq was.

I feel your dream has a deeper meaning. Its more metaphysical/spiritual in nature than a physical premonition of current events. My opinion anyways...

Truth is, dreams are really about yourself more than anything. But I don't know, it seem's people are having funny dreams lately which to me hints at the possibility of some kind of event coming about.

I certainly am no expert though so who knows...

My theory ?? Perhaps an invasion of sorts is coming. Perhaps a right wing faction of ET's/spiritual beings have had enough of the circus going on down here and for reasons I can't provide humanity is important enough to retrieve and contain for whatever purpose. I say "right wing" because I do feel that just like us the metaphysical higher consciousness world has its own divisions and belief systems with disagreements on how to handle issues/conflicts. The more aggressive and assertive of them could be considered "right wing".

[edit on 24-7-2010 by Madara]

[edit on 24-7-2010 by Madara]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:45 PM
The PRC is still the PRC and they keep North Korea as their proxy and are ready to let the wild dog out into the kindergarten if they think it will screw with the USA. If North Korea has been given the nuclear means by the PRC -- of course, they have long long ago -- then imagine the temptation to use the nukes if you are a crazy, dying dictator.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 02:06 PM
I can't make a new thread because my laptop and something wrong with cookies, but I just HAD to tell you I think my vivid dreams are driving me crazy. They began a couple of months ago and I dont even want to sleep anymore because its like a ticket to HELL
Truly vivid and tragic.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 02:47 PM
Ok, I know that somehow we are all connected subconsciously,so i feel it is important to tell you what i had a dream of last night,and i don't know if it relates or not but,it was still strange. It was not what i would call a lucid dream,but i became totally aware in a very very deep dream state,and i began to manipulate every aspect of the dream,changing everything at will,and even tearing apart the very fabric of the dream itself! I have had dreams of awareness before,but not quite like this one,it was just too strange.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 04:11 PM
Objectively dreams are like an alternative/parallel mind activity 'space'/place, yes?

Some kind of mental activity is going on.
Usually 'weird' compared to our presumed objective reality, waking experience.
Surreal & 'plastic', often bizarre.

Dream can be very interesting & very often dramatic,
but they arguably can be distracting too.

Reality on the other hand can be kind of oppressively banal.
Big & virtually unchangeable.

I don't pay much attention to my dreams lately, i rarely remember them,
although i did wake myself up from a nightmare this morning, which is unusual at this point.

I think i even have a trick to improve remembering them, but it does have some potential unpleasant drawbacks.

Is drama the flow that engages/seduces our attention?

It might be that getting too engaged in dreams means you should try to distance from them or calm yourself about them,
and conversely maybe for someone like me i should try to engage them more, to add interest, challenge & engagement? Not sure.

It could be that dreams are trying to seduce you into paying more attention to them. Although like a gangster you might want to be careful how you extract yourself from their occupation of your thoughts. [sounds weird, but it might be true or baseless paranoia.]

It certainly sounds like an interesting if stressful experience you recount.
I would still tend to lean into day to day mostly rational reality for myself.

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