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What Dr. Polland concluded was that Obama’s Certification of Live Birth does not exist

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posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 08:30 PM
I believe many of these birthers were the ones telling us it's Anti-American to question the president, even one surrounded in voter fraud and one who was appointed the presidency not by the people, but by the Supreme Court.

Quit questioning the president... it's Anti-American dontchaknow?

I'm pretty sure after having it drilled into my head by FOX News for 8 years and all their mindless minions, that it's common knowledge that no matter who is president, no matter how they got there, and no matter what they do while they are president... it is extremely Anti-American to even dare question the president.

When did the rules change????

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Crashing pages? Not surprised, not when it comes to this issue. Before the election, I had a lot of web articles saved, pertaining to various information on the candidates. After the election, almost all of the ones on Obama were simply GONE. Talking stories from sites with archives going back years, in many cases. GONE.

Personally, I figure anyone that spends that much time, effort, and money trying to get us NOT to look at his past HAS to be hiding something. Now, who hides good things about themselves, with that much effort?

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

DR. POLLAND: (Laughs) That’s something I reveal in my book,

Of course he's selling a book.

Need more be said?

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 02:32 AM

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes
Personally, I figure anyone that spends that much time, effort, and money

Just what money or effort has Obama spent - Or is that just the standard birther lie that no birther can back up?

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by evil incarnate

Originally posted by Stormdancer777

BTW did anyone watch the videos of the COLB?

Finally I have watched. I am left unimpressed to say the least. I am not sure what they are supposed to actually prove other than that you can fake a BC. I am not sure there was any doubt that it could be done. Money is much harder to fake and that happens.

The problem is that this is an attack on the 2D scan. There are photos of this document from different angles being held by a person. Did he get to look at that or is the video all we got?

Does anyone really believe that the people with access to millions and millions of dollars, knowing the kind of fallout that would occur were this to be found out - simply used MSPaint to cut and paste a photo of a BC? Does anyone really believe they would be that sloppy in attempting to pull off a scam this big?

There is also the fact that qualified people have looked at the real document and determined it real but this man looked at a picture of a picture and showed how you could make one too. I can make a BC easily with what I have here, better than he did. I do not see how that is proof that all the people that are involved are keeping such an outlandish idea secret.

Alright, how about we all start a petition to allow this man to examine the document itself? See what he states then?

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by hadriana
I still say that his mom was CIA, he was born in Africa, and his birth certificate was fixed because her whole marriage to that man was part of her WORK.
When he was old enough, he followed in her footsteps.

Now THAT is an interesting idea! Have you heard about the assertions that he's used multiple SSNs? That is supposed to be a common CIA thing. Add that to the questions on the birth certificate (and yes, there are still questions), and mix in all the secrecy on other parts of his past (such as school and work records), and a sane person starts to wonder.

Legitimate candidate or not, i think he should be impeached for siding with a foreign power against a state, over the issue of them protecting themselves.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by Fractured.Facade

Ah, but if he was found to be ineligible, nothing he signed into law would stand. All would have to be re-addressed.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes
Have you heard about the assertions that he's used multiple SSNs?

Just a birther lies, again with no proof.

Add that to the questions on the birth certificate (and yes, there are still questions),

Exactly what questions are they then?

and a sane person starts to wonder.

No, a sane person does not start to wonder. A birther, on the other hand....

Legitimate candidate or not, i think he should be impeached for siding with a foreign power against a state,

Care to show where that is a impeachable offense? No, i did not think you could!

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by Astroved

I disagree. Americans have every right to demand to see a photocopy of the original "Cerificate of Live Birth" that was issued in 1961 of the POTUS. The fact that after two & a half years, this request has been denied means that something is being hidden. What that something is -- has been (understandably) the subject of speculation.

You have the RIGHT? Really? Can you point to exactly, specifically, the Law that gives you the legal RIGHT to demand to see someones 4th Amendment protected personal papers and effects?

Don't know about chapter and verse of the law, but when there are requirements for a public office, i think the people DO have the right to verify that a candidate meets those requirements, if the candidate wants the office. If I enroll a child in school, can I tell the school they have no right to see any personal documents?

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Don't know about chapter and verse of the law, but when there are requirements for a public office, i think the people DO have the right to verify that a candidate meets those requirements, if the candidate wants the office. If I enroll a child in school, can I tell the school they have no right to see any personal documents?

When you come up with the exact law, let me know will ya?

Course, I could save you a lot of time and tell you the answer, but what fun would that be? Besides, not like you would listen to me anyway. I mean this exact thing has been brought up countless times now, and when people tell birthers what the truth is, they just ignore it and pretend like it didn't happen.

(I'll give you a hint though, check with the Secretary of State for each of the states.)

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by spiritualzombie
I believe many of these birthers were the ones telling us it's Anti-American to question the president, even one surrounded in voter fraud and one who was appointed the presidency not by the people, but by the Supreme Court.

Quit questioning the president... it's Anti-American dontchaknow?

I'm pretty sure after having it drilled into my head by FOX News for 8 years and all their mindless minions, that it's common knowledge that no matter who is president, no matter how they got there, and no matter what they do while they are president... it is extremely Anti-American to even dare question the president.

When did the rules change????

The SC did NOT decide the presidency; the VOTE did. All the SC did was tell Gore enough was enough already, and the matter was closed. I was IN Florida when all that was going on, and that so-called "confusing" butterfly ballot? Well, my son, 7 at the time, thought it was pretty clear where to punch it for whom. That entire thing was a fiasco set up by the Gore camp to steal the election, and they failed. Tampering by Democratic counters, and attempts to toss out absentee military votes, add proof to this.

As for questioning a president, I voted for Bush, both times, and I also wrote to his office on several occasions, about matters I didn't feel were being handled properly. So, yeah, he was questioned. Blind obedience is foolish. There is a world of difference between respect for the office and that.

As for questioning Obama, as I have stated before and will again, NO ONE goes to that much trouble to conceal information, if they have nothing to hide.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by Miraj
reply to post by Stormdancer777

DR. POLLAND: (Laughs) That’s something I reveal in my book,

Of course he's selling a book.

Need more be said?

Yes. Obama wrote and sold books; will you question and doubt all he said in them as well?

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:27 AM

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes
Personally, I figure anyone that spends that much time, effort, and money

Just what money or effort has Obama spent - Or is that just the standard birther lie that no birther can back up?

You're kidding, right? How long was it again before ANY birth certificate was posted? Hmm? How about those college records, still sealed? Do you think fighting multiple lawsuits on the issue was free for him? Really? If so, please share the name of the free attorney you think was used. I am sure we could all use some free legal aid at one point or another.

The standard liberal tactic of applying a nasty label to the opposition, instead of actually offering verifiable FACTS, doesn't help your position in the slightest. Name calling and denigrating the opposition are techniques of those spreading propaganda. Guess that should tell us all something, eh?

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:31 AM

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes
i think the people DO have the right to verify that a candidate meets those requirements, if the candidate wants the office. If I enroll a child in school, can I tell the school they have no right to see any personal documents?

So when did the public verify the bush's birth certificate? Oh, that is different, I see. Bush did not have a black father!

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes
Have you heard about the assertions that he's used multiple SSNs?

Just a birther lies, again with no proof.

Add that to the questions on the birth certificate (and yes, there are still questions),

Exactly what questions are they then?

and a sane person starts to wonder.

No, a sane person does not start to wonder. A birther, on the other hand....

Legitimate candidate or not, i think he should be impeached for siding with a foreign power against a state,

Care to show where that is a impeachable offense? No, i did not think you could!

Proof? Give them time, the SSN issue is a fairly new one. There ARE records shown with his name, and a different SSN. Whether they are actually him or not has yet to be shown.

Questions abound. Frankly, the think posted on FactCheck looks fake to me. Seen these from several states (between me, hubby, and kids), and that one looks off.

A sane person does not blindly accept whatever BS some slick, teleprompter-fed politician tells them.

As for the impeachment issue, try looking at the definition of treason:

definition of treason:

Now, look at Obama's actions regarding Arizona, and his siding with Mexico, and tell me how that is anything BUT treason!

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by whatukno

So, you think we should just elect whoever has the money to get their name on a ballot, no questions asked? Did you complain when the Obama camp demanded proof that McCain was eligible?

One of the lawsuits against Obama has been brought by Alan Keyes, who was also a candidate.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes
i think the people DO have the right to verify that a candidate meets those requirements, if the candidate wants the office. If I enroll a child in school, can I tell the school they have no right to see any personal documents?

So when did the public verify the bush's birth certificate? Oh, that is different, I see. Bush did not have a black father!

Gee, how predictable; toss in the race card. Bush doesn't have secret history; his past, school records, all of it, are wide open. Plus. this has ZERO to do with race. For your information, and make a note of this, the first place I heard about this issue was from Alan Keyes, a BLACK man who was also running for president. One, I might add, I would have voted for, had he been on the ballot in my state. Are you calling another BLACK racist against Obama, too? Seriously?

Maybe if all the Obama-bots could stop applying labels, and actually examine ALL sides of the issues, they could understand. Asking a lot, I know. Independent thought isn't valued in those circles.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:40 AM

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes
If so, please share the name of the free attorney you think was used.

If you had bothered in doing just a little bit of research instead of spewing the normal birther lies, you would know:

""This suit, like all of the others that have been filed challenging Obama's qualifications for the Presidency, is frivolous," he said in an email to POLITICO, adding that he is, in fact, working pro bono. "There is absolutely no truth to the stories about the untold millions supposedly being paid to us," he said. "

The standard liberal tactic of applying a nasty label to the opposition, instead of actually offering verifiable FACTS,

And just what FACTS do birthers bring to the discussion? None at all, just their hatred for Obama!

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Did I say there was no requirement of proof? No, I don't think I said that, what I said was, you should do your due diligence and find out what the election laws are in each state and find out whether or not the DNC did that.

Course, if you did, it might shatter your fantasy about getting Obama out of office. But hey, truth hurts sometimes.

BTW, who said you ever elected a president in your life? Hmm, someone obviously doesn't understand the electoral college very well do they?

[edit on 8/30/2010 by whatukno]

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes
If so, please share the name of the free attorney you think was used.

If you had bothered in doing just a little bit of research instead of spewing the normal birther lies, you would know:

""This suit, like all of the others that have been filed challenging Obama's qualifications for the Presidency, is frivolous," he said in an email to POLITICO, adding that he is, in fact, working pro bono. "There is absolutely no truth to the stories about the untold millions supposedly being paid to us," he said. "

The standard liberal tactic of applying a nasty label to the opposition, instead of actually offering verifiable FACTS,

And just what FACTS do birthers bring to the discussion? None at all, just their hatred for Obama!

So one attorney is working pro bono. Gee, after all the favors paid to Obama cronies, I suspect he has some coming. That doesn't negate the fact that Obama is fighting this case ever actually being heard in court. If he had nothing to hide, he would simply allow it, show the documents in the courtroom, allow experts for the opposition to examine them, and the whole thing could have been closed a year ago or more. But, instead, inexplicably, he fights. Yet you do not wonder WHY?

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