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What Dr. Polland concluded was that Obama’s Certification of Live Birth does not exist

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posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 02:03 AM
reply to post by evil incarnate

Did you happen to read the whole interview or watch any of the videos?

If so what do you think?

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by evil incarnate

Did you happen to read the whole interview or watch any of the videos?

If so what do you think?

I have not had the chance to watch the videos yet but I read it and I do not see anything real to it. However I did find this...

This is Dr. Ronald Jay Polland. He received a BA in Psychology from Florida State University in 1970, a Masters in Educational Research from FSU in 1972, and a Doctorate in Instructional Systems from FSU in 1978

and this

I feel I should repeat that with emphasis: Ron Polland/Ron Polarik has no discernible expertise in computer forensics, digital imagery, or document examination.

So he is real but real what? How is he qualified to make any of the claims he does and where is his proof? Is it all in his videos?

To be honest, I think it is a big steaming pile of horsepucky but I do not know enough about this man and what he says to dismiss him out of hand. I just believe the matter is settled as it is anyway and I see nothing in the way of evidence here. Just opinions and claims made by someone who by all accounts has no reference with which to make.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 02:13 AM
Yes he brings all that up about him being considered not qualified,

You watch the videos tell me what you think.

Since the web page is down , isn't that odd?

I found this posted elsewhere,

Dr. Ron Polland speaks with The Post & Email

by Sharon Rondeau

Dr. Polland created this mosaic out of the 1,500+ scans, photographs, and test images he made from genuine COLBs and Obama's COLB over the last two years. The person pictured in it has relentlessly attacked Dr. Polland, calling him a “fraud” who has “zero skills in digital imaging.”

(Jul. 21, 2010) — Dr. Ron Polland recently completed a comprehensive research investigation into the controversy surrounding Barack Obama’s birth certificate. On June 12, 2008, nine days after Obama was nominated as the Democratic candidate for President, a scan image claimed to be his “original birth certificate” was posted on the Daily Kos, an ultra-liberal blog. It was also on this date that Dr. Polland looked at the image and thought, “This is not a genuine scan,” setting into motion the most intensive and exhaustive scientific evaluation ever conducted on a birth certificate facsimile.

Dr. Polland gave The Post & Email an exclusive interview during which he discussed his formal education and on-the-job training in scientific research and evaluation, film and digital photography, digital scanning, and the design and development of media for computer-based instruction. He discussed the two years of scientific inquiry and analysis that led him to his current conclusions about Obama’s Certification of Live Birth and the controversy surrounding it.

Dr. Polland’s biographical statement is as follows:

You think this one will disappear too?

[edit on 023131p://bFriday2010 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 02:13 AM

Heres a book by the guy for the Duval County Health Department

[edit on 23-7-2010 by JBA2848]

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

posting to myself

OK now I am trying to access this link I just posted and now it is down, but I didn't close the window so I still have access to it.

I shouldn't copy and paste the whole thing .

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 02:21 AM
Here he addresses the use of the name “Polarik,”
Boy odd how fast the pages are crashing.

At the time I began writing about Obama’s COLB, I was working for a federal contractor, and it was for this reason that I chose to call myself “Polarik” after an old family name that was changed to something more anglicized upon arrival to America. Name-changing was a common practice among Europeans immigrants, especially those of Jewish descent. My work for the government would have been placed in jeopardy had I used my full legal name. Thus, “Polland” became “Polarik,” and most people were unaware of the depth and breadth of my professional expertise.

Dr. Polland’s biographical statement is as follows:

Both of my parents were professional graphic artists. My father started his own graphic design studio, and for over 35 years, he created hundreds of new typefaces, many of which are still used in computers today.

My mother was an artist and innovator in photography. She and my father invented a revolutionary industrial camera, Statmaster, that could copy anything, from transparencies to objects, directly onto a wide range of media using photo paper, film, and even offset plates. Statmaster is a derivative of Photostat, which is still the standard for making accurate copies of important documents. The white-on-black images you see below are photostats of the Nordyke twins’ birth certificates.

Introduction to the Statmaster brochure written by Dr. Polland's father, Alvin Polland.

Thanks to my family, I developed an interest in photography at an early age. I also helped out at trade shows by demonstrating how easy it was to use the Statmaster: you know, “So easy, a child can do it?” Long before I got into digital imaging, I acquired a lot of experience in the world of analog imaging. My father gave me his Roliflex camera to use when I was eight. The Roli was a professional, dual-lens reflex camera that was pretty advanced for its day. I started taking pictures at eight years old and never stopped.

In 1970, I received a BA in Psychology. Back then, there were no jobs for psychologists with only a Bachelor’s degree, so I decided to return to college in the fall quarter and get a Master’s Degree in Psychology. The problem was that a lot of people had already applied to the program and I would have to put my name on a waiting list. I did not want to wait, and after doing some searching, I learned about a new, joint program between the Department of Psychology in the College of Arts and Sciences and the Department of Educational Research, Design, and Testing in the College of Education. This was a straight-through program in which I could earn a PhD in Educational Psychology. They had just started the program in the fall quarter. I applied and was admitted for the winter quarter, January 1971, marking only the second person to ever be enrolled in this program.

I spent the next four quarters taking the Psychology core curriculum, as all Psychology majors program were required to do, along with courses in Educational Research. Upon completing my coursework in Psychology, I was sort-of abandoned by my program adviser. I had no guidance as to where to go from there. I decided that I wanted to get out of the program with a Master’s Degree and start working in the real world.

My first choice was to teach undergraduates at Tallahassee Community College. To be accepted as an Instructor, I was told that I needed to become certified in Community College Instruction. I took an additional 18 semester hours for the Certification, which I was to learn afterwards meant absolutely nothing. The community college does not hire any instructor who does not have community college experience, certified or not. I had taught college students at FSU, but that, too, accounted for nothing because it was not “community college teaching.” After restarting my search I found a Psychology professor who provided the first real guidance I had ever had as a graduate student.

He suggested that I become certified as a School Psychologist.

A well-worn Statmaster brochure cover

Fifteen semester hours later, I became qualified and certified as a School Psychologist. Basically, at that time, I had the equivalent coursework for two Master’s Degrees: one in Education and the other in Arts & Sciences, However, I could receive only one physical degree no matter how many hours of coursework I had.

Officially, I was awarded a Master’s Degree in Educational Research with a focus area in Statistics. Unofficially, I also had the equivalent of a Master’s Degree in Psychology with a focus area in School and Counseling Psychology.

My first job as a School Psychologist was an itinerant one in which I split my time between Jefferson County and Wakulla County. Eighty percent of the county populations were low-income families. From there, I wrote a grant that established the Adolescent and Child program at the Apalachee Community Mental Health Center, and I left the school system to become a Counseling Psychologist and Program Evaluator. While there, I developed the first training program for mental health paraprofessionals with 24 joining the pilot program. After working a few years in Mental Health, I decided to get my PhD in Psychology.

Once again, however, the slots were already filled up and I would have to be placed on a waiting list. That is when I checked back with the Department of Educational Research, which had reorganized and become the Department of Instructional Systems. I chose Instructional Media and Instructional Systems Design as my focus areas. The program in Instructional Systems was like being at home for me because of their strong emphasis on psychology and learning theory. The program had consistently been ranked in the top three nationally. At the time I attended, the Department was populated by some giants in the fields of Psychology such as Bob Gagne and Les Briggs; in Instructional Systems Design, Walter Dick and Walt Wager; and Program Evaluation with Roger Kaufman. Not to sound like an elitist, but my doctoral degree program was far more intensive, more demanding, more scientifically rigorous, and more comprehensive than any comparable doctoral programs offered today.

Since receiving my Bachelor’s Degree in 1970, most of my adult work life has been in providing direct services to low-income and minority communities, first as an Adult Education Instructor, then as a School Psychologist, a Mental Health Counselor, a Health Care consultant, and finally, as a Grant Writer and Program Evaluator for government and nonprofit organizations. I started my own international consulting firm and most of my professional consulting work has been with local, state and federal agencies and nonprofit corporations providing services to under-served and at-risk populations.

At the time I began writing about Obama’s COLB, I was working for a federal contractor, and it was for this reason that I chose to call myself “Polarik” after an old family name that was changed to something more anglicized upon arrival to America. Name-changing was a common practice among Europeans immigrants, especially those of Jewish descent. My work for the government would have been placed in jeopardy had I used my full legal name. Thus, “Polland” became “Polarik,” and most people were unaware of the depth and breadth of my professional expertise.

Everyone creates a user name when joining a blog or forum. No one is required to use his or her legal name in a forum or blog and virtually no one does. Nevertheless, the liberal contingent on blogs and forums went absolutely nuts when they could not find the name “Polarik,” on Google. One thing I learned about the people seeking to know my background is that they discount any useful skills learned while on the job. They say, “A job is where you go to apply a skill, not to learn one.” I could not disagree more. I became proficient in over 100 computer programs specifically because my daily work tasks required their use at an expert level.

In addition to learning new skills, I also acquired far more on-the-job knowledge of under-served, low-income and minority populations than I ever learned in eight years of college. For example, I knew nothing about Haitians and their culture until I started working with the Haitian Community in Miami as a Grant Writer and Program Evaluator for over two years. One thing I can tell you is that they are the most persecuted minority in Miami where they are disliked by whites, blacks, and Hispanics.

From same link

I thought you said you read this , evil incarnate?

[edit on 023131p://bFriday2010 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 04:11 AM

Submitted by DrRJP (United States), Mar 29, 2009 at 19:43

You only need to know one statistic to understand the srewed up logic of the Left: "78% of American Jews voted for a Muslim and very anti-Israel President." In the liberal mindset, the bad guy is always the country that is perceived to have "more power" than the good guy.who is always the country that has "less power."

Basically, it's America vis-a-vis the rest of the world in which we are the strongest nation on Earth: not because of superior weapons, but superior ethos. Lefties beleive that everybody who is not American hates America, so why shouls they be any different? But, it all comes down to self-image, and if one's view of the world is distorted, so, too will be his or her own self-image. They cannot tell right from wrong because they don't believe that they can do anything wrong. Bill Clinton is the perennial poster boy for liberal "values," where "sex" does not have any bad connotations.

Why is it that Palestinians willingly stand in line to become shadids (martyrs), which is the Arabic word for "Mass murderer?"

Why is it that so many Palestinian mothers and fathers want their sons to blow themselves up and kill as many Israeli women and children as possible?

Why is it that they revel in shedding their blood and the blood of the innocent?

Why do they take to the streets by the thousands to cheer every time a homicide bomber is successful?

YET, when one of their leaders is killed by the Israelis, they go ballistic, shouting "Revenge, revenge!"

You would think they would be happy that one of their leaders is in Paradise.

HAH! The closest one of their cowardly leaders would ever come to a bomb belt is when they strap it on the body of a P:alestinian teenager.

Who is doing all the killing for these glorious Palestinian leaders? Kids. Kids who have been taught since birth to hate Jews and to blame Jews for all the problems in the world by their parents and by their chicken-sh*t leaders.

I will say this once and only once:

Palestinians should never be given control of any part of the Jewish homeland, for they are incapable of self-rule (as Gaza had shown), and incapable of being reformed from their blood-lust.

Posted by: DrRJP at July 27, 2006 06:49 AM

DrRJP 10:58 PM on 6/10/2008 0 Fans
It's a cultural thing. No different than a high five.

Well...not exactly.

It was a symbolic "in" gesture meant for the African-Americans that , "Hey...finally, we got a brother running for President!"

It was also like, "Yeah...we did it! We whooped Hillary's lilly-white ass."

I'm waiting for McCain to "booty-bump" his wife.

Wierd thing about this one he had problems with Obamas religion. But says nothing about his birh?

DrRJP 10:12 AM on 6/12/2008 0 Fans
"Of course, countless ink has been devoted to debunking the myth that Obama was attended a Muslim school when he lived in Indonesia."

Myth? What myth?

Read Obama's "Dreams of my Father," in which BHO himself acknowledges that he attended a Muslim school, and a Muslim mosque.
DrRJP: "Of course, countless ink has been devoted to debunking the
Permalink | Share it
DrRJP 01:36 PM on 6/12/2008 0 Fans
What's at issue is not whether he is, or is not a Muslim, but that if he WAS BORN AND RAISED AS A MUSLIM, and he continues to deny it, then he is a fraud.

The evidence says that he was.

Nedra Pickler of the Associated Press reports that "documents showed he enrolled as a Muslim" while at a Catholic school during first through third grades. Kim Barker of the Chicago Tribune confirms that Obama was "listed as a Muslim on the registration form for the Catholic school." A blogger who goes by "An American Expat in Southeast Asia" found that "Barack Hussein Obama was registered under the name ‘Barry Soetoro' serial number 203 and entered the Franciscan Asisi Primary School on 1 January 1968 and sat in class 1B. … Barry's religion was listed as Islam."

Paul Watson of the Los Angeles Times learned from Indonesians familiar with Obama when he lived in Jakarta that he "was registered by his family as a Muslim at both schools he attended." Haroon Siddiqui of the Toronto Star visited the Jakarta public school Obama attended and found that "Three of his teachers have said he was enrolled as a Muslim."

Obama himself says that while living in Indonesia, a Muslim country, he "didn't practice [Islam]," implicitly acknowledging a Muslim identity.

Comment from DrRJP
Time: May 25, 2008, 8:02 pm

I’d like to personally thank you for your article. It’s nice to know I’ve got someone in my corner on this.

I only found out about Ezell’s op-ed yesterday when I did a search on “Israel” on the Florida Times-Union website, I found your great dissection today.

Wayne is on vacation, but I sent him two email responses: the first will likely knock me off his Christmas list; the second one were a chronicle of James Zogby’s “bizzare blog rants.”

The super-smug, anti-Semitic Zogby is a regular on Ariana Huffington’s ultra-leftist rag, the HuffingtonPost.Com.

After reading Zogby’s trash, anyone except a brain-dead fetus will be able to conclude that the guy is a certified, pathological liar.

If you’d like to read my “love letters” to Wayne, drop me a note.

Thanks again,


posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 06:38 AM
There is no doubt that the Constitution of these United States is being stomped on. As to the validity of Obama's qualifications, I am of the opinion that he could be a man from Mars who has green blood and TBTB will have us believe him a freak of nature. The media appear to be too invested in their portfolio's and yes even their children's safety when they make the easy choice to sell us out.

Someone sent me a Jefferson Quote about (paraphrasing)
Their are two types of criminals. The first are the true criminals the second are the government who act as criminals, in order to prevent the first to become the second, we must bind them as tight as possible.

Now I don't have time to find the exact quote but I see the point.

We have to understand the level of LAWLESSNESS that has prevailed in the upper levels of society that have captured our process and usurped our rights or we won't get out of this alive.

[edit on 23-7-2010 by Justoneman]

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

I'm getting the feeling that someone wants this subject to continue distracting people. I wonder how many videos/reports/articles claiming this or that conspiracy is directly funded by opponents of those they attack.

Many will waste their time on this subject while missing the real issues. Congrats.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777

He discussed(Dr. Polland),
the two years of scientific inquiry and analysis that led him to his current conclusions about Obama’s Certification of Live Birth and the controversy surrounding it.

What Dr. Polland concluded was that Obama’s Certification of Live Birth does not exist, and that the images and photographs posted online are fabricated fakes. The so-called COLB scan was made from two or more COLB images belonging to other people. The COLB object shown in the photographs taken by Factcheck is a physically-fabricated “document” made from the Photoshopped COLB that was laser-printed on film and then attached to “security paper.”

So, he "analyzed" a photograph of the document, and can say without a doubt that it's fake. And that somehow took him two years. But since he hasn't analyzed the actual document, this shows he is just one more "expert" with an agenda.

DR. POLLAND: (Laughs) That’s something I reveal in my book

And there's his agenda.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by evil incarnate

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by evil incarnate
So he is real but real what? How is he qualified to make any of the claims he does and where is his proof? Is it all in his videos?

To be honest, I think it is a big steaming pile of horsepucky but I do not know enough about this man and what he says to dismiss him out of hand. I just believe the matter is settled as it is anyway and I see nothing in the way of evidence here. Just opinions and claims made by someone who by all accounts has no reference with which to make.

It's the ultimate Argument from Authority - he has "Dr." in front of his name, but it's in a field that has nothing to do with what he's "studying."

Whether his education or experience has anything to do with the subject is irrelevant to people who want to believe him.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 08:33 AM
Beating dead horses is so much fun.

So basically this thread is about a guy who got his ass whooped while "anaylizing" the Obama-COLB (the photo, not the original) while using a pseudonym?
So now the same guy rehashes the same arguments - but this time using his real name?
WOw. What progress. The arguments are the same; but hey, now it's his real name. LOL.

Anyone who considers himself a document-expert and then spends 2 years researching a photo of something to determine its validity seems pretty unprofessional to me.

Oh wait - he isn't even an expert. He's just some random guy who wants the COLB to be a forgery so he sees evidence of forgery everywhere... COnfirmation bias, anyway.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by mothershipzeta

Oh man, you beat me to it.

Chatter about this and that and then BAM! Buy my book.

Like anyone who buys his book isn't already convinced of the outcome?

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 08:56 AM
Maybe he would post, I'll invite him.

Did anyone watch the videos?

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 09:11 AM
I think writing a book and wishing to sell it is not a devious agenda...

My question is how common is it for a child to be "muslim enough" that they are registered as such but not really forced to practice it? I realize he was only a child at that point so the decisions were being made by his parents which makes it even stranger because if the parents are committed they generally want their children to be as well - in any faith. It makes no sense.

Second question is how common is it for a person to "be" muslim and then "not be" muslim and have that looked upon with ardor from that community? I thought when you denounced Islam you were considered "dead."

From the following source: "If you are thinking of leaving Islam, be wary, be careful. Do not tell your Muslim friends or family. The Qur'an commands your death for leaving Islam (4:89 calls for the murder of renegades from the faith), and Muhammad is explicit in a hadith: "If anyone changes his religion, kill him" (Bukhari). Many, many 'honor killings' have been committed for "crimes" that are in Islamic law considered far less serious than leaving Islam."

And before someone criticizes the source it just came up in a google search - even if you pick apart the source a gazillion ways I assume the reference in the Qur'an will stand - of course it is probably out of context somehow...

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 09:13 AM
OK so I like to read the comments on these other sites,

Pete says:
Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 9:46 PM

I asked an independent expert in digital photography (whom has provided expert testimony in a court of law) as a personal favor to do an analysis of the online COLB, shortly after Ron Pollard said it was a fake. He came to the same conclusion, but had further insight. He noticed that the lettering (as Ron Pollard) noted was crisp, so crisp that there was no background noise in the digital signal. Apparently, you can do a statistical analysis on the background noise for various edges of any scanned document. You get ‘background’ noise in any scanned image, but the lettering was without such noise. That means, in his opinion, that the lettering was NOT SCANNED, but typed and added to a previously scanned digital image. That made the online COLB a ‘composite’ or at least ‘altered’, not a valid document in his opinion.

I still believe that Dr. Ron Polland was correct, the original online posted COLB was a forgery, or at best represents a digitally altered document. The person whom provided me with the analysis has declined to be made public, in part because of what has happened to Dr. Ron Polland, but also for significant ongoing health issues.

Apparently, you can do a statistical analysis on the background noise for various edges of any scanned document. You get ‘background’ noise in any scanned image,
I am totally out of my league here, but the site is back up if anyone wants to read the WHOLE thing.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by glad_to_be_His

I think writing a book and wishing to sell it is not a devious agenda...

Yea a lot of CT books floating around out there.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by brianmg5
reply to post by Stormdancer777

I'm getting the feeling that someone wants this subject to continue distracting people. I wonder how many videos/reports/articles claiming this or that conspiracy is directly funded by opponents of those they attack.

Many will waste their time on this subject while missing the real issues. Congrats.

He has been at this for a long time, apparently,

I really don't think the subject distracts to many people any longer, people have lost interest in it, this popped up on another forum, I thought it added some new twist, so I posted it.

I swore I would never do another birther thread,

[edit on 093131p://bFriday2010 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 10:32 AM
Dr. Polland/Polarik

He is a hoaxter who used a fake name and claimed fake credentials.

These are the known facts.

Who has been completely debunked by an ACTUAL Image Analysis and Document expert...

FYI - Link not fully working, but the positing debunking "Dr. Polland" is in the Nov. 08 archives of the above blog.

But carry on...I expect no less....

[edit on 23-7-2010 by maybereal11]

[edit on 23-7-2010 by maybereal11]

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by Hadrian

Did he really or are just making that up yourself to belittle someone else's opinion,lol?

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