reply to post by bobbyboy
Group 1 says, if you think this way or that way you go to hell.
If you don’t believe in this deity and accept him fully, you will go to hell.
If you eat these foods or drink these drinks you will go to hell.
If you do not give to the church, well god will be disappointed and your church points will suffer in accordance.
Our book is right and the others are wrong, believe only ours or you will go to hell.
Although we now accept parts of the old book some of the bad is now ok and some things you used to do are now a no go.
Now as you might haved guessed it if I were to list religions 2 – infinity they would all say dern near the same thing, not to mention that is a lot
of text and the mods would send me to ,,,,well.
My personal belief is religion started as a valuable tool to get the disorganized masses of people to all row the boat in the same direction, to build
strong communities and countries. It also allows me to tell my people God says take their lands and their goods, kill them all as they do not please
God, or wait… we can enslave them as a repentance before God, maybe through slavery we can save them.
Bottom line, do the right thing, help if you can just because you can.
Never do harm, unless it will stop another harm and be just in your Judgment of others as well as yourself.
Never permit an injustice if it is within your power, as it will weaken you if you do not.
Protect the weak and punish the guilty….oops that’s “The Punisher” nvr mind that one.
Be a person not well known, but well worth knowing.
Do not be a God as I don’t quite know if I could agree with that angle but I can live up to standards I think a God would.
Don’t be good, be great.
Hope that helps you out, just one last thing though.
It was said the truth shall set you free, I believe someone was onto something there.