posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 09:42 PM
True to you both, however being one of the last of the Studebaker family line that developed an American dream long ago, I have to say that we had the
choice to go with electric or gas, tptb decided that gas would be the way to go as they would get a larger return for the life of the vehicle.
We just wanted to create a faster way to travel and good paying jobs for our employees. Electric was the way to go but in the end it was ruled out as
were we.
In another dimension, that was the route we chose to take and life is far more advanced with much less pollution and lower astral mentality
controlling the masses of starving and deprived individuals.
This thread is not about anything but the videos and pictures left to remind the next generation of the beauty below the sea.
I was born in Huntington Beach california, I was 3rd generation beach girl and to me I always believed I was born with salt in my veins. I have such a
deep respect for our oceans and the life that lives above and below it, always have.
This whole BP thing has hit me so hard, when I saw pictures of the fish and fowl affected by this disaster, a part of my soul died with them. I know
that pollution and manmade problems and greed have caused the challenges mentioned above, but they were challenges, this is nothing short of
extinction, dead zones and the worst calamity I have felt in my life.
There is a deep feeling that if they can do this to the innocent creatures of the most giving ecosystems, then we are probably next, Mother nature
will see to that if they dont get us first.