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Hiker freaks out over double rainbow. This is good..

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posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by Oozii
Double Rainbow ALL THE WAY!

I made a thread about it days ago, check it out. Even added a "remix".

The thing has apparently gone viral, deservedly so.

Double Rainbow All the Way!

This one is like a broken glass smashed in your skull and every shard makes you laugh.

I am grateful the guy narrated it.

So there are mixes and stuff? I doubt that you can top the stock footage though, ii is that good.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by davidmann
reply to post by TheMadHatter

That is really good...I laughed. The narrative is good. Why did it there a longer version?

I've seen sky things that make you want to reach for a camera and no matter how spectacular the scene appears to be, they always look tame and mundane on film. I can only imagine how this looked in person...I mean this is acid quality living here. I'm surprised the guy didn't break down completely...

Originally posted by davidmann

Originally posted by Oozii
Double Rainbow ALL THE WAY!

I made a thread about it days ago, check it out. Even added a "remix".

The thing has apparently gone viral, deservedly so.

Double Rainbow All the Way!

lol I had no idea the video went viral I just ran into it somewhere. Friggin awesome.

Kudos to this guy.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 01:44 AM
Love it...
But this one is even better, lol.

ENJOY! - And no I can't wait to post it on CATURDAY!


Edit: Tick 36 just kills me. ROTFL!

[edit on 23-7-2010 by silo13]

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 01:55 AM
Awesome post!!

But I kept reading Hitler in the title, lol!!

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by silo13

good work, there !!

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 11:19 AM
This is sooo 2 weeks ago, but I love it. This video had me rolling and laughing like crazy the first time I saw it. It had the same effect on me the 2nd, 5th..........and this time too!

"What does it mean?" has got to be the best line. Our fragile earth sure has it's way with some people evoking such a wide range of emotions which is probably compliments of a product of our fragile earth itself.

Just in case you were wondering how the "double rainbow" video blew up check it out.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 11:36 AM
He has been licking those frogs, hasn't he.

Maybe he is the Wizard of Oz?

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 11:38 AM
I thought the title said "Hitler"! Wow, strange!

"What does it mean? What does it mean?" Ha Ha!

Really, though, What DOES it mean?

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 11:40 AM
I think I'd like to try what he's on
Thanks for that. No really that's toooo funny - I Love Rainbows - never reacted quiet like that though

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 12:42 PM
my issue with these viral videos (no matter how humorous) is that, like a true virus, they infect the collective conscious... so now every time any of us sees a double rainbow, we can't not think of this fellows orgastic/ecstatic experience.

just the other day our community was blessed with a spectacular double rainbow... truly beautiful to behold. and yet, every third person i passed on my bike was doing the "what does it mean!?!? it's so beautiful?!?" thing while they fake wept.

cute, i suppose, but i prefered my double rainbows sans trendy fad commentary.

we have been infected. it is no joke they call such phenomenon "viral"

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 12:52 PM
For days I looked at the title link and passed right over it.

I am here just to star and flag, and of course, to take another hit of this guy's holy laughter.

Many thanks OP. I will only look at the original, first wave of praise and euphoria. Somehow I just know this childish attitude is to be coveted, somehow, in the grand scheme of things.

Listen to the wind pick up as he exalts praise.... It's all a coincidence, everything is, except to he with serotonin receptors and the heart of a child. I guess I have to wonder if the witness to the feat is really a corporate maggot or something...but even that wouldn't harm the vision.

I like the wind part...even the dogs chime in.

edit: 45 minutes have elapsed and I watched it again. Seldom has a simple thing you can simply push a button to access made my knees weak.

It's not the rainbow, necessarily. It's the je ne sais quoi in the soundtrack as the vision burns steadily onward...into the optic nerve...whatever it is it is bright enough to convey the blaze on cheap magnetic videotape! Simply amazing experience here. Like you're in a lucky charm commercial with no kidney or tooth enamel damage...the cartoon pixel effect actually enhances the solemnity of the experience....

At 1:30 mark there's a pause as he ceases, for a moment, a mild praising sounds and

It's as if 'idle hands are the work of the...'

then he queries, through sobs, 'what does it MEAN?' Later this same question comes after: 'a double complete wide rainbow...on my front yard..' and then again: 'WHAT DOES IT MEAN?'

This is a temptation. All miracles have at least 1 temptation. Is andre supposed to start digging? Erect a marker for a shrine??

Hence, he breaks back in to rapture and praise, knowing the awe could never be fully expressed nor fully comprehended exclusive of 'God'. He even reminds us that it's so bright, knowing the film cannot reveal the glory....

You can just hear satan attempting to inveigle...a favor, a deal, anything...yet andre is it steadies on, managing to capture the image through trembling only praise...
[edit on 23-7-2010 by davidmann]

[edit on 23-7-2010 by davidmann]

[edit on 23-7-2010 by davidmann]

[edit on 23-7-2010 by davidmann]

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 12:52 PM
I think there might've been a lil more going on here than what the video
reveals. To semi quote Bugs Bunny, "Orgasmic isn't it". Good job.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by sweetliberty
I haven't heard a guy say "oh my God" that many times and cry in a long time


I drove through the end of a rainbow once, it was awesome!
I love rainbows


I could be very, very wrong, but as far as I knew, rainbows take place in the atmosphere as complete circles. Thus, it would be impossible to drive through one as the circular rainbows don't actually intersect the earth at any point in time, but, rather, exist in the atmosphere only.

Am I mistaken?

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 01:00 PM
I too have driven through the end of the rainbow. On the Turnpike here in PA. It went right through the middle of our windshield onto the dashboard. Was a very cool experience.

I wonder what was going on in this guys life to make this mean so much to him. I've not yet watched the interview linked above.

[edit on 23-7-2010 by witch_isis]

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by unityemissions
I think this guy is recovering from a serious emotional trauma and managed to release some of the pain by experiencing this double rainbow.

I'm being entirely serious.

Maybe...or maybe he was tripping balls.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 01:44 PM
Maybe he escaped the matrix, the one that we are all plugged into that holds us down, reins us in and keeps us from being real for fear of what others may think.

What if this is how a living feeling intelligent being is supposed to react instead of being reserved and paranoid of what "other" may think.

Sounds like he is very much ALIVE!

Where most of us are the living dead.

Why do you thing zombies movies are so popular. Deep down inside we realize we are becoming Zombies. I would say the exact oppisite of a zombie is how this guy reacted to a wonderful natural event.

Waking up is way beyond realizing the elite and government is shafting us all.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 01:56 PM
Wow that is hilarious.

Below Top Secret is that away. >>>>>

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 02:11 PM
I remember my first acid trip too, no wait , no I dont. This guy sounds high as a Double Rainbow. But heh, if this is what gets him to that Happy spot, good for him. I wish I could get this excited about a Double Rainbow.
All the songs are great. To be really honest, I wish I could feel what he was feeling, because it sounds awesome.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 02:13 PM
Our God is Awesome!!!

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by mythos

You're absolutely correct that they affect us, but is that necessarily a bad thing? It's also a fad that will be removed from the collective conscious of most in a rather short period of time. What about the viral video that's going around about texting and driving? Hopefully that one will remain in our collective conscious longer as positives can also come from these. Next time I see a double rainbow I'm sure I'll think of Hungrybear9562 and his video that gave me a much deserved laugh. I don't think it'll distract me from the natural beauty of the rainbow but only make me enjoy it more. Making a connection doesn't have to mean it's a bad thing.

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