posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 01:24 PM
The Gulf of Mexico is the source of heat for the warm waters of the Gulf Stream. It travels up the East Coast of the US, onwards north to Labrador
where collides with the fresh water melt in the Labrador current from the North Pole region. It then heads east and carries the warm water to Northern
Europe where it meets the North Sea current, heads south along the western seaboard of Europe until it meets the Canary current and then heads back
towards Barbados in a big Atlantic ocean loop where it begins the process over. This warm water flow allows people in Spain, who live at the same
lattitude as NY, to enjoy warm winters. Their heating bill is paid by the Gulf of Mexico and delivery charges are picked up by the Gulf Stream.
It looks like the Russians will be selling a lot of oil and gas this Winter.
I feel bad for the people in Europe who are not equipped to survive harsh Winter weather like we have here in Upstate NY. They don't have heavily
insulated homes in preparation for bitter cold. Please get ready for cold weather.
(visit the link for the full news article)