I had a interesting conversation today.
Today happens to be my Saturday, so I went to visit a good friend of mine that never really uses the internet unless he is looking up dirt bikes, or
hunting videos.
I told him on a site called ATS, there is this forum where someone is watching the live feed of the BP oil spill and claims there is metal morphing
alien bugs that super heat the metal and are growing rapidly, that they swim threw it like water.
My friend “well dude, imagine what evolved down there, and now its getting spud out?, that stuffs been down there for thousands of years. But yo,
that reminds me of something my buddy told me he saw in port parry, just this craazzy new lizard type thing. He was driving down the road and he saw a
lizard crossing, only about 10 inches long, 5 pounds, he said it was the most craziest thing hes ever seen so he had to pull over to look at it, it
had no skin, or it was transparent like there was no pigment, you could see right threw it like it was jell, and you could see all of its organs, he
called animal control because he was so sketched, and they came and looked in their book for all the known lizard species, couldn’t’ find it so
they called trans continental unknown species research(unclear of the actual name but that’s what I remember hearing) and they couldn’t find it in
their books, of new species so they’ve taken it for testing.
And yo dude, I had my own crazy experience with a new species last night”
Remember, my friend isn’t use to making fake stories. Most of his life hes wanted to join the military, and he loves to hunt, he never really uses
the internet, plays video games, ect.
“and vincient(fake name for real person), my gf. And brother were down here too. We were just chilling down stairs and something made the crazies
screetch at the back door, and yo this wasn’t no dog bark, no cats meow, no bob cats roar, no fox, man this was something crazy, and it wasn’t a
good sound, vicenent jump up all scared saying what the hell was that, it looked like he was about to cry, everyone stood up, it sounded like it came
from the stomach it was the most intense horrifying sound I’ve ever heard, I went in my backyard to check out what this thing was”
My friend is about 6’2’’ 180 pounds, hes been a boxer since he was 5 years old, so hes very lean
“I looked straight to the right, where the fence is, and it made that horrifying sound again, it looked me straight in the eyes, this thing must
have been 2 and a half, 3 feet tall, it was as big as a grey hound, it had really short fir, then almost a fox tai like hair but shorter like the hair
on its tail, was a bit longer then the hair on its body., its face looked like a cat dog with ears that pointed straight up. And yo, man, this thing
just straightened out its back, and did a circle like it was deciding whether or not to attack me. And then man this thing turned around to the fence
(this fence is 5’5’) and it stood up like us yo, straight up, its back legs worked like ours, I’ve never seen anything like it and man I’ve
hunted everything there is to hunt here. And then it hoped the fence, like it was notting man, so me and my g/f ran up stairs because it was going to
the front of the house and we looked out the window and it was there with 2 babys, she didn’t’ know what it was either, man this thing was creepy,
it was like a cat dog, with very long legs to a greyhound type body, and yo the tail it went all the way to the gound and then arched back up
again” the g/f then confermed this “it was like a orangy brown I couldn’t sleep all night.”
[edit on 21-7-2010 by SwissPort905v2]