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I went Paintballin Today

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posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 12:08 AM
Went paintballing at a rather large outdoor course today here in Illinois and its probably my fourth or five trip.

I own a Tippman 98 Custom with Response Trigger and Flatline Barrel.

For all of my cocky nature of late, I know that this gun is for rookies but it gets the job done. Especially when half of the participants have rental guns that cant shoot straight.

Highlight of the day was flanking hard on an Urban course and actually coming up behind the last 10 people camping in a house and literally just holding down the trigger and not even having to aim.

I won the game for my team but when I went to get the flag I got shot by my own team

All the same it was a pretty funn day.

Anyone else paintball?

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 12:10 AM
i play paint ball but have kinda stopped. i dont want to hurt my self before i go to basic training in august

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 12:13 AM
I've done it a few times its awesome i didn it here in Hong Kong indoors i was the captain of team D we got beaten a few times i was the only 1 in our team who had done it b4 thats why i was nominated as Capt.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by drunk
I've done it a few times its awesome i didn it here in Hong Kong indoors i was the captain of team D we got beaten a few times i was the only 1 in our team who had done it b4 thats why i was nominated as Capt.

Ive never done indoor paintball.

Was it fun?

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 12:51 AM
I had a 98 Custom also...but it kinda.....melted...long story...i wont explain. was always REALLY fun. And getting hit didnt hurt so much after a few times of doing it. Its so exilerating to go running through the woods and shooting people...

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by dreamlandmafia
IAnd getting hit didnt hurt so much after a few times of doing it.

Yeah your right.

But today I got hit literally in the little pocket on the front of my shirt, like the guy dialed it into the pocket. What a crack shot.

Now I have a third nipple and the welt on my knee looks really bad. I should put up a dig pic. ATS members and I can compare war wounds.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 01:07 AM
I used to paintball a long time ago.

Haven't done it in a couple of years.

I love it, and its fun. Im thinking of picking it up again.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 09:44 AM
47> yeah it was wicked we had a bank set up a dormitory set up and a factory set up, personally i preferred the bank set up cos it was in near darkness. It wa smy team of 6 against the a team of 25! we lost i place dmy members in what i thought were the best places but unfortunately half of them were "killed" with the first 5 mins
i hid under the "counter" where the tell usually stands and blasted any1 that came through the door i was the last to die kinda like going doen with the ship i guess.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 10:16 AM
I haven't played paintball in a couple of years. I was addicted to it until the owners of the property we played on paid us a visit!

All of the guys knew to keep their distance from the paintball queen! I could probably teach a few of you a thing or two. Talk about cockiness.

The one thing I don't miss about paintball is the welts/bruises. Not that I saw too many of those.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by drunk
i was the last to die kinda like going doen with the ship i guess.

25 on 6?

Sounds like you Remembered the Alamo Drunk!

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 12:52 PM
Well i cant remember the exact amount of opposition!

I remeber when i was 17 and when on it with my Dad shyte he is a good shot he nailed three Pros who wrer standing in line trying to reload or fix there guns, my Dad whistled like Clint Eastwood in 1 of his cowboy nmovies the Pros looked up and my Dad nailed them!!!

I also remember another time when my bro was bout 13 i was 19 we joined paintball for a day my bro got into a fist fight with another guy it was so funny watching my bro0 beat the crap outta the guy until an official came and ejected my bro!

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by drunk
I also remember another time when my bro was bout 13 i was 19 we joined paintball for a day my bro got into a fist fight with another guy it was so funny watching my bro0 beat the crap outta the guy until an official came and ejected my bro!

I remember running into a middle aged guy who has no life and therefore spent like thousands on his gear, and he shot some kid and ripped through the kids shirt cause the velocity was turned up. Then a fight broke out between teh kids dad and the pro. I couldnst stop watching.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 03:13 PM
I only played one time, it was in Ontario, indoor too, but it wasn't actually "paint ball", but simply "rubber ball".

Fun thing is, you don't have to buy balls, after each round all you have to do is pick as much as you can on the floor. Other fun thing is, I think it hurts even more lol...

I was funny nonetheless. I'd love to try paintball.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 08:46 AM
I havn't been in ages, I may use a rental gun, but hey, they don't allow allow other guns on the nearest course, keeps it fairer, especially when your sniping at people that have yet to master the art of pointing the barrel at the target, that and paint-speedball.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:30 PM
Thats a nice idea, because it really is unfair to first timers when a bunch of wankers show up and start thinking there cool because they are picking on kids who cant get their guns to shoot.

Luckily for me all the little kids had had mommy and daddy by them these new guns and their only weakness waas they were too afraid to shoot.

Originally posted by FreeKish
I havn't been in ages, I may use a rental gun, but hey, they don't allow allow other guns on the nearest course, keeps it fairer, especially when your sniping at people that have yet to master the art of pointing the barrel at the target, that and paint-speedball.

posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 09:51 PM
ive been hit in th junk plating, luckly the bad guys were so far away that they just bounced off, or maybe i have ballls of steel or something. but i hit them in the head (not the lower one) and had my vengence of the near wounding of little ivan.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 08:53 PM
what up guys... I live in North Carolina and play tournament paintball in the 3rd largest series in the US, the CFOA(Carolina Field Owners Association) these tourneys take place all up and down the east coast. I own a Texas Storm Intimidator(veeerrry fast
). That being said i love PB and think that more people should play it.. [End plug]

See ya in the middle!

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 09:15 PM
I have played many times just not much recently. I can't justify spending the amount of money that it takes to get a "good" gun so I just use the rental guns and usually get my butt kicked.

How much does one of those Angels cost anyways $2000, $3000?

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 09:45 PM
Well if you want a good introductory gun Id say get a tippman 98 custom with a response trigger and flatline barrel. You can find some for 300-350 dollars.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by BlackJackal
I have played many times just not much recently. I can't justify spending the amount of money that it takes to get a "good" gun so I just use the rental guns and usually get my butt kicked.

How much does one of those Angels cost anyways $2000, $3000?

Angels only cost around 1400 tops for the new A4 model. The most expensive gun right now is the DM4. (Dye matrix 4) this gun can be upwards to 2k if its pimped out. They absolutely rip. I have shot many of them and i can attest that most shot at a rate of 20+ balls a second.

You can get a good intro gun for only 4-500 dollars
. Be sure to check with you local shop and stay away from the walmart guns...

Hope this helps

[Edited on 23-6-2004 by NinjaoftheNight]

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