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Alex Jones Alterior motive for Google obama deception campaign ???

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posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 08:43 PM
I ll start off by saying I apologise Mods if this is in the wrong forum please move if it is better suited elsewhere.


Over the last few days Alex jones (AJ) has been mounting a campaign against googles hottest trends list..
He has been asking his loyal followers to consistantly search the keywords" Obama deception" into Googles search engine.

This thread is about this campaign and why it was really waged. It is about an interview that took place on AJ's show that was a result of that topic.

His guest Max Kaiser is discussing the campaign against google and gets into a pretty interesting aspect of propaganda and how it works, and why AJ chose that title, and he is immediately countered with a brilliant use of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) by AJ and the conversation then gets redirected to AJ's other guest while AJ collects his thoughts before re-engaging Max..

The Alex Jones Show Mon 07.19.2010 (TV) part-20

Listen closely from 2:43 in :

If you stick around until 7:05 in the conversation you can watch him deftly spin the entire thing into an innocent mistake that just so happened to be brilliant ?

Look I understand that AJ has woken up alot of people to look outside the left right paradigm,and I think thats worthy of a nod,at the same time I realize the man is a profiteer and a manipulater

Not only is this a succesful viral advertising campaign for a two year old movie it is also a clever use of some "guilt by association" tactics designed to spread a subliminal discontent and mistrust of what is essentially a puppet who in TPTB's mind is probably expendable anyway...Possibly to set up their next trojan horse.

Respectfully Yours,


[edit on 20-7-2010 by Mike Stivic]

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 09:09 PM
Alex is making money - sure - but I certainly see no harm in promoting the Obama Deception, its a useful film and if google is adjusting its search engine because of the word association - you have to ask on who's authority?

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 09:16 PM
I see it as 50/50, half genuine, half self promotion. Kinda how the mainstream media mixes in truth with bull#, it seems to me alex is heading in that direction, I once was a fan but over time his ways became apparent. He is trying to make himself a celebrity and he is doing a pretty good job.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by Amagnon

I agree, you do have to ask yourself under whose authority(although i think we both already know the answer)and you also in turn have to ask yourself this:
Under whose authority did he employ the title "obama deception" as a subliminal messege?
and why?

Did everyone who typed that into google repeatedly over the past week get put on a clandestine"no fly list"?


Does it in some way subconciously sway the loyal followers of AJ to even further disbelieve anything with obamas name attached to it..

or both?

thanks for the post


posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by CREAM

I think he has an agenda and i do not think its to become famous..

I think his agenda is making money and he is well paid from his advertisers to his movie sales and whomever ..lets say...writes the scripts...


posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 09:54 PM
AJ is always dropping names, famous peoples names he's met, and he drools over charlie sheen, that guy doesnt impress me, just some drug addict, adulterous , sleezy famous guy who somehow makes a million per episode of that dumba&$ show. He wants the fame, even though he claims to hate it in some broadcasts. Says how he hate the position he is in. In the end though i must thank him, for he did help to wake me up.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 09:56 PM
u guys want to find "evil" in everything

off course he should use strategies to make the videos viral and to spread the message

I dont find wrong to hack websites and places without damaging any data to spread message too

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 09:58 PM
Kaiser got it wrong on when this started. He stated it started after WW II.

That right their is a crock of baloney.

I first head of Goebbels in a book I read in high school. It stated that Joseph Goebbels got his techniques of propaganda from the US and specifically the Wilson admin. Further corroboration has been given on a MSM source.

To back your thesis, I caught MSNBC doing this exact thing almost everytime someone they disliked was on their shows.

Made a thread about it-Blatant Propaganda and Labeling on MSNBC

Take a look at the screenshot-


posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 10:13 PM
You know its hard to find real antiObama critics because of the plethera of rightwing proaganda. A long time ago I spent time reading what Alex Jones had to say. After years I have come to believe that Alex Jones isn't about truth or denying ignorance, he's about staying in the spotlight of the anti-thesis. It's kinda sad to me he might be the one to reveal truth at the right moment but he's become "the boy who cried wolf" to me.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by Mike Stivic

I agree with your observation. I for one do not think that telling the truth should cost anything. Selling truth for a price is not in my book the decent thing to do.

These days, Alex Jones is always promoting himself. He cuts off meaningful discussion and always finds a way to cut away for a break half way into a really good thought and then....AJ breaks away. When he returns, he speaks for ten minutes on unrelated matters and then says "Back to you" as if he just does not see that he has undermined the guest speaker and confused the audience.

I don't know what to say about AJ except he is doing some good. While some is better than none, if indeed he is a CIA asset, then what he is doing with the whole Google thing could be for the benefit of Google and or the CIA. Anyway, Alex Jones goes on the internet, prints out some articles and then pretends to have "researched". Well, that is not research.

Alex Jones wont fly for fear of being killed and I don't blame him but then again that could be a cover for staying home and eating and making money while sitting reading internet news to the masses and getting irrational and theatrical like some fake wrestling match. AJ comes off a a phony most of the time and anyone can see it is all about making money.

Alex Jones is a closet hater and he shows it whenever he talks about "Mexicans or Immigrants". He cant hide that Texas bigotry and mixed in with making money at all costs and anyone can see that Alex Jones is like some vampire that needs blood to survive.

He hasn't followed up or really done any real investigative journalistic ventures. Instead Alex Jones has become the T-Shirt king of radio sitting in a chair wearing some stooge t-shirt reading from pages printed out for him.

I have often wondered how many reams of paper he goes through to print, reprint and so forth over and over whenever he gets an itch. I believe he has alone gone through a forest of trees worth of paper just to appear studious and professional.

Hell, he even slaps the papers and shuffles them as if the more papers or the bigger the stack the more important he is. Oh well. He promotes and talks movies and videos like he is Spielberg and acts like he is a member of Hollywood which we know he is not.

Well, selling truth to me is wrong. Just don't like it, never have and never will to me. That fact alone is enough for me to always question and look at what Alex Jones is doing and saying.

Dont like his vampire need for money, but then again I can understand why. I just don't think that informing the masses on issues that are critical to all of us should be a paid requirement. Even if he does give so many away, it is all about selling the volume and getting the Google ratings necessary to make the dough. That's why he sells bundles of videos and leads people to the t-shirt section for that "Dont Tread on Me" favorite t-shirt of Alex Jones.

Anyway, just had to vent about Alex Jones. Thanks for post and the opportunity to do so.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by damwel

I agree. Yes its awesome to wake people up. But screaming Fire Fire every morning for 10 years tends to lose its impact ..we dont need any of us who have actually woken up to start hitting the snooze button..

Although I wasnt really going to get into the chicken little aspect here.

this thread more or less was meant to point out the possible alterior motive behind the google campaign and also explore the way AJ is employing NLP and subliminal association to not only influence thought
but also possibly motivate his loyal followers to willingly sign up for some clandestine variation of the "no fly list".



to endisnighe,

that was a great addition to the thread and an awesome example of the tactic TY



posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by MaxBlack
reply to post by Mike Stivic

I agree with your observation. I for one do not think that telling the truth should cost anything. Selling truth for a price is not in my book the decent thing to do.

These days, Alex Jones is always promoting himself. He cuts off meaningful discussion and always finds a way to cut away for a break half way into a really good thought and then....AJ breaks away. When he returns, he speaks for ten minutes on unrelated matters and then says "Back to you" as if he just does not see that he has undermined the guest speaker and confused the audience.

I don't know what to say about AJ except he is doing some good. While some is better than none, if indeed he is a CIA asset, then what he is doing with the whole Google thing could be for the benefit of Google and or the CIA. Anyway, Alex Jones goes on the internet, prints out some articles and then pretends to have "researched". Well, that is not research.

Alex Jones wont fly for fear of being killed and I don't blame him but then again that could be a cover for staying home and eating and making money while sitting reading internet news to the masses and getting irrational and theatrical like some fake wrestling match. AJ comes off a a phony most of the time and anyone can see it is all about making money.

Alex Jones is a closet hater and he shows it whenever he talks about "Mexicans or Immigrants". He cant hide that Texas bigotry and mixed in with making money at all costs and anyone can see that Alex Jones is like some vampire that needs blood to survive.

He hasn't followed up or really done any real investigative journalistic ventures. Instead Alex Jones has become the T-Shirt king of radio sitting in a chair wearing some stooge t-shirt reading from pages printed out for him.

I have often wondered how many reams of paper he goes through to print, reprint and so forth over and over whenever he gets an itch. I believe he has alone gone through a forest of trees worth of paper just to appear studious and professional.

Hell, he even slaps the papers and shuffles them as if the more papers or the bigger the stack the more important he is. Oh well. He promotes and talks movies and videos like he is Spielberg and acts like he is a member of Hollywood which we know he is not.

Well, selling truth to me is wrong. Just don't like it, never have and never will to me. That fact alone is enough for me to always question and look at what Alex Jones is doing and saying.

Dont like his vampire need for money, but then again I can understand why. I just don't think that informing the masses on issues that are critical to all of us should be a paid requirement. Even if he does give so many away, it is all about selling the volume and getting the Google ratings necessary to make the dough. That's why he sells bundles of videos and leads people to the t-shirt section for that "Dont Tread on Me" favorite t-shirt of Alex Jones.

Anyway, just had to vent about Alex Jones. Thanks for post and the opportunity to do so.

Also, he says people are "waking up." Bullsh*t! I believe all it is his show gaining in popularity. That is it!

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 02:28 PM
LOL . . . Alex says, "This is the biggest thing I've ever done!" Wow, really, A.J.? As big as your Obama hoax with Charlie Sheen?... because that's what you said of that event, too...

I'm sure Jones' book has some compelling info in it. However, one of the things that a has never set well with me was his use of Obama's face painted white like the "Joker" as an adornment for his website.

I'm certainly not in Obama's camp, but that kind of behavior comes off as prejudice and gives the impression that Jones has no respect at all for the office of the U.S. President. That's just my opinion.

I'm getting to the point with that man that I see red when I even hear his obnoxious voice. I don't even visit his website anymore to see if he's got anything of interest. What is even more ironic is that he's got all these gun-ho supporters who love to use the term "sheeple" to describe the majority of Americans when they behave no differently themselves when it comes their defense of Jones. They are blind to his questionable acts.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 02:35 PM
Jones touts that he's been in this business for 40 years. In those 40 years, what has he actually accomplished as a person who tries to portray himself as a defender of this nation who is taking on the enemy?

I believe much of America's awakening has been nothing more than a natural occurrence over a period of time. The Internet has fueled this awakening, along with the fact the people are becoming so tired of being lied to and drained of all their resources.... Those two circumstances, combined with the PTB's increasing lack of attention to detail in covering their tracks has awakened America.

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