posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 01:46 AM
Please lets not pull out the fake bin laden stuff again, you folks do know he died 8 years ago from kidney and hogkins disease. It was in a NSA
briefing. TPTB are playing the terror card again, to pull the wool over folks eyes, yet another time. Pathetic.
Interresting thing is that during the cold war when the USSR attack afganistan, an american congressman with ties to the CIA named Charly Wilson. part
of the old boy network got CIA to iniltrate the rebels, train them, and finally supply them with all kinds of weapons. In trade they would get a 80%
off all the poppies that could be refined into herione. One of the CIA's ways to make tons of $$$. Run it through various world banking systems and
help fund various black op projects.
So when high level goverment folks start waving the terror card, its rather foolish. Considering the US goverement not only funded the rebels , I.E.
Talaban-Mushajdeen. But gave them top of the line shoulder launched Stinger missiles to orginaly shoot down russian HIND-D attack helecopters. WE the
US goveremnt trained all these so-called terrorists, helped them beat the USSR. Then left them alone..with all the training and modern day weapons.
Then the west re-started the Crusade Wars. Christian nations against muslim nations. And we have the never ending foolishness, where millions die for
its all a game...which repeats itself over, and over, and over again...
just a game.