reply to post by XsameXoneXotherX
Over the weekend I got these answers. Take them as you will........
“Who is God?” “God” is everything good that exists.
“Explain that to me.” Picture the earth as a fruit tree. It takes nutrients from the ground and brings it into itself so that it can produce fruit
and grow larger. That fruit is then eaten and spread to produce new fruit trees. The new trees then grow up so that they can produce fruit themselves.
The universe is fed just like the fruit tree but pure energy is what feeds the universe instead of soil. If the fruit is “pure” then it is eaten,
if not it is left.
“Is that why there are black holes?” Think of black holes as a deposit box or returning energy. Returning the energy from where it came from to be
used somewhere else. But you must be careful; there is more than one type of black hole.
“Explain that to me.” There are “Good” black holes and “evil” black holes and they come in many different types.
“Explain that to me.” The “black holes” in the center of each galaxy is a “Good” thing. Another form of a “black hole” is one who
always wants, and tries to get those wants from others. An example is someone who asks to “borrow” money with no intent to pay back. They are in
fact a “black hole” and should be avoided. Planets have gravity to hold “Good” in place and, have branched properties of a black hole. There
are many different forms but these are just a few examples.
“Doesn’t that mean it also holds evil in place?” Everything is “Good” until the test is finished and decided if passed or failed.
“So we should never lend money?” I did not say that. Part of life is to learn these things. If I were to explain everything then it wouldn’t be
your choice would it? These things are all parts that we all must learn.
“Why are we here?” To learn what “Good” and “Evil” is, and whether or not you are “pure.”
“Explain that to me.” “God” is everything good. All life starts as good but in order to create new “Good” it must be touched by “evil”
to undergo the test. If the test is passed then you stay “Good” and remain part of “God”. If not you are born again and the process starts all
over. It goes in a circle like this until it is realized that it is “Good.” Many never realize this because “evil” tries to hide the
“Explain that to me.” That is part of the test and you must learn that on your own. I will say however if you follow your heart then you won’t
be let down.
“Are any religions correct?” To answer that complete question would take to long to answer, however I will say that at one time my word was
written down everywhere but over time “evil” has been changing my word, but it is all part of the test. I will also say that you don’t need any
“Book” to understand “Good” and “Evil.”
“Why have you waited so long?” I have, and always will be here.
“So is the test finished then???” You will know the test is finished when you see me.
“How do we know if we are good or evil?” You will know when you believe what I am telling you.
“Explain that to me.” When you are born you ask questions. The questions you ask are to help you take the test.”
“Why are we here?” I already answered that.
[edit on 20-7-2010 by Trudge]