posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 07:58 PM
California, in particular the Los Angeles and, especially the San Francisco Bay area (of which Oakland is oft considered the ne'er-do-well,
lower-class batard step-child) is being carefully prepared for civil unrest the likes of which have not been seen since the Rodney King
inspired Compton riots a decade ago.
The media-fueled genus of this unrest, the accepted locus, will be the sentencing of the BART cop who (accidentally) shot and killed Oscar Grant,
while supossedly reaching for his Taser.
Does public funding cuts to the Oakland police figure into the steady drumbeat of fear and coverage; most likely.
But California is a State with more than it's share of problems right now (not to in any way diminish the tragedy being suffered in the Gulf
and , as it has in the past, California is in the midst of stepping up to its practiced role as social harbinger of the Nation's (if not the
World's) future.
Ladies and gentlemen, the No Smoking lamp is on. Please bring your seats to the upright position, make sure your seatbelts are tightly fastened,
and be prepared to fight for your lives if the need should arise.
[edit on 20-7-2010 by Bhadhidar]
[edit on 21-7-2010 by Bhadhidar]