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Strange "blobs" in North Carolina Sewers

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posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 12:59 AM
Just came across this video of the strangest looking blobs living in North Carolina sewers. Wish I could find an article with more information, but nobody seems to know what to make of them yet.

Edit: Ok, apparently they are tubifex worms, but still freaky as hell.

[edit on 19-7-2010 by The Cusp]

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 01:13 AM
As cool as this vid is, it has been posted on ATS multiple times.

sorry to burst your sewer blob bubble.


posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 01:16 AM
WTF IS THAT! One of those swamp monsters you read about in stories but now its real!

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by SolarE-Souljah
As cool as this vid is, it has been posted on ATS multiple times.

sorry to burst your sewer blob bubble.


Aww nuts, thought I stumbled across something new...

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 01:20 AM
I have a really hard time believing it's simply tubifex is an older thread about this. I made the following post in that thread:

Originally posted by CHA0S
Here's the only sense I can make of this. This creature has gone through some rather crude mutations in a short period of time in order to survive in the sewers. I don't really know what it might have mutated from...but I did notice someone earlier said...IT HAS EYES...well the last one does...I also noticed it extended some sort of pole as it contracted violently and it's eyes opened. It sort of contracts giving us a better view of it's head and suddenly opens it's eyes wide as it quickly extends this pole...which I'm guessing might be a stinger...or maybe it releases something...but I think it is trying to protect it's young...because it is pregnant...they all are...maybe they use asexual reproduction to propagate...I suspect the contraction is used in order to harden their "shell" and protect their young...but I wonder what that pole thingy does...This is the sewer monster in question:
In this pic the sewer monster is just starting to contract but we can still see it's eyes:
Here it starts to contract:
It then suddenly opens it's eyes wide and extends the pole thing:
It then lowers the pole:
And then extends it again:
And finally lowers it again and the camera pans away.

EDIT: Get me a stick...seriously though...someone REALLY needs to get a specimen of this looking at that video and reading through this thread...that thing requires further investigation.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by CHA0S

its most likely a poor mutated frog

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 01:26 AM
Is this the small Brain of a BP exceutive on Holiday somewhere sailing his Yaght whilst the rest of us wonder WTF is going on !!


PurpleDOG UK

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 01:28 AM
this is old stuff
but it have intrigued me from the start ....

maybe a little microbes city live in that
microsystem of microorganisme .. its plausible

sewer are very nasty.... its always smelly and humid in there
wouldnt surprise me to see a new life evolve in there
(some sort of evolution) like the movie with Fox mulder

i have never saw any result from expert on this
some people say its CGI HOAX
but its well to "beautifull" to have been made

i would be scare to put a stick on it ...
maybe some mucus explosion will splash my face if we put pressure on it ... wont take that chance to be jizzed on

and be the new blob myself :O

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 01:36 AM
here the vid from the link

Chaos you did find something i didnt saw the first time
we can see at the end 2 eyes and below it in the middle ..
there is like a sting coming out ... ready to strike

Aliens are living in those sewer ... making babies
for a future invasion :O
but they are not the grey aliens we know off lol

[edit on 7/19/2010 by Ben81]

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by Ben81

but not the grey alien we know off lol does have a squid/grey like head though doesn't it? Odd...

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 01:43 AM
Exhaustive thread on it here

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 01:43 AM
oh i have found it !!!

those are Tubifex worms (new theory on this blob)
cant really confirm it but if you compare the vid from the sewer and this video (the blob in a glass) you can match them perfectly

thread closed ahah
still very disgusting

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 01:46 AM
if you are interested...look up Bryozoan

there is even a vid of some rednecks shooting one with a .308..I lol'd

weird little #ers at that..the bryozoans, not the rednecks

[edit on 19-7-2010 by daddymax]

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by CHA0S
reply to post by Ben81

but not the grey alien we know off lol does have a squid/grey like head though doesn't it? Odd...

LOL ya but i didnt want to mention it

if those are really tubifex worms .. then the head is in our heads ahaha
there is not really any eye or sting ... a worm getting a bonner perhaps ...
sorry im tired

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 01:46 AM
Please continue the discussion in the existing thread.

Thank you.

Thread closed.

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