posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 09:33 PM
During an experience I had (which I cant explain the circumstances of, due to certain forum rules) I think I did experience death. I'll try to
provide some incite to your questions. Basically, this is how I look at it-(I am going to be talking about my views like they are facts, but I dont
mean to sound arrogant) You physical body is a vessel for your "soul", your eyes are just peep holes your looking through, your soul is what sees
and experiences. So when your dead, you still see, but without the limits of your physical body. Your physical body is just a set of parameters used
to experience reality, if that makes any sense what-so-ever. What is it like just to be a soul? Well, there is no straight forward answer for this,
just like there is no one answer to "what is it like to live in physical reality" - imagine trying explaining that to a being that has never
experienced physical reality. During my "death" experience, I remember being in a place that was very familiar, but its extremely difficult to
explain so Im not going to try(I typed some stuff up, read it, but it still wasn't what I was trying to say so thats why I am not going to try to
explain it, sorry). Im pretty its the place where you go right after you die and thats why it was so familiar, is like an in-between realm before you
choose your next path. I know that is vague so it doesnt help you at all, you have probably heard similar things, but more details would just make it
more confusing. The only thing I can recommend to get a better understanding is to practice astral projection, and read experience reports on
erowid(cant go into specifics here either because of the rules). The tebetan book of the dead is not bad either. Anyway, I could go on, but I see so
far my post is long and with little substance, so Im going to stop myself here. Honestly the only way to understand it is to experience it unless
somehow you can remember it from before you were born.
edit- one big thing I forgot, I think belief systems largely effect an individual's experience after death, your beliefs are a filter you experience
reality through, just like your physical body filters your view of reality(like the peep hole example with your eyes). So strong religious beliefs
will make you have a different experience, but imo the more beliefs you have, the more distorted the experience is.
[edit on 18-7-2010 by CREAM]