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How does this help the truth movement?

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posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 06:30 PM
WeAreChange goes around and yells questions into the faces of politicians.

How does this help them in their cause?

Verifiable information and bringing it to court is the only way any justice can be done.Not following them around and screaming questions in their face.I mean let's be realistic,I'm all for finding the truth but things like this does more damage then good.

And I do think 9/11 was an inside job.There are way to many coincidences to be coincidental.


posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by XxiTzYoMasterxX

I watched the video, he wasn't yelling until he got pulled away by security after asking his questions. I am proud of those people who have the guts to go out there and ask the tough questions to those in power, in their face.

Politicians, Congress, The Government has been in the shadows for way to long. There was a time when someone high up was lying about such important things hes was left to be dealt with by the people. That's whats going on today.

If we would have spoke up like this before all of this came about, they would have thought twice before trying to pull it off in the first place. We are not sheep, we are not collateral damage, and we are not going to take it anymore, I personally wish I had the resources to do what these people go out there and do, and since I cant, I'm glad someone out there is.

If we don't stand for us who will, the time to be cordial has come and gone. I DO NOT condone violence at all, but I think that a guy at a book signing that got caught straight up lying shouldn't really be so concerned about an outburst by a person who is fed up. This is life, if we have to deal, what makes others so special that they don't?

Peace to you... and all the people that stand loud and proud to help defend our rights!!!

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 06:54 PM
Well what other options do they have?

Mail letter that just get thrown away and never read?

Sit on their rears and keep their mouth shut?

Or would you rather them up the ante and throw bullets instead of words?

I am just saying, I don't really see many other options available. Seems like standing there yelling at a politician is the only LEGAL thing they can do that will get any traction at all...

And it's not like ANY of these would get traction anyways.

So let them yell. I would be mad if I was marginalized that bad too.

Oh wait I am marginalized that bad. I guess those WeAreChange guys are better than me. I am just sitting here on my rear.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by XxiTzYoMasterxX

It does nothing but further show what a pack of uniformed idiots they are.

June 2010 was the warmest in recorded history. Water surface temperatures in June 2010 were at the 4th warmest in history.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by XxiTzYoMasterxX

Great video!
I commend these guys, it take guts to do what people are afraid to do.
Al Gore is a proven fraud, and yes it is all about the money and passing laws to benefit the few newly corporation that are going to rake in billions. Even I had bought into to this snake oil salesman con job.

These guys from Loose Change chose to go in person and film what they are doing. We can write all the letters and emails all we like, but they are mostly ignored, this way gets their attention, I love it.

[edit on 18-7-2010 by impressme]

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 11:23 PM
I hope that with the passage of time there will be larger and larger groups of people following politicians around and yelling questions at them. Very serious crimes were committed on 9/11 by a segment of the political establishment in the United States.

These people have the power to insulate themselves from legal action through various means to such an extent that a motion of impeachment was brought against President Bush while he was in office. Much of Bush's time in office was spent using presidential signing statements to twist the intent of legislation passed in congress. He also ignored numerous subpoenas from Congress aimed at getting documents and information about various matters of interest to them.

Also during his term of office, very suspicious attacks on different legislators who opposed Bush administration initiatives like the war in Iraq and the Patriot Act took place.

That should tell you a whole lot about why other avenues are not pursued. What is the point of taking the people who control the courts to court? What is the point of complaining to the police department about the people who control the police department?

I hope that more and more people get on the We Are Change bandwagon.

[edit on 18-7-2010 by ipsedixit]

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 03:25 AM
I applaud them, even though I think their ideas are risible.

Far too many in the TM seem to be content to sit on web forums talking about how clever they are, how they've seen through the "lies" and understood the government's hand in mass murder for profit.

Asked what they're doing with this frankly explosive information, they usually admit that they limit themselves to posting on web forums about how clever they are. "It's impossible to make a difference anyway," they claim, which handily absolves them from ever having to air their views in public, or subject them to scrutiny.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 03:51 AM
Originally posted by TrickoftheShade

Asked what they're doing with this frankly explosive information, they usually admit that they limit themselves to posting on web forums about how clever they are.

Care to demonstrate to who are all these people you speak of, who have made this claim?

[edit on 19-7-2010 by impressme]

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by impressme

It's pretty easy. You just work out the numbers at real-life Truth events (perilously low), and deduct that from the numbers on the internet preaching on high to the "sheeple" about how they can see through the "lies" (pretty high).

But no, I'm not going to start calling out individuals. For a start it's kind of rude. And furthermore it's pretty obvious who's who.

(BTW, I'm sure you're not in the latter camp. I imagine you've been petitioning congress and marching like crazy.)

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by XxiTzYoMasterxX

Those guys are unprofessional as hell. I can't watch the video while on this pc but I have seen several of thier videos. CIT is possibly tied with them in poor ethics IMHO.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 11:52 AM
Maybe you guys are right.But instead of yelling right away maybe WeAreChange should hand out flyers with all the information first.Then start yelling so at least people know what they are yelling about.Not everybody knows about the "NWO".

Not hating on them just trying to figure out a way for people to understand what they're yelling for.


posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

Asked what they're doing with this frankly explosive information, they usually admit that they limit themselves to posting on web forums about how clever they are.

Care to demonstrate to who are all these people you speak of, who have made this claim?

Just as I suspected, you would not answer my simple question. However, you have no problems making false statements about other people. When you refuse to back up your accusation, you become less credible to the casual reader, this doesn’t help your cause.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by impressme

There isn't a casual reader. There's a load of vastly polarised people who are going to read whatever they read on this website mostly with enormous preconceptions.

What was the last 9/11 Truth event you attended, as a matter of interest? Or perhaps you've written some letters?

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade
Asked what they're doing with this frankly explosive information, they usually admit that they limit themselves to posting on web forums about how clever they are.


Originally posted by pteridine
You can bet I know much more analytical chemistry than Jones and his "team," combined,

I have many publications in peer reviewed chemistry and technology journals and regularly review papers for Analytical Chemistry and Catalysis. That is why when I read Jones' paper, I had to tell the non-technical readers of ATS why it didn't prove what it is claimed to have proved. If it had proved the claims, I would have so stated. Jones and other such will not be able to buffalo ATS readers based on their reputations in the CT communities.

I must agree there are to many fake experts trying to defend the OS. I am glad that you can at least see that.

[edit on 19-7-2010 by impressme]

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 03:08 AM
You've misunderstood my use of the word "explosive", haven't you?

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade
reply to post by impressme

There isn't a casual reader. There's a load of vastly polarised people who are going to read whatever they read on this website mostly with enormous preconceptions.

What was the last 9/11 Truth event you attended, as a matter of interest? Or perhaps you've written some letters?

Oh bologna, there's plenty of casual readers here and some of us have done more than you know so please avoid generalizations of this community in particular.
Vastly polarized people with enormous preconceptions, wow that sounds really ominous, but in that, I hope you realize that no one is above preconception, and most folks have gotten theirs from people who had a vested interest in covering up the tragic events of that day.

Watch this video, and get a really good idea of just how powerful a preconception is. Your brain is wired up for them, and once is has been created, it is almost impossible to think from outside of it. The media is the most powerful preconception creating tool ever devised, and they are well aware of this most basic mammalian learning process.

You've been conditioned to accept the authority of the mainstream media and that is exactly how they get away with passing off even the most obvious crap like this...

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by twitchy

Yeah, you're not really a casual reader, are you?

That said, I'd be happy to hear why you think the "perps" would report their crime on - what you I imagine believe to be - a pet news channel. And how the BBC, which is a foreign and independent news source, an organisation that employs 30000 people, is complicit in the 9/11 attacks.

Or you could just admit that your opinions might not be quite as representative of Joe Public's as you seem to think.

[edit on 20-7-2010 by TrickoftheShade]

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

Ah yes, Joe Public. Who is Joe Public anyway, you? Me? The guy running the hotdog stand? Abu Zubaida? No, I don't speak for him nor do you.
But you see, Joe is perhaps a little misguided and perhaps naive, but he isn't stupid and common sense alone tells him that this isn't a fire related collapse...

BBC is an independent news source?
Well then perhaps you can explain why the BBC along with several other news organizations like CNN for example were reporting that WTC 7 had collapsed long before it actually collapsed. Perhaps you can explain the incredible pyschic ability of Mayor Ghouliani's staff when they told him to leave the building because it was GOING to collapse or the police and other first responders clearing the immediate area around WTC 7 because of it's imminent collapse and Silverstein's bizzare "pull it' quote. The demolition squibs clearly visible, the buckling of the central support structure, a perfect symmetrical footprint collapse that missed just barely missed literal freefall speed and the bomb sniffing dogs being pulled off the job along with an unprecedented power down of various systems in the complex the weekend before and a holy host of other cooincidences and nefarious, dishonest crap... Nobody can explain them, hence the topic persists.

Joe Public watches 9 billion hours of television a week in the US alone, and that television was hell bent on making Joe believe it was a miraculous and unprecedented fire related collapse. Joe has some questions about these events, that neither you or I, or NIST or the 9-11 Commission's report has all the answers to. That is what brings us here. If you have some alternative ideas as to what course of action we should take, feel free to espouse them, but marching on Washington or writing your congressman isn't it, you probably know that as well as Joe does, so deridding folks for posting on a forum about it is perplexing to me.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 05:38 AM
reply to post by twitchy

Well, you haven't answered my question. I'm not that surprised, because if you think for more than a few seconds about the early reporting of building 7 it makes no sense at all that it could be either a deliberate tactic or an error.

I could explain it, but it would take a long time and I'm not inclined to. Instead why don't you try to explain to me why, as a "perp" you would want your pet news source exposing your crime?

And the BBC not independent? I don't follow your circular logic. If your evidence is only that they reported Seven early, then you need to show that that in itself is suspicious. Start with the chain of command at the BBC. Which of them know? How deep does the knowledge go? Did the anchor know? The duty editor? Producer? My cousin and my wife's brother work there, both in news. Are they in on 9/11?

As for your imprecations about my comments regarding posting on forums, I'm mystified. You seem to be saying that you have questions for the government that you aren't going to bother to address to them. Or worse, you have evidence of their complicity in murder and that the best way to deal with this is by doing... nothing.

I find that odd. And likely evidence that you're not that serious about your beliefs.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
Well what other options do they have?

Mail letter that just get thrown away and never read?

Sit on their rears and keep their mouth shut?

Or would you rather them up the ante and throw bullets instead of words?

I am just saying, I don't really see many other options available. Seems like standing there yelling at a politician is the only LEGAL thing they can do that will get any traction at all...

And it's not like ANY of these would get traction anyways.

So let them yell. I would be mad if I was marginalized that bad too.

Oh wait I am marginalized that bad. I guess those WeAreChange guys are better than me. I am just sitting here on my rear.

Actually, there are plenty of avenues for genuine political discourse. Our political history is a testament to grass roots movements (as well as some "astroturf movements). If you genuinley have viabble arguments you will eventually gather some popular momentum. Ask groups such as MADD.

But confronting a former Vice President of the United States in a public setting and screaming about eugnics and the new world order is useless. First, security (and rightfully so) is going to step in and end anything that they think may be endangering their charge.

Also, if you want some popular discourse then you need to involve people in the conversation. There is none of that here. The "movement" has all the questions and all the answers, there is no room for anything else but following. This is going to get them nowhere. This is not a comment on the content of the message, but on the political reality.

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